Year 4 : How can the Iron Man be protected from lightening?


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Presentation transcript:

Year 4 : How can the Iron Man be protected from lightening? NC – links to Science identify common appliances that run on electricity construct a simple series electrical circuit, identifying and naming its basic parts, including cells, wires, bulbs, switches and buzzers identify whether or not a lamp will light in a simple series circuit, based on whether or not the lamp is part of a complete loop with a battery recognise that a switch opens and closes a circuit and associate this with whether or not a lamp lights in a simple series circuit recognise some common conductors and insulators, and associate metals with being good conductors. WOW: Introducing the text, junk modelling, science workshop LC1 How would you meet the Iron Man's needs? LC2 Why don't we get a shock when we turn on the TV? LC3 Could I live without electricity? LC4 Can I light up the iron man? LC5 How does the Iron Man save the world? LC6 Can I design and improve products? LC7 LC7: Reflection: Where do the items end up when we throw them away? DT Link: Can they come up with at least one idea about how to create their product? Do they take account of the ideas of others when designing? Can they produce a plan and explain it to others? Can they suggest some improvements and say what was good and not so good about their original design? Literacy Link: Pupils will explore the text and they will write stories about the Iron Man (fiction). Linking with science, pupils will also explore explanation texts as well as instructional writing. Numeracy Link: Pupils to explore 3D nets as they use recycled packaging to create the junk model of the iron man. Creative Art Link: Pupils will use software to electronically compose a soundtrack to the text. Iron Man Ted Hughes Electric Storm Anna Capeci Forest Academy

Year 4 : How can the Iron Man be protected from lightening? Science DT Computing Can they set up a simple fair test to make comparisons? Can they plan a fair test and isolate variables and explain why it was fair and explain which variables have been isolated? Can they suggest improvements and predictions? Can they decide which information needs to be collected and decide which is the best way for collecting it? Can they use their findings to draw a simple conclusion? Can they explain how electricity is useful to us? Can they construct a simple circuit? Can they explain what a conductor is and test materials for conductivity? Can they explain closed and open circuits? Can they construct a circuit with a switch? Can they recognise some common conductors and insulators? Can they come up with at least one idea about how to create their product? Do they take account of the ideas of others when designing? Can they produce a plan and explain it to others? Can they suggest some improvements and say what was good and not so good about their original design? Can they tell if their finished product is going to be good quality? Are they conscious of the need to produce something that will be liked by others? Can they show a good level of expertise when using a range of tools and equipment? Have they thought of how they will check if their design is successful? Can they begin to explain how they can improve their original design? Can they evaluate their product, thinking of both its appearance and the way it works? Using materials: Can they measure carefully so as to make sure they have not made mistakes? How have they attempted to make their product strong? Can they use repeat instructions to draw regular shapes on screen, using commands? Can they experiment with variables to control models? Can they make turns specifying the degrees? Can they give an on-screen robot specific directional instructions that takes them from x to y? Can they make accurate predictions about the outcome of a program they have written? E-Safety: Understand to keep personal information and passwords private. Understand that if they make personal information available online it may be seen and used by others. Know how to respond if asked for personal information or feel unsafe about content of a message. Know difference between online communication tools used in school and those used at home. Understand the need for rules to keep them safe when exchanging learning and ideas online. Recognise that cyber bullying is unacceptable and will be sanctioned in line with the school’s policy. Know how to report an incident of cyber bullying. Understand the need to develop an alias for some public online use. Begin to identify when emails should not be opened and when an attachment may not be safe. Explain how to use email safely. Year (Challenging) Can they plan and carry out an investigation by controlling variables fairly and accurately? Can they use test results to make further predictions and set up further comparative tests? Can they explain how a bulb might get lighter? Can they recognise if all metals are conductors of electricity? Can they work out which metals can be used to connect across a gap in a circuit? Can they report findings from investigations through written explanations and conclusions? Forest Academy

Year 4: Year : How can the Iron Man be protected from lightening? LC1 How would you meet the Iron Man's needs? LC2 Why don't we get a shock when we turn on the TV? Discuss the differences between the Iron Man and us. How is he similar? How is he different? What does he need in order to survive? Create menus for the Iron man and persuasive letters, asking him to stop terrorising the villagers and convincing him to live in the junk yard. How do the Iron Man’s eyes light up? Discuss electricity and explore simple electrical circuits? Then explore the use of conductors and insulators and link this to safety with electrical appliances and circuits. LC3 Could I live without electricity? LC4 Can I light up the iron man? Experience a day without electricity at home and at school. Brainstorm a list of electrical appliances and discuss strategies for coping without electricity. Explanation text about electrical circuits. Can they construct a simple circuit? We are robotic scientists - Use Lego WeDo to create and control an Iron Man model - or element of the Iron Man - use scratch to control the model. Can you make the model interact with the environment. Use the lego wedo and extension kit. Pupils may want to film their models. Computational thinking DT – create a model of the Iron man using a switch., writing a set of instructions to accompany. Can they set up a simple fair test to make comparisons? Can they plan a fair test? Can they make predictions and improvements? Can they explains and test for conductors? Forest Academy

Year 4 : How can the Iron Man be protected from lightening? LC5: How does the Iron Man save the world? LC6: Can I design and improve products? Explore the concept of superheroes and discuss whether or not the Iron Man is a hero. Write a story about the Iron Man’s next adventure. Create a comic strip style story board about a superhero with electric powers. Chn to start making the model of the Iron Man. Create a design. Produce a plan and explain it to others. Invite parents to help making the Iron Man model. (Parent participation) Can they use a range of tools and equipment? Can they measure carefully so as o make sure they have not made mistakes? How have they attempted to make their product strong? Can they evaluate their designs ( suggest improvements) Can they begin to explain how they can improve their original design? Children to put on a display of their Iron Man Models. LC7: Reflection: Where do the items end up when we throw them away? Discuss types of waste and recycling. Have a lot of recyclable material scattered around the room. What would it be like to live in a place like this? How would you feel? How do you think the Iron man felt in the junk yard? What could we do about it? How could we recycle? Separate items according to their properties. Discuss items that cannot be recycled. Where do they end up? Persuasive writing: persuade people to recycle more. Can they explain what happens to materials when they are heated or cooled? Can they group and classify a variety of materials according to the impact of the temperature on them? (challenge) Forest Academy