The story of Jesus By: Melissa Anderson
The Purpose I have a friend who is hindu and I was talking to her about my journey through confirmation. At this point in time I hadn’t picked out who I was going to be writing my gospel to. So when I started thinking about it I realised that I could write it to her. My gospel is written for kids around the age of 13 who are non- christians.
Chapter 1: An Angel Speaks To The Shepherds A group of Shepherds were sitting in an open field watching over their flock. All of a sudden their was a big flash. An angel came down from the sky and said, “Shepherds go to a city called Bethlehem and you will find a baby lying in a manger. His name is Jesus and he is the lords’ son.” The Shepherds looked up at the blinding light as fear and confusion spread across their faces. “What are you waiting for?” Asked the angel, “Go now.” So the Shepherds left their sheep and went to bethlehem to see the baby.
Chapter 2: The Wise Men Three men who were studying the stars saw a new star raise in the east. They told their king about the new star and that a child was born there and that he is the son of god. Then the king said, “Go to the newborn child, give him gifts, watch over him, and report back to so I can go see him to.” So the three men went east to see the new baby. When they got there they gave gifts of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh to the babys’ parents, Mary and Joseph .
Chapter 3: Jesus Goes To The Temple When Jesus was twelve his parents took him to a temple because of the passover festival. When his parents left the temple and started walking back to Nazareth Jesus stayed behind. His parents assumed he was in the crowd of people that they were walking in. The next day when they to their house they couldn’t Jesus and started frantically looking for him. They walked for three days back to the temple only to find Jesus teaching the lord's word to the leaders of the temple. The leaders said to Jesus’ parents, “This boy is wise beyond his years.” On the long walk back to nazareth Jesus’ parents scolded him for staying but Jesus said that he wanted to be in his fathers’ house.
Chapter 4: Jesus Feeds 5,000 People As Jesus got older he gained more and more followers. At one point in time he had over 5,000 people following him. When it was time to eat Jesus told his disciples to hand out the bread and fish that they had. But his disciples said, “We only have 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish, lord.” then Jesus blessed the bread and told them to serve the bread and fish so they did as Jesus said. The disciples were able to feed the 5,000 people and give them food to take home.
Chapter 5: Jesus Heals The Synagogue Leader Daughter When Jesus was walking around and leader of a nearby synagogue came to him and said, “My daughter is dying please save her.” Jesus agreed to this and started walking with the man but was stopped by a group of people saying there was that had been bleeding for 20 years. So Jesus went to the woman and said, “Stop bleeding and let your faith heal you.” And so the woman stopped bleeding. Then one of the synagogue leaders servants ran up to them and said, “Sir there is no need for you to come, the girl is dead.” Jesus went to the synagogue leaders’ house anyways. When he got to the house there were people mourning the girl and Jesus told them to leave. Jesus knelt down and touched the girl and whispered, “Get up girl.” And so the girl got up and walked over to her parents.
Chapter 6: Jesus Heals The Blind Man Jesus was walking along a road with his disciples and they saw a man who was blind. Jesus went over to the man and spit on the ground next to him creating dirt. Jesus smeared the mud on the mans’ eyes and spoke to him, “Go to the pool of Siloam and wash of the mud.” The man did as Jesus said and when he washed of the mud he could see so he praised the lord for saving him.
Chapter 7: The Last Supper Jesus sent some of his disciples ahead to set up their passover dinner. When Jesus got there he said, “One of you will betray me.” All of the disciples were shocked. None of them would do that. One of his disciples, Judas, said, “I don’t betray you, right?” But Jesus repaided that yes it would be him that would betray him. Later that night Jesus blessed a loaf of bread and a cup of wine and said, ”This is my body. Take and eat. This is my blood. Take and drink.” And so they eat and drank on there last night together.
Chapter 8: Crucifixion On friday the chief priest took Jesus and forced him to go to a place named golgotha which means skull place. They made a man named simon carry a cross to the top with them. When they got to the top they nailed Jesus’ hands and feet to the cross. They made him drink a wine vinegar mixture but he wouldn’t drink it. Jesus and two other people were being crucified and one of the men yelled, “If you’re the son of god then why isn’t he saving us?” Many people came by the cross just to laugh at Jesus and make fun of him. Later that day Jesus died on the cross.
Chapter 9: Jesus Is Resurrected Mary Magdalene and her friend went to see the tomb where Jesus was buried. When they got to the tomb there was an earthquake and an angel of the lord came down from the sky. The guard that was watching over the tomb was so scared that of the angel that he fainted. Then the angel moved the rock that was covering the tomb and said, “Don’t be afraid for Jesus has risen from the dead like he said he would. Go and tell his disciples!” So Mary and her friend went to galilee to tell Jesus’ disciples that he was alive.