Science Fair Project Type your project title here Your name Your homeroom teacher’s name Your school
Statement of the Problem Is ___________________________ a conductor or an insulator of electricity?
Research The flow of electrons between atoms creates electricity. A conductor is an object that electrons can move through to transfer electricity. An insulator is a material that electricity cannot flow through.
Hypothesis [insert here]
Variables Independent Variable: _______________________ Dependent Variable: light bulb Controlled Variables: series circuit made of a D cell battery, 3 wires, and a flashlight bulb in a bulb holder
Materials 1 – D Cell Battery 1 - Battery Holder 3 – 6” Pieces of Bell Wire 1 - flashlight bulb 1 pair of Wire Strippers 1 – bulb holder __________________
Procedure 1. Gather materials. 2. Place the battery in the battery holder 3. Strip ½” of the insulating cover from the 2 ends of each piece of wire. 4. Create a series circuit: • slide the end of one piece of wire into one of the clips at the end of the battery holder • slide the end of a second piece of wire into the other clip at the other end of the battery holder • screw the flashlight bulb into the bulb holder • slide the unattached end of the second wire into the bulb holder clip. • slide the third piece of wire into the clip at the other end of the bulb holder 5. Touch the unattached wire ends to each other to test the circuit. The light bulb should light. Troubleshoot if it does not light. Next, [write your directions for how and where to attach your independent variable] 7. Record whether or not the light bulb lit. 8. Repeat steps 5 - 7 two more times.
Data/Observations Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial Number Control Variable Test (Did the bulb light without the independent variable? Did the bulb light with the independent variable in the circuit? Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
Conclusion Choose the conductor paragraph or the insulator paragraph that matches your data and edit as needed. Erase the other paragraph A conductor of electricity allows electrons to flow through it. When the _____________________ was placed in the circuit, the light bulb lit. This demonstrates that the electrons flowed through the __________________ completing the circuit. _______________ is a conductor of electricity. The hypothesis was __________________. [proven or disproven] An insulator of electricity prevents electrons from flowing through it. When the _______________ was placed in the circuit, the light bulb did not light. This demonstrates that the electrons did not flow through the _________________, breaking the circuit and preventing the light bulb from lighting. _____________ is an insulator of electricity. The hypothesis was ____________[proven or disproven].