57. FIRAC Congress 2018 HUNGARY Tapolca
Owerall, it would be a great honor for us Why we? The first Congress in Hungary was Budapest at 1993 The 57. Congress will be the 5. Congress what we will organizate in Hungary and It will be a 25 years jubileum for Hungary Owerall, it would be a great honor for us
The place Tapolca is a beutifull small city in west Hungary, close to the Lake Balaton, and a lot of curiosity in this regio Around the city are located the bigest wine-growing area in Hungary with excellent and reputable wine varieties Around Tapolca located a lot of wine cellar where we can organize some folklore program Tapolca have got a beutiful train station where a lot of traint terminate. (Ab. 3 hour from Budapest by train)
In Tapolca We would like to organize the congress in an exklusive 4 starts welness hotel. You can show it on the internet this link: http://www.hunguesthotels.hu/hu/hotel/tapolca/hunguest_hotel_pelion/ In the center of tapolca is located a beutiful small lake with a historical water mill. Here are the beutiful lake cave, where you may boating under the ground.
Some interesting places in the neighborhood Palace of Festetich In Keszthely Medievals castle ruins Szigliget
Spa in Hévíz Fortress in Sümeg
So many interesting programs we can offer to our guests Wait for you in Tapolca The FIRAC Hungary Group