Scripture Summer School 2017 Arriving at John 6 Scripture Summer School 2017
Signs in the Gospel Semeion – sign (not miracle or “deeds of power”) Cana 2:1-10 The first act of Jesus’ public ministry “On the third day” “They have no wine” – “My hour” – “Do whatever he tells you” “Six stone water jars for purification”
Wine as a symbol In the OT Associated with JOY Eccl 9:7, Zech 10:7, BLESSING Gen 27:28 HOPE Isaiah 25:6-8, Joel 2:23-34 GENEROSITY Joel 3:18, Amos 9:13 Eucharistic overtones and link with the Passion are present.
“Jesus did this, the first of his signs, in Cana of Galilee, and revealed his glory and his disciples believed in him.” The purpose of the sign is to evoke faith in him as the one sent by the Father However a “signs” faith is inadequate. (2:23, 3:2, 4:48, 12:37) Faith in the Fourth Gospel is an activity that expresses trust in Jesus as the revealer of God (4:42) Signs and Faith
Coming to Faith The noun pistis is not used in John The verb pisteuein occurs 85 times in the Gospel. “After he was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this; and they believed the scripture and the word that Jesus had spoken.” (Jn. 2:22)
Nicodemus – First Discourse “Leader of the Jews” “Comes by night” “A teacher come from God” (3:1-2) Conversation proceeds on the basis of misunderstanding and progressive revelation. Reappears to claim the body (19:39)
Samaritan Woman Second Discourse Again the conversation proceeds on the basis of misunderstanding and progressive revelation. “If only you knew what God is offering…” “Anyone who drinks the water I shall give will never be thirsty again..” “We no longer believe because of what you have told us.. We have heard him ourselves and we know he really is the Saviour of the world”
The Royal Official’s Son 4:46-54 “Jesus said to him; ‘Unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe.’” “Come down Lord, before my child dies.” “Go, your son lives.” “The man believed the word that Jesus said to him.” This was the second sign that Jesus did.
From Cana to Cana… (2:2-4:54) The disciples come to faith at Cana Nicodemus sets out but … Samaritan woman becomes the first missionary Royal official and his household believe at Cana The first responses to Jesus are positive but the scene is set for change!
Jewish Feasts in John Chs 5-11 indicate growing opposition to Jesus and the revelation he brings 5 healing of paralytic – Sabbath 6 Multiplication of Loaves – Passover 7-9 Controversy – Tabernacles Jesus is portrayed as bringing about what the Jewish liturgy anticipates and longs for yet has failed to accomplish
The Pool of Bethesda – Conflict Arises (ch5) Ill for 38 years (Deut 2:14) Do you want to be made well? Healing on the Sabbath…what God do you believe in? A sign that does not lead to believing but to conflict. The issue is: Does Jesus come from God? This question dominates 5-9