Chapter 2: Body Structure Dual Credit Medical Terminology
Objectives: List and describe the basic structural units of the body. Describe the anatomical position of the body Locate the body cavities and abdominopelvic regions of the body Describe terms related to position, direction, and planes of the body and their applications during radiographic examinations. Describe common signs, symptoms, and diseases that may affect several body systems Describe common diagnostic, medical and surgical procedures related to several body systems Recognize, define, pronounce and spell terms correctly Demonstrate your knowledge of this chapter by successfully completing the frames and reviews
Introduction (pg 26) The human body consists of several structural and functional levels of organization. The levels of organization from least to the most complex are the: Cellular level (smallest structural and functional unit) Tissue level (groups of cell) Organ level (groups of tissues that perform a specific fxn) System level (organs that are interconnected or have similar or fxn) Organism level (collection of body systems makes up most complex level –human being) See picture on page 27
Basic Structural Units Basic Unit Define Example Definition of Term Chondr/o Cartilage Chondroma Tumor composed of cartilage Cyt/o Cell Cytometer Instrument for counting and measuring cells Hist/o Tissue Histolysis Separation; destruction; or loosening Nucle/o Nucleus Nuclear Pertaining to a nucleus
Directional Combining Forms Define Example Definition of Term Anter/o Anterior, front Anterior Toward the front of the body, organ or structure Caud/o Tail Caudad Toward the tail, in a posterior direction Dist/o far, farthest Distal Pertaining to a point farthest from the center, a medial line, or the trunk; opposed to proximal Dors/o Back (of body) Dorsal Pertaining to the back or posterior of the body Infer/o Lower, below Inferior Pertaining to below or lower; toward the tail Later/o Side, to one side Lateral Pertaining to the side Medi/o Middle Medial Pertaining to the middle Poster/o Back (of body), behind posterior Posterior Pertaining to or toward the rear or caudal end Proxim/o Near, nearest Proximal Nearest the point of attachment, center of the body or point of reference Super/o Upper, above Superior Pertaining to above or higher toward the head Ventr/o Belly, belly side Ventral Pertaing to the belly side or front of the body
Suffixes Suffix Meaning Example Defined Example -ad Toward Mediad Toward the middle or center -logist Specialist in the study of Histologist Specialist in the study of tissue -logy Study of Cytology Study of cells -lysis Separation; destruction; loosening Cytolysis Destruction, dissolution, or separation of a cell -toxic Poison Cytotoxic Substance that is detrimental or destructive to cells
Directional Terms (pg 31-32) Terms that describe a structure in relation to some defined center or reference point Suffix Review: Many that mean pertaining to -ac -ar -ary -eal -iac -ic What is the term called when a person is standing upright facing forward, arms at the sides with palms forward, with legs parallel and the feet slightly apart with the toes pointing forward? Anatomical position
Body Planes Medial (midsagittal) Frontal (coronal) Horizontal (transverse)
Body Regions Body Region Combining Form Meaning Abdomin/o Abdomen Cephal/o Head Cervic/o Neck; cervix uteri Crani/o Cranium (skull) Gastr/o Stomach Ili/o Ilium (lateral, flaring portion of hip bone) Inguin/o Groin Lumb/o Loins (lower back) Pelv/i Pelv/o Pelvis Spin/o Spine Thorac/o Chest Umbilic/o Umbilicus, navel
Body Cavities Dorsal Ventral Cranial + Spinal Abdominopelvic: Abdominal + Pelvic Diaphragm Thoracic
Body Cavities (pg 42) What are in them? Thoracic: heart and lungs Abdominopelvic Abdominal pelvic Thoracic: heart and lungs Abdominopelvic: divides out Abdominal: organs of digestive tract Pelvic: organs of reproductive system
Abdominopelvic Quadrants (pg 46) Abdominopelvic cavity is divided into smaller sections RUQ: Right Upper Quadrant LUQ: Left Upper Quadrant RLQ: Right Lower Quadrant LLQ: Left Lower Quadrant Used for area of surgical procedures, incision sites, location of abnormal masses, location of patient symptoms
Abdominopelvic Regions (pg46) Nine regions near a specific point in the body; describe the location of internal organs and origin of pain. Right Hypochondriac Epigastric Left Hypocondriac Right Lumbar Umbilical Left Lumbar Right Inguinal Hypogastric Left Inguinal
Abbreviations (pg 52) Body structure and abbreviations related to radiology Abbreviations Meaning Abd Abdomen Ant Anterior AP Anteroposterior Bx, bx Biopsy LAT, lat Lateral PA Posteroanterior; pernicious anemia; pulmonary artery; physician assistant U&L, U/L Upper and lower
Abbreviations: Radiology Meaning CT Computed tomography CXR Chest x-ray, chest radiograph MRI Magnetic resonance imaging PET Positron emission tomography US Ultrasound; ultrasonography SPECT Single photon emission computed tomography
CT: computer processed x-rays to produce tomographic images US: oscillating sound pressure waves to produce images of structure
PET: Imaging test that uses a radioactive substance called a tracer to look for a disease in the body MRI: uses magnetic field and radio waves to create detailed images of organs and tissues
SPECT: use of gamma rays to provide a true 3-D image SPECT: use of gamma rays to provide a true 3-D image. Usually shows cross-section of the body. Inject the radio isotope into the body, which binds to certain pieces of the body
Signs, Symptoms, and Diseases (pg 52) Term Meaning Extra Adhesion Band of scar tissue binding anatomical surfaces that are normally separate from each other Most commonly form in the abdomen after abdominal surgery, inflammation or injury Inflammation Protective response of the body tissues to irritation, infection, or allergy Include redness, swelling, heat, and pain, commonly accompanied by loss of function Sepsis Inflammatory response to infection Septicemia is common type of sepsis
Diagnostic Procedures (pg53) Term Meaning Endoscopy Visual exam of interior organs and cavities with specialized lighted instrument See Figure 2-5 Fluoroscopy Radiographic procedure that uses fluorescent screen instead of a photographic plate to produce a visual image from x-rays that pass through the graphic plate MRI Radiographic technique that uses electromagnetic energy to produce multiplanar cross-sectional images of the body Nuclear scan Radiography Radiopharmaceutical scan
Continued Term Meaning Extra Tomography Computed tomography PET SPECT US Doppler
Medical and Surgical Procedures (pg 56) Term Meaning Extra Anastomosis Connection between two vessels; surgical joining of two ducts, blood vessels, or bowel segments to allow flow from one to the other Example page 57 Cauterize Process of burning abnormal tissue with electricity, freezing, heat, or chemicals (silver nitrate)