How we assess learning at Valence Primary School 23rd and 24th November 2016
Testing We use various tests in Maths and Literacy to help us assess what the children can do. Finding out what they can’t do, helps us plan for what to do next.
Teacher assessment This is the teacher judging where a child is in relation to their year group’s curriculum based on the child’s day to day work, rather than in a test situation.
We are using an assessment system called Target Tracker We are using an assessment system called Target Tracker. This system is now the most widely used in the country. Comprehensive recording system Powerful data analysis tool Detailed Gap analyses / planning at a variety of levels
Bands A list of the end of year expectations for each year group is written in bands. There are six bands, roughly one per year group from year one to year six. Statements Each band is made up of statements that include key performance indicators. The teacher ticks off the statements for each child as they achieve them.
Steps There are six per year group - Beginning (Steps 1 and 2) - Within (Steps 3 and 4) - Secure (Steps 5 and 6) At the end of a term, the teacher can look at how many of those expectations have been met by a child, to see how far along they are towards meeting the end of year expectations. If a child is exceeding within their year group band, they will not automatically start on the next band up. The idea is to get them to ‘Master’ their year group band.
Target Tracker Age Related Profile Reception and KS1 Working Below Working At Working Above Reception (End of Year)* Emerging Expected Exceeding Year One Autumn2 P4-7 40-60 W and below P8 40-60 S 1b, 1b+ 1w Spring2 1b and below 1b+, 1w, 1w+ 1s Summer2 1w and below 1w+, 1s 1s+ Year Two 1s and below 1s+, 2b, 2b+ 2w 2b and below 2b+, 2w, 2w+ 2s 2w and below 2w+, 2s, 2s+ *In EYFS children are assessed against the EYFS profile and awarded either: Emerging, Expected or Exceeding. If children are not looking like they will achieve “expected” the class teacher’s will inform parents. If a child achieves ‘Expected’ in the following subject areas, it is called a ‘Good Level of Development’: Personal Social and Emotional, Communication and Language, Physical Development, Literacy and Maths. For further information about your child’s progress, please speak to the class teacher.
Target Tracker Age Related Profile Lower KS2 Working Below Working At Working Above Year Three Autumn2 2s and below 2s+, 3b, 3b+ 3w Spring2 3b and below 3b+, 3w, 3w+ 3s Summer2 3w and below 3w+, 3s 3s+ Year Four 3s and below 3s+, 4b, 4b+ 4w, 4b and below 4b+, 4w, 4w+ 4s, 4w and below 4w+, 4s 4s+
Target Tracker Age Related Profile Upper KS2 Working Below Working At Working Above Year Five Autumn2 4s and below 4s+, 5b, 5b+ 5w Spring2 5b and below 5b+, 5w, 5w+ 5s Summer2 5w and below 5w+, 5s 5s+ Year Six 5s and below 5s+, 6b, 6b+ 6w 6b and below 6b+, 6w, 6w+ 6s 6w and below 6w+, 6s 6s+
Separate meetings will be held for parents of children in EYFS, Y2 and Y6 in the Spring term to talk about the SAT tests and EYFS Profile.