Mikhail Ovsienko TE-MPE-EE 27.03.2014 Upgrades and Activities on 13kA EE systems done during LS1 by IHEP team Mikhail Ovsienko TE-MPE-EE 27.03.2014
The following works were executed in the period from June 2013 up to March 2014 by a team of specialist from IHEP, under supervision of CERN personnel and the help of a team from AGH-UST. General maintenance of the 13kA EES switches (VAB 49) Retightening of all bolted electrical connections on the power busbars of the 13 kA EES Installation of Snubber capacitors in RQD/F EE systems Replacement of arc chambers for RQD/F EE switches Mechanical modification in all RB dump resistors (DQRB) Dump resistors re-configuration Modification of the BCM modules for improving protection of VAB49 holding coil. General maintenance of Solenoid and Toroid switches on Atlas Works in Bld377 on 13kA EES test bench
General maintenance of the 13kA EES switches (VAB 49) All 256 switches installed in the 13kA EES have been Opened Cleaned Inspected and repaired if necessary Adjusted according to producer recommendation Tested in a local mode
General maintenance of the 13kA EES switches (VAB 49) Non conformities observed during the maintenance Disrupted micro switch activator and wires 4
General maintenance of the 13kA EES switches (VAB 49) Non conformities observed during the maintenance Broken insulator In comparison with previous maintenance the quantity of broken insulators decreased. Maintenance 2012 - 5pcs Maintenance 2013 - 1pcs 5
General maintenance of the 13kA EES switches (VAB 49) Non conformities observed during the maintenance Deformed pins inside “Burndy” connectors for VAB 49 holding coil . This fault could provide unexpected switch opening 6
General maintenance of the 13kA EES switches (VAB 49) Non conformities observed during maintenance Broken ODU connectors for VAB49 fast opening circuit There are two types of breakages: Melted pins Unfixed inner insulator 7
General maintenance of the 13kA EES switches (VAB 49) Damage observed during maintenance UA 47 falling scaffold part damaged X1 connector of QF damp resistor 8
General maintenance of the 13kA EES switches (VAB 49) Damage observed during maintenance Have been discovered missing neutral and one of the three phase in UA67 three phase main. Probably this malfunction may have provoked the unexpected opening of EES switches As a result of this malfunction were damaged two time relays in side of the DJRQ 9
General maintenance of the 13kA EES switches (VAB 49) Damage observed during maintenance In the RQF system in UA 83 a resistor in the interface module was discovered broken insulation to ground In the RQF in UA83 the connector SK102 in BCM module 2 was discovered not properly soldered (pin N10). This malfunctions also can provoke unexpected opening 10
General maintenance of the 13kA EES switches (VAB 49) All non-conformities discovered during general maintenance were corrected and repaired 11
Verification of all bolted electrical connections on the power busbars of the 13 kA EES All bolted electrical connections were checked by torque key set up to the180N. There were discovered a few non tightened nuts. On UA 23 RB busway have been found broken lamella contact (Multi Contact device). The nature of this breakage was incorrect assembling during the installation. The problem has been solved. 12
Installation of Snubber capacitors in RQD/F EE systems The benefit: To suppress the voltage transient perturbations in the circuits during switch commutation and to make the opening process lighter by reducing the electrical arc existence All 16 EE systems of RQD/F circuits were equiped. Four snubber capacitors per system + associated auxiliary boards in total 64 snubbers and 64 boards
Replacement of arc chambers for RQD/F EE switches The replacement of the existing 200V quadrupole arc chambers by new 1kV units was combined with snubber capacitors installation. 12 EE systems were equipped by 1kV dipole arc chambers . Four EE system in sectors 1-2 and 2-3 were installed earlier.
Mechanical modification in all RB dump resistors (DQRB) Mechanical modifications in dipole dump resistors was done by AGH team. IHEP team took part only in few moments concerning repairing of some copper leads
Dump resistors re-configuration The expected new conditions in LHC after LS1 require a new configuration of the dump resistors in RB and RQD/F EE systems RB_EE system requires only cable reconnection to get all three resistors in parallel Before LS1 t=55 sec After LS1 t=102 sec 16
Dump resistors re-configuration RQD/QF_EE system requires exclusion of additional 20 mOhm resistor, to get value of dump resistors 6.6mOhm or 7.7mOhm Additional 20mOhm resistor shorted and ready to use if necessary Before LS1 Rdump=27.8mOhm t=9.8s. Rdump=28.9mOhm t=9.4s. After LS1 Rdump=6.6mOhm t=32.15s. Rdump=7.7mOhm t=28.6s. 17
Modification of the BCM modules for improving protection of VAB49 holding coil. As a part of preventive maintenance it has been decided to replace relays in all EE systems (RB and RQD/F) 8 relays per EE system 32 systems 256 relays in total At the same time to improve holding coil protection has been decided to replace circuit breakers Q5,6,7,8 in BCM 8 circuit breaker per EE system 32 systems 256 breakers in total
All replacement were done Modification of the BCM modules for improving protection of VAB49 holding coil. All replacement were done BCM before modification BCM after modification 19
General maintenance of ATLAS solenoid and toroid switches Switches were: Opened Cleaned All bolted electrical connections were checked All 32 arcing contacts were cleaned and replaced by new if necessary All arcing contacts pressure force were adjusted up to correct value All main contacts were cleaned All 96 main contact springs were replaced and adjusted according producer recommendations We found possible malfunction of the Toroid switch, under certain conditions. The problem was discovered when, as in the situation with overheating , one contactor, instead of two, was conducting 20 kA. This malfunction defined by design feature. The owner of equipment was informed and problem have been discussed. To solve this problem was decided to install additional sensors to control state of contactors.
Work in Bld377(extention) on 13kA EES test bench Installed and electricaly connected 4 quadrupole and 3 dipole resistors 21
Work in Bld377(extention) on 13kA EES test bench Designed and manufactured two commutation boards in order to get the flexibility in the choice of Dump resistor value Commutation boards for dipole resistors Commutation boards for quadrupole resistors 22
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