WP7 - Dissemination of Results & Exploitation


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Presentation transcript:

WP7 - Dissemination of Results & Exploitation T7.1- INERTIA Exploitation Plan & Policy T7.3- INERTIA Web Portal - Dissemination Channels & Promotional Material T7.4- INERTIA Dissemination Activities ENG / Hypertech S.A.

Task overview Task 7.1 - INERTIA Exploitation Plan & Policy (M24, M36) Defining an exploitation strategy Identifying exploitation activities to undertake Describing how partners will exploit the project’s results Allocating work and responsibilities to each committed partner Delivering the Final Report for the use and dissemination of foreground and mandates for standardization (Deliverable D7.3)

T7.1 at a glance Resources and deliverable Total effort: 13 13 Tasks Duration Leader CERTH ENG TECNALIA CNet INDESIT ALMENDE TUK HYPERTECH PPC ENELSI Total T7.1- INERTIA Exploitation Plan & Policy M24- M34 1 3 0.5  1 2  0,5  1.5  2 13

T7.1: Exploitation strategy: Main Topics Definition of the value proposition Identification of the INERTIA tangible and intangible results Business Idea definition in terms of products & services (e.g. Integrated solution, individual components …) Market Analysis Understanding markets needs, opportunities and business challenges involved Identifying target exploitation groups (potential customers) Defining the INERTIA positioning Exploitation Strategy Definition Overall strategy: INERTIA Business Model Pricing policy, start-up and marketing activities Partner Relationships and Consortium agreement (IPR Management) Individual Exploitation Strategy Exploitation activities pursued individually by each partner

Activity Planning Overall planning Interim version Interim version, available before the 2nd review Final version available on M36 Interim version M18 ToC of Interim version and partners assignments M19 Contributions received by involved partners M20 Preliminary interim version to be internally reviewed M21 Pre-Final version M24 Final version of the Interim version finalized

T7.1-Partners contributions on M19 Exploitation framework IPR management Assets identification and Preliminary Analysis Identification of the whole INERTIA project results and how they will be supplied as a commercial solution Tangible and Intangible results INERTIA Commercial solution as a whole or per single component Preliminary Market Analysis Identification of potential markets and target users Individual Exploitation Strategy Definition of exploitation activities pursued individually by each partner

Dissemination Channels & Promotional Material INERTIA Portal & Social Media Presence (M13, M16) INERTIA Portal Update with latest events Continuous Social Media Presence Set Off Continuous Promotional Material (M13, M16) Dissemination Material (leaflets, signs) for the pilot areas M13 International Press Release providing 1st year results M13 3rd Project e-Newsletter M18

Dissemination Activities … to Dissemination Activities Continuous update of the website and social media channels (-M36) Continuous update on the promotional material (- M36) Dissemination to the Pilot Area End Users with relevant material (based on the Dissemination Plan) : Workshop for the dissemination of INERTIA project in CERTH premises INERTIA Project Leaflets for the pilot occupants Enrichment of the Contact List and the relevant synergies of INERTIA project Draft Version of the D7.2 Circulated (M17)

1st Year Activities Based on the DoW Number of publications, number of workshops organized by the consortium and audience size, number of conferences attended, number of leaflets and newsletters, website/ - to disseminate project concept, vision and innovation – to spread out the outcomes and achievements of the project to all interest groups Web site of INERTIA available and working (Month 3) Project dissemination material available (posters, leaflets) as defined in WP7 At least 2 presentations of the project objectives and results (conferences, workshops, etc) Number of INERTIA-related publications and presentations accepted for publication in proceedings and conferences (indicator of acceptance by the scientific and engineering community) INERTIA project in Smart grids era – Integrated solution for real life implementation, ATP Journal, 10/2013, Marek Skokan, Peter Kostelník, Tomáš Sabol, Marián Mach., in Slovak (Original title: “Inteligentná rozvodná sieť, projekt INERTIA – riešenie a príklad použitia”) A Portable and Scalable Agent Platform Enabling Interoperability in Distributed MAS, AAMAS 2014 Delivery of an effective, pragmatic and viable business & exploitation plan for project results uptake and commercialization potential INERTIA draft dissemination exploitation strategy and decisions Extra: Synergies with other EU projects : Adapt4EE, Cassandra Project HYPERTECH has already provide the INERTIA framework review CNET-ALMENDE to check the presentation of Middleware, Eve taking into account their role in INERTIA TUK also to examine this aspect.

2nd Year Activities Based on the Dissemination Plan Number of Scientific Publications and Presentations At least 4 INERTIA-related scientific publications At least 4 presentations about INERTIA project Liaison and Participation in Fora &Thematic Events Establish contacts with EEB DATA MODELS COLLABORATION SPACE which will be used as a dissemination channel regarding the achievements of the INERTIA (Responsible Partner: CERTH?) Set contacts with PRIME Alliance, which is focused on the development of innovative technologies for the “Smart Grid” (Responsible Partner: TECNALIA ?) Set first contacts with 2 additional European projects (Responsible Partner:??) Participation in at least 2 international thematic events Participation in at least 1 national event per partner country INERTIA Workshops These workshops will be delivered as part of the project meeting. INERTIA Demonstrations At least 2 specialized demonstration activities at thematic events At least 1 larger demonstration/exhibition at a general ICT event Promotional Content and Dissemination Material Posting and publishing of at least 2 Newsletters issues At least 1 article about the project, on a professionals-oriented magazine HYPERTECH has already provide the INERTIA framework review CNET-ALMENDE to check the presentation of Middleware, Eve taking into account their role in INERTIA TUK also to examine this aspect.

Indicative List for Publication of project results ICAT 2014 - International Conference on Advanced Technology & Sciences Full Paper submissions: 31 March 2014 Turkey from Tuesday 12 August to Friday 15 August, 2014 International Workshop on Demand Response (Wattalyst Project) Paper submission: March 10, 2014 June 10, 2014 – Cambridge, UK Behave Conference 2014 (http://www.behaveconference.com/) HYPERTECH will provide the User Profiling Results  3-4 September 2014 IEEE ISGT Europe 2014 in Istanbul  Full Paper submissions: April 1, 2014 Turkey from October 12-15, 2014 5th International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm 2014) Paper submission deadline: April 20, 2014 Venice, 3-4 November 2014

WP 7 - Questions Questions?? Thank You !!!