Mark 2:15 What was Jesus doing at Levi’s house? #1 Mark 2:15 What was Jesus doing at Levi’s house? A. Talking about God B. Dining 16,17 C. Completing tax forms Round 2
Mark 1:23,24 Who said, “I know who You are - the Holy One of God!” #2 Mark 1:23,24 Who said, “I know who You are - the Holy One of God!” A. The centurion B. John the Baptist C. The man with an unclean spirit Round 2
Mark 3:35 Jesus said, “For whoever does the will of God is …. #3 Mark 3:35 Jesus said, “For whoever does the will of God is …. A. My brother and My sister and mother B. Saved C. My disciple Round 2
Mark 4:5,6 The sun scorched the seed that fell on what type of ground? #4 Mark 4:5,6 The sun scorched the seed that fell on what type of ground? A. Good ground B. Thorny ground C. Stony ground Round 2
#5 Mark 5:34 Jesus said to a certain woman, “Daughter, your ______ has made you well.” A. Physician B. Faith C. God Round 2
Mark 6:20 Who did Herod fear, knowing that he was a just and holy man? #6 Mark 6:20 Who did Herod fear, knowing that he was a just and holy man? A. Jesus B. Simon Peter C. John Round 2
#7 Mark 7:34 What did Jesus say to the deaf man with a speech impediment? _______, that is, “Be opened.” A. Ephphatha B. Epaphroditus C. Eloi, Eloi Round 2 8
#8 Mark 8:15 Jesus charged the disciples to beware of the __________ of the Pharisees and the __________ of Herod. A. Evil B. Traditions C. Leaven Round 2 9
Mark 9:40 Jesus said,“ For he who is not against us is _____________.” #9 Mark 9:40 Jesus said,“ For he who is not against us is _____________.” A. Trustworthy B. A true believer C. On our side Round 2 10
#10 Mark 10:27 Jesus said, “ With _______ it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all thing are possible.” A. Men B. Rulers C. The disciples Round 2 11
#11 Mark 11:15 Jesus went into the temple and drove out the moneychangers in what city? A. Bethany B. Nazareth C. Jerusalem Round 2 12
#12 Mark 12:31 The 2nd greatest commandment is: You shall love your ___________ as yourself. A. Wife B. Neighbor C. God Round 2 13
#13 Mark 13:31 Heaven and earth will pass, but My ________ will by no means pass away. A. Love B. Words C. Lord Round 2 14
#14 Mark 14:32 Where was Jesus when He said to His disciples, “Sit here while I pray?” A. The upper room B. Gethsemane C. The temple Round 2 15
Mark 15:43 Who asked for the body of Jesus after the crucifixion? #15 Mark 15:43 Who asked for the body of Jesus after the crucifixion? A. Mary Magdalene B. Joseph of Arimathea C. Judas Iscariot Round 2 16
Mark 16:16 He who believes and is __________ will be saved. #16 Mark 16:16 He who believes and is __________ will be saved. A. Serving others B. Good C. Baptized Round 2 17
Phil 1:13 Paul says his chains are in ________. #17 Phil 1:13 Paul says his chains are in ________. A. Christ B. prison C. Philippi Round 2 18
Phil 2:14 Do all things without ________. #18 Phil 2:14 Do all things without ________. A. Rejoicing B. Complaining and disputing C. Envy and strife Round 2 19
Phil 3:20 Paul said, “For our citizenship is in ________.” #19 Phil 3:20 Paul said, “For our citizenship is in ________.” A. Tennessee B. Heaven C. Philippi Round 2 20
#20 Phil 4:11 Paul said that he had learned, in whatever state he was, to be ______. A. Content B. Loving C. A servant Round 2 21
Col. 1:24 What did Paul say that he rejoiced in? #21 Col. 1:24 What did Paul say that he rejoiced in? A. Believers B. His suffering for the Colossian church C. The blood of Christ Round 2 22
Col. 2:4 What kinds of words can deceive you? #22 Col. 2:4 What kinds of words can deceive you? A. Wise words B. Persuasive words C. Powerful words Round 2 23
#23 Col. 3:20 Children, _________ your parents in all things, for this is well pleasing to the Lord. A. Obey B. Love C. Help Round 2 24
Col. 4:10 Who was the cousin of Barnabas? #24 Col. 4:10 Who was the cousin of Barnabas? A. Mark B. Paul C. John Round 2 25
A. The leaders of the Jews #25 Mark 3: 6 With whom did the Pharisees plot in how they might destroy Jesus? A. The leaders of the Jews B. The Gentiles C. The Herodians Round 2 26
