Academy of Engineering &Technology STEM pathways for innovation, exploration, research, and collaboration AET Information Nights •September 27th - Rock.


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Presentation transcript:

Academy of Engineering &Technology STEM pathways for innovation, exploration, research, and collaboration AET Information Nights •September 27th - Rock Ridge High School, 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm •September 29th - Park View High School, 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm •October 3rd - Tuscarora High School, 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm •October 4th - Blue Ridge Middle School, 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm The newest of LCPS’s STEM magnet programs will opened at Tuscarora High School in the fall of 2016.

The mission of the Academies of Loudoun is to empower students to explore, research, collaborate, innovate, and to make meaningful contributions to the world in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Academy of Engineering & Technology (AET) Academy of Science (AOS) Monroe Advanced Technical Academy (MATA) Academies of Loudoun The Academies magnet programs are designed for students who have expressed interest in and wish to pursue careers in STEM fields. The Academies of Loudoun will open in the fall of 2018 and will bring together the two current LCPS STEM magnet programs, C.S. Monroe Technology Center (renamed as Monroe Advanced Technical Academy-MATA) and the Academy of Science (AOS). Students will attend the Academies of Loudoun on an alternate A/B day schedule which allows them to stay fully engaged at their home schools, this gives Academies students the opportunity to have a rich, well round high school experience. MATA-current MTC programs and AOS move to new facility with increased capacity Additionally, new Academy of Engineering and Technology (AET) pathways will be offered to students entering the Academies of Loudoun. The AET program pathways will open to students at Tuscarora High School in the fall of 2016. Students will enter as ninth graders and chose one of three new integrated STEM curricular programs. AET new program, opening in a satellite location in fall 2016, will have 9th grade cohort in 2016, add 10th grade cohort in 2017 and move into AOL in 2018 offering 11th and 12th grade pathways (is this a second entry point for students?) The Academies of Loudoun will open in SY 2018-2019

a STEM center for innovation, exploration, research, and collaboration “What you know is far less important than what you can do with what you know”, Tony Wagner a STEM center for innovation, exploration, research, and collaboration

Academy of Engineering & Technology The mission of the LCPS Academy of Engineering & Technology (AET) is to provide academic STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) pathways for students to engage in the study of engineering, entrepreneurship and information technologies. Students at the AET will develop their creative and enterprising capacities, engage in engineering and research, and have the opportunity to pursue a rich, well- rounded high school experience. Academy of Engineering & Technology

Academy of Engineering & Technology Student Goals/Outcomes Immersion in STEM curriculum that challenges students to: think critically innovate research design and invent to solve real-world, contextual problems. STEM curriculum that requires all students to complete research and/or engineering capstone projects Academy of Engineering & Technology Student Goals/Outcomes Define iSTEM- Integrated STEM in LCPS is defined as experiences that develop student understanding within one STEM area while also learning or applying knowledge and/or skills from at least one other STEM area. Our aim is to give students a rigorous, rich, well rounded STEM education that capitalizes on student interest in STEM fields, builds student engagement in STEM content and helps students to develop a “STEM identity” (term coined by the National Research Council-National Academies) this is particularly important for students for under-represented populations. The STEM identity helps students to build educational persistence and see the content as personally relevant. All factors that support students as they move to post secondary degree programs and careers. Hallmark of integrated STEM is use of real world situations or problems-this focus on real world ties in to the 4 key elements of our One to the World (significant content, authentic problems, public product, connected with the world) initiative Supports LCPS Strategic goal 1. To develop knowledgeable critical thinkers, communicators, creators and contirbutors-21st century skills Body of research supports incorporating research/engineering projects for students-”students who had research experiences in high school, who undertook an apprenticed mentorship or internship…with integrated STEM…are more likely to complete a STEM major” (National Academies Press) (Importance of Play, Passion, Purpose (Creating Innovators, Tony Wagner), “ What you know is far less important than what you can do with what you know”)

The Academy of Engineering & Technology (AET) opened at Tuscarora High School in SY 2016-17 Students entering the AET will follow an integrated STEM course of study in one of three different curricular pathways: AET Information Technology AET Engineering AET Entrepreneurship All AET students will continue in their pathways for both 9th & 10th grade AET at Tuscarora

