Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine Using Mobile Technologies to Conduct PDA-Based Surveys in Remote Areas Part II: Electronic Form Design and Data Management Methods Module 7 of 10 PDA-Based Electronic Form Design I Jeffrey Shaffer, Ph.D. Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine 1 1 1 1 1
Electronic Form Design and Data Management Methods Module 7 Electronic Form Design and Data Management Methods Module 8 PDA-Based Electronic Form Design II Module 6 Motivation and Practices Module 9 Data Preparation, Management, and Visualization Module 7 PDA-Based Electronic Form Design I Module 10 A Complete Case Study 2 2 2 2 2
Module 7 Learning Objectives 1. Identify several issues involved with setting up mobile-based forms for household survey questionnaires. 2. List the basic requirements for developing mobile-based forms. 3. Identify the components of mobile-based forms 4. Describe the steps for constructing mobile-based forms. 5. Understand the structure of mobile tables and describe how they relate to mobile-based forms. 6. List the basic control types associated with mobile-based forms. 3 3 3 3 3
Module 7 The Problem The household survey covered in this course calls for e-forms to be developed to record three levels of information: Household e.g., location, house material, power, pets Mother e.g., health insurance, age, education Child e.g., vaccinations, age, weight 4 4 4 4 4
The Problem Partial screenshots for each of the forms are given below. Module 7 The Problem Partial screenshots for each of the forms are given below. Household survey – 36 questions Mother survey – 32 questions Child survey – 19 questions 5
Module 7 The Problem The paper forms are shown in Spanish as the study setting is two rural communities in Mexico. The objective is to create three forms, one each for household, mother, and children data It is preferred to make the forms relational to facilitate data entry and management. 6 6 6 6 6
The Problem A three-level hierarchical structure Level 3 - Household Module 7 The Problem A three-level hierarchical structure Level 3 - Household Level 2 - Mother Mother 1 Mother 2 Level 1 - Child Child 1 Child 2 Child 3 Child 1 Child 2 Child 3 Child 4 7
Module 7 Linking the Forms Define a field for a unique household identifier, and use it to link the forms. Facilitates navigation among the forms and records Reduces likelihood of data entry errors Household Form Household # ____ Question 1….. Question 2….. : Mother Form Household # ____ Question 1….. Question 2….. : Child Form Household # ____ Question 1….. Question 2….. :
Linking the Forms Assign a unique identifier to each household Module 7 Linking the Forms Assign a unique identifier to each household Considerations Mother, no children Multiple mothers No mothers, some children
What is Required to Create a PDA-Based E-Form? Module 7 What is Required to Create a PDA-Based E-Form? Desktop or laptop computer PDA (≈ 300 USD) Software for developing PDA-based e-forms e.g., Visual CE (≈ 129 USD) Data synchronization application (freely available)
Software Resources – Form Design Module 7 Software Resources – Form Design Visual CE Use: PDA questionnaire design URL: http://www.syware.com/products/visualce.php Price: $129 System Requirements: PC: Windows 95 or later Mobile device: Windows CE device with Windows Mobile (Classic, Standard, Professional, or Embedded versions) or Windows CE 3.0 or later.
Classifications of Windows Operating Systems Module 7 Classifications of Windows Operating Systems Windows – entire collection of all Microsoft operating systems. Windows XP, Vista, 7 – specific versions of Windows for desktop or laptop computers. Windows CE – a flexible, core operating system for handheld devices. Windows Mobile – a specialized operating system that uses Windows CE as its core structure (formerly called Pocket PC).
Steps for Constructing PDA Forms Module 7 Steps for Constructing PDA Forms 1. Construct form on laptop / PC (Visual CE software) 3. Final form on the PDA device 2. Synchronize (MS ActiveSync / MS Mobile Device Center)
Form Content Module 7 Macros Labels Controls Images may also be used, but consider available space.