A. Three monuments B. Three tabernacles C. Three statues #26 Mark 9: 5 What did Peter want to build on the mountain when Jesus was transfigured before them? A. Three monuments B. Three tabernacles C. Three statues Round 2 27 27
A. Nothing B. A burnt offering C. Prayer and fasting #27 Mark 9:29 When the disciples could not cast out the deaf and dumb spirit from the boy, Jesus said, “That kind can only come out by____________.” A. Nothing B. A burnt offering C. Prayer and fasting Round 2 28 28
Mark 12:30 What is the first of all the commandments? #28 Mark 12:30 What is the first of all the commandments? A. You shall love your neighbor as yourself B. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength C. You shall have no other gods before Me Round 2 29 29
Mark 5:22 Who was the ruler of the synagogue that fell at Jesus’ feet? #29 Mark 5:22 Who was the ruler of the synagogue that fell at Jesus’ feet? A. Jairus B. Pilate C. Zebedee Round 2 30 30
Col. 3:16 We should admonish one another with: #30 Col. 3:16 We should admonish one another with: A. Encouraging words B. Love C. Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs Round 2 31 31
#31 Mark 2:25, 26 Jesus asked the Pharisees if they had never read about _______ being hungry and eating the showbread in the days of Abiathar the high priest? A. David B. Isaiah C. Moses Round 2 32 32
Mark 4:14 What does the sower sow? #32 Mark 4:14 What does the sower sow? A. Grass B. Thorns C. The word Round 2 33 33
#33 Phil. 3:1 Paul encouraged the Philippian brethren to _________ in the Lord. A. Believe B. Rejoice C. Trust Round 2 34 34
Phil. 1:1 Who were the bondservants of Jesus Christ? #34 Phil. 1:1 Who were the bondservants of Jesus Christ? A. Paul and Timothy B. James and John C. Peter and Andrew Round 2 35 35
Phil 2:3 Let each esteem ___________ better than himself. #35 Phil 2:3 Let each esteem ___________ better than himself. A. The apostles B. Nothing C. Others Round 2 36 36
Phil. 4:5 What should be known to all men? #36 Phil. 4:5 What should be known to all men? A. Your wisdom B. Your righteousness C. Your gentleness Round 2 37 37
#37 Col. 4:7-9 Tychicus, a beloved brother, was sent by Paul to the Colossian church along with __________. A. Barnabas B. Onesimus C. John Round 2 38 38
#38 Phil 2:19 Paul trusted in the Lord to send who to the Philippian church shortly? A. Timothy B. Levi C. Peter Round 2 39 39
#39 Col. 3:14 But above all these things put on ________, which is the bond of perfection. A. Forgiveness B. Righteousness C. Love Round 2 40 40
Mark 3:14 Then Jesus appointed _____ , that they might be with him. #40 Mark 3:14 Then Jesus appointed _____ , that they might be with him. A. Seven B. Two C. Twelve Round 2 41 41
#41 Mark 4:31 Which seed, when it is sown on the ground, is smaller than all the seeds on earth? A. Mustard seed B. Watermelon seed C. Apple seed Round 2 42 42
Mark 6:3 Jesus was the brother of _____. #42 Mark 6:3 Jesus was the brother of _____. A. Paul and Timothy B. James, Joses, Judas, and Simon C. Peter, Andrew, James, and John Round 2 43 43
#43 Mark 6:8 When Jesus sent out the 12, two by two, He commanded them to take nothing except what? A. A staff B. A tunic C. Some bread Round 2 44 44
#44 Mark 8:29 Who answered, “You are the Christ” when asked the question about who Jesus was? A. John the Baptist B. Elijah C. Peter Round 2 45 45
#45 Mark 9:42-48 Jesus warned three times about where the fire is not quenched and their ______ does not die. A. Life B. Worm C. Love Round 2 46 46
#46 Mark 10:9 Therefore what God has joined together, let not man __________. A. Steal B. Separate C. Disagree Round 2 47 47
#47 Mark 10:22 When Jesus told the rich young ruler to sell whatever he had and give to the poor; the man was ____ at this word. A. Happy B. Rejoicing C. Sad Round 2 48 48
#48 Mark 10:34 After being crucified, Jesus would rise again on the __________. A. Third day B. Second day C. First day Round 2 49 49
#49 Mark 10:46 As Jesus was going out of what city, did He heal blind Bartimaeus? A. Jerusalem B. Jericho C. Bethany Round 2 50 50
Mark 13:32 Who knows the day and the hour when the Lord will return? #50 Mark 13:32 Who knows the day and the hour when the Lord will return? A. The angels in heaven B. The Son C. Only the Father Round 2 51 51