All AET students are enrolled as full-time students in Loudoun County Public Schools, attending the AET and their home high school on alternating days Transportation is provided from all LCPS high schools to the Academy of Engineering & Technology located at Tuscarora High School Students who are admitted to the AET programs will be required to commit to a 2-year integrated course of study AET at Tuscarora

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AET INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING STEM ENTREPRENEURSHIP AET pathways Ability to be flexible-fluidity of curricular programs, 11 & 12 grade programs, first two years laying groundwork, ability to flip programs-”agility of programs” Essential knowledge and skills for iSTEM LCPS STEM experiences will: · Capitalize on student interest · Build on what students already know · Engage students in the practices of STEM · Engage students with inquiry learning Pathways to post-secondary degrees and/or certificated completion Real-life (career) contextualized learning within the domains of special interest for students, e.g. tinker student follows engineering pathways and has opportunities to participate in a variety of experiences, project work, research Students will use mathematics as a tool to connect to the world in which they live, all about application and connection within content, contextual Transdisciplinary-project-based or problem-based learning that connects multiple subject areas through a driving question (an inspiring, open-ended question that involves the use of targeted skills and knowledge for it to be answered). This driving question leads students to create a solution that incorporates the skills and knowledge of multiple subject areas (Next Generation Science Standards) AET 9th and 10th grade programs are foundational for students-prepare them for advanced content and coursework which will follow. Foundational courses also give students the opportunity to experience the culture and norms of each of the disciplines/career paths they choose Programs integrate academic and career and technical content to create contextual instruction and learning Fall 2016 9th grade cohort (150 students)-mention math and the kinds of courses students will take LCPS Integrated STEM Vision The goal of STEM (Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education at LCPS is to deepen students’ knowledge, skills, and habits of mind that characterize science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. LCPS offers students a variety of STEM courses and opportunities that are rigorous, demanding, and help students develop skills required for the 21st century. LCPS integrated STEM (iSTEM) experiences develop student understanding within at least one STEM area with the expectation that students also learn and /or apply knowledge and skills from at least one other STEM area. The curricula are designed to produce STEM process skills, and students who understand relevant applications of STEM content knowledge. Through iSTEM instruction, students will develop an understanding of the connections within STEM disciplines. Additionally, iSTEM instruction at LCPS is intended to generate a large pool of students prepared to pursue STEM areas in college or through further on-the-job-training in the workplace. LCPS iSTEM experiences will: Capitalize on student interest Build on what students already know Engage students in the practices of STEM Engage students with inquiry learning

AET Pathways AET Information Technology (IT) AET Engineering Designed for students who wish to engage in an intensive study of computer science and information technologies. All AET IT students will be required to design, develop and conduct multiple research projects while attending the AET. AET Engineering Designed for students who wish to engage in an intensive study of engineering, including the engineering design process. All AET Engineering students will be required to complete multiple engineering projects while attending the AET. AET Entrepreneurship Designed for students who are interested in STEM fields and wish to engage in an intensive study of developing, marketing and managing STEM related businesses. All AET Entrepreneurship students will be required to develop multiple, STEM focused business and marketing plans. AET Pathways Focus on problem solving Real situations Idea incubation Loudoun case studies Science is the study of the natural world, including the laws of nature associated with physics, chemistry, and biology and the treatment or application of facts, principles, concepts, or conventions associated with these disciplines. Science is both a body of knowledge that has been accumulated over time and a process—scientific inquiry—that generates new knowledge. Knowledge from science informs the engineering design process. Technology, while not a discipline in the strictest sense, comprises the entire system of people and organizations, knowledge, processes, and devices that go into creating and operating technological artifacts, as well as the artifacts themselves. Throughout history, humans have created technology to satisfy their wants and needs. Much of modern technology is a product of science and engineering, and technological tools are used in both fields. Engineering is both a body of knowledge—about the design and creation of human-made products—and a process for solving problems. This process is design under constraint. One constraint in engineering design is the laws of nature, or science. Other constraints include time, money, available materials, ergonomics, environmental regulations, manufacturability, and reparability. Engineering utilizes concepts in science and mathematics as well as technological tools. Mathematics is the study of patterns and relationships among quantities, numbers, and space. Unlike in science, where empirical evidence is sought to warrant or overthrow claims, claims in mathematics are warranted through logical arguments based on foundational assumptions. The logical arguments themselves are part of mathematics along with the claims. As in science, knowledge in mathematics continues to grow, but unlike in science, knowledge in mathematics is not overturned, unless the foundational assumptions are transformed. Specific conceptual categories of K–12 mathematics include numbers and arithmetic, algebra, functions, geometry, and statistics and probability. Mathematics is used in science, engineering, and technology. Adapted from NRC (2009)