Developing PDA-Based E-forms Module 7 Developing PDA-Based E-forms Four main issues: 1. Designing the mobile table. 2. Matching each variable in the mobile table with an appropriate input mechanism, which is known as a control. 3. Designing the layout of the e-form (Module 8). 4. Assigning macros to make forms the user interface more user-friendly and make the forms relational (Module 8). 15 15 15 15 15
The Visual CE Interface Module 7 The Visual CE Interface Main menu Control buttons Standard toolbar Form editor 16 16 16 16 16
Designing a Mobile Table Module 7 Designing a Mobile Table From the main menu, File > Create Table… Table name Variable name Click to assign variable and define its type 17 17 17 17 17
Designing a Mobile Table Module 7 Designing a Mobile Table Variable Type Usage / Notes Text Integer Floating pt. Date/Time Memo Picture Yes/No Short string responses; allows for input masks; user can add responses to drop-down lists; permits multi-value selection Numeric, no decimal places Numeric with decimal places Dates or times Long string responses; user can add info in drop-down lists; permits multi-value selection Pictures and scribble notes Typically associated with a single checkbox 18 18 18 18 18
Module 7 A Mobile Table Controls Associated variables 19
Module 7 Visual CE Controls From the main menu, click Control The next step is to define and associate appropriate controls for each of the variables in the mobile table. We adopt the terminology described in the Visual CE (version 12) documentation. 20 20 20 20 20
Module 7 Control Descriptions Label – static descriptive text; describes the form and its interactive controls. Edit box – a single-line text box. Note box – a multi-line text box. Checkbox – a selection box that can be either selected or left empty. 21 21 21 21 21
Module 7 Control Descriptions Drop-down list – set of choices; one or more selections permitted. Radio buttons – set of choices; one selection permitted. Calculated field – no user entry; field is calculated based on responses from another field(s). Command button – essentially a macro feature. 22 22 22 22 22
Control Descriptions Scribble box – best suited for signature fields. Module 7 Control Descriptions Scribble box – best suited for signature fields. Timestamp – a single touch or click inserts the current date or time. Image – for displaying images or inserting electronic attachments. Jump button – best suited for navigating among multiple forms; covered in Module 8. 23 23 23 23 23
Module 7 Control Descriptions AutoNumber – a sequential identifier for each record in a table Lookup – data displayed from a related table Grid control – displays entire record from data in a lookup field mEnable stoplight – used to monitor the status of real-time synchronization activity between a PDA and a remote database. Red – disconnect from remote database Yellow – execute synchronization Green – connect to remote database 24 24 24 24 24
Issues Involving Controls Module 7 Issues Involving Controls Drop-down boxes Save space Unable to view responses Radio buttons Can see buttons Spacious Other considerations Validation rules Input masks
Issues Involving Controls Module 7 Issues Involving Controls Consider a question which results in one of three possible responses: yes, no, or unspecified. Which of the following control types is most appropriate for this type of question: Drop-down box Radio button Multiple selection box Open text field
Issues Involving Controls Module 7 Issues Involving Controls Consider a question which results in one of three possible responses: yes, no, or unspecified. Which of the following control types is most appropriate for this type of question: Drop-down box Radio button Multiple selection box Open text field
Issues Involving Controls Module 7 Issues Involving Controls Consider a question about age where responses are recorded in terms of five-year ranges; e.g., 0-5, 5-10, …85+. Which of the following control types is most appropriate for this type of question: Drop-down box Radio button Multiple selection box Open text field
Issues Involving Controls Module 7 Issues Involving Controls Consider a question about age where responses are recorded in terms of five-year ranges; e.g., 0-5, 5-10, …85+. Which of the following control types is most appropriate for this type of question: Drop-down box Radio button Multiple selection box Open text field
Module 7 Learning Objectives 1. Identify several issues involved with setting up mobile-based forms for household survey questionnaires. 2. List the basic requirements for developing mobile-based forms. 3. Identify the components of mobile-based forms 4. Describe the steps for constructing mobile-based forms. 5. Understand the structure of mobile tables and describe how they relate to mobile-based forms. 6. List the basic control types associated with mobile-based forms. 30 30 30 30 30
Hands-On Demonstration Module 7 Hands-On Demonstration A hands-on demonstration of creating a mobile table is provided next. 31 31 31 31 31
What’s Next? This concludes Module 7. In Module 8, I cover some specific techniques for using the Visual CE software application to design PDA-based e-forms. 32 32 32 32 32
Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine Using Mobile Technologies to Conduct PDA-Based Surveys in Remote Areas Part II: Electronic Form Design and Data Management Methods Module 7 of 10 PDA-Based Electronic Form Design I Jeffrey Shaffer, Ph.D. Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine 33 33 33 33 33