Name 10/18/16 The Witches 4-1 Chapter 1-2 Mini Quiz Who is the author of The Witches? What do witches despise the most? How many children should each witch squelch in a year? What are real witches like? Name 2 of the 5 children and tell how they vanished.
Name 10/21/16 The Witches 4-1 Chapter 3-4 Mini Quiz Name 3 ways to recognize a witch. Why can a real witch smell a child on the opposite side of the street? What is a witchophile? What makes English witches the most vicious? What happens when the boy is working on his tree-house alone?
Name 10/26/16 The Witches 4-1 Chapter 5-6 Mini Quiz 1. Why do the boy and Grandmamma have to cancel their trip to Norway, and where do they go on vacation instead? 2. What does the grandmother say to the hotel manager when he says the mice must go? 3. What is the boy looking for when he is walking around the hotel with his mice? 4. What does RSPCC stand for? 5. What is the first strange thing the boy notices about the ladies?
Name 10/31/16 The Witches 4-1 Chapter 7-8 Mini Quiz What does the Grand High Witch look like when the boy first sees her? What does the Grand High Witch look like for the rest of the meeting? Why is the Grand High Witch upset with the English witches? What does the Grand High Witch do to the witch who questions her orders? What has the Grand High Witch invented? (What is it called and what does it do?)
Name 11/3/16 The Witches 4-1 Chapter 9-10 Mini Quiz What was running around The Grand High Witch's feet? 2. What was the witch’s plan for the child who owns what is at the Grand High Witch’s feet? 3. What did The Grand High Witch say would happen if they gave an overdose? 4.How did The Grand High Witch get Bruno Jenkins to come to the meeting? 5. Why did she need Bruno to come to the meeting?
Name 11/8/16 The Witches 4-1 Chapters 11-12 Mini Quiz Who are the Ancient Ones? 2. How does The Grand High Witch help the Ancient Ones? 3. What did one of the witches smell at the end of the meeting? 4. What happens to the boy? 5. How does the boy feel about it?
Name 11/10/16 The Witches 4-1 Chapters 13-14 Mini Quiz What was Bruno doing when the boy found him? 2. How does Bruno react to finding out he is a mouse? 3. Where did Bruno and the boy hide when the saw the chambermaid? 4. What do the boy and his Grandmamma discover about the location of the Grand High Witch’s room? 5. At the very end of the chapter, how does the boy plan on getting into the Grand High Witch’s room?
Name 11/16/16 The Witches 4-1 Chapters 15-16 Mini Quiz How does the boy get into the Grand High Witch's room? 2. Where does he find the bottles of the Formula 86 Delayed Action Mousemaker? 3. How does the boy get out of the Grand High Witch's room? 4. Why did Bruno say he would rather be with his parents than with the boy and his Grandmamma? 5. What did Bruno's parents do when Grandmamma told them Bruno was a mouse?
Name 11/22/16 The Witches 4-1 Chapters 17-18 Mini Quiz Why didn't Bruno say anything to his parents when Grandmamma told them that Bruno was a mouse? 2. Where does the boy decide would be the best place for him to put the Delayed Action Mouse Maker into the witches' food? 3. What part of the boy's body proves to be the most useful? 4. How is the boy spotted by the chefs? 5. Where does the boy hide after he runs out of the chef's pants?
Name 11/29/16 The Witches 4-1 Chapters 19-20 Mini Quiz 1.Why does Mr. Jenkins come to Grandmamma’s table in the dining room? 2. What happened that made Mr. Jenkins finally believe that his son was a mouse? 3. What did Grandmamma tell Mr. Jenkins that the Grand High Witch might turn him into? 4. What happened to the witches in the dining room? 5. Where were Grandmamma and the boy going to move to?