AET Information Technology 9th Grade 10th Grade Discipline Course * Math AET Integrated Mathematics I (Algebra II/Trig, Math Analysis) AET Integrated Mathematics II SCI AET Physics (Physics) AET Advanced Computer Science-AP (AP Computer Science) CTE AET Information Technology and Computer Science (Information Technology, Computer Science) AET Research Chemistry (Chemistry) AET Engineering AET Integrated Science I (Physics, Chemistry) AET Integrated Science II AET Engineering Studies I (Engineering Studies) AET Engineering Studies II AET Entrepreneurship AET Entrepreneurship I (Entrepreneurship) AET Entrepreneurship II AET curriculum * All AET courses are honors level courses and are “weighted” by adding 0.5 to the point value for the grade. AET AP courses are weighted at 1.0

AET Information Technology AET Information Technology Pathway AET Courses-9th Grade Home HS Courses MATH: AET Integrated Mathematics I (Algebra II/Trig [3137] and Math Analysis [3162]) English Social Science Health & Physical Education World Language SCI: AET Physics (4510) CTE: AET IT and Computer Science (6670)   AET Courses-10th Grade SCI: AET Research Chemistry (8460) SCI: AET Computer Science, AP (3185) MATH: AET Integrated Mathematics II 2 math (1 verified), 3 science (1 verified), 1 CTE credits (satisfies Fine Arts or CTE credit) 2 English, 2 social science, 2 Health and PE, 2 World Language AET Information Technology

AET Engineering AET Engineering Pathway AET Courses-9th Grade Home HS Courses MATH: AET Integrated Mathematics I (Algebra II/Trig [3137] and Math Analysis [3162]) English Social Science Health & Physical Education World Language SCI: AET Integrated Science I (Physics [4510] and Chemistry [4410]   CTE: AET Engineering Studies I (8450) AET Courses-10th Grade MATH: AET Integrated Mathematics II SCI: AET Integrated Science II (Physics [4510] and Chemistry [4410]) CTE: AET Engineering Studies II (8491) 2 math (1 verified), 2 science (1 verified), 2 CTE credits (concentration sequence, satisfies Fine Arts or CTE credit) 2 English, 2 social science, 2 Health and PE, 2 World Language AET Engineering

AET Entrepreneurship AET Entrepreneurship Pathway AET Courses-9th Grade Home HS Courses MATH: AET Integrated Mathematics I (Algebra II/Trig [3137] and Math Analysis [3162]) English Social Science Health & Physical Education World Language SCI: AET Integrated Science I (Physics [4510] and Chemistry [4410]   CTE: AET Entrepreneurship I (9093) AET Courses-10th Grade MATH: AET Integrated Mathematics II SCI: AET Integrated Science II CTE: AET Entrepreneurship II (9094) 2 math (1 verified), 2 science (1 verified), 2 CTE credits (concentration sequence, satisfies Fine Arts or CTE credit) 2 English, 2 social science, 2 Health and PE, 2 World Language AET Entrepreneurship

Admissions Process for the Academy of Engineering & Technology 2017-18 School Year Admissions Criteria Successful completion of Geometry by end of 8th grade (students who plan to take Geometry in summer school or Virtual Loudoun-Term 2 cannot be considered) Student in good standing, passed all courses 7th grade Mathematics SOL scores (private school and home school students will be given a Mathematics assessment) California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory scores, CCTDI (given in LCPS middle schools on Dec 5-9) Writing Prompt scores (given in LCPS middle schools on Dec 5-9) Interest Statement (given in LCPS middle schools on Dec 5-9) AET pathway choice: AET Information Technology, AET Engineering, AET Entrepreneurship AET Admissions

September 26-Online application system opens October 14-Applications due, system closes at 5:00 pm March 2017-AET Offer Letters sent to students, tentative date April 2017-Open House for AET prospective students, date, location and time TBD April 2017-Students must commit to attending the AET program AET Admissions

Academy of Engineering & Technology Additional information about the AET and the admissions process will be available on the AET web pages at The AET admissions process will open on September 26, 2016 at Questions about the AET program and admissions process should be addressed to Academy of Engineering & Technology