St Mary’s C of E Primary School Chiddingfold E-safety
Reception Year 1 Year Groups Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term E safety Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact. Practice logging on and not showing people passwords – show children how to use technology safely E safety discussions. Create own avatar for use online. Little red riding hood – looking for risks and how to protect themselves. Password protection, using Ipads and laptops. - story about internet safety EYFS Create masks to hide children’s identity/link to online personas. Link to safety in real life (Three little pigs, little red riding hood). Ipads and laptops – using technology safely and respectfully Hectors world - Year 1 Security of usernames and passwords Rules: DO’s and DON’Ts Drawing iPad/technology drawings about being safe online - story about internet safety Year 1 Recap anything from reception that has not been covered and go over misconceptions Send emails using iPads and computers to one another – email addresses are (numbers 01 – 20) use 5 x iPads and 10 x laptops – sit with groups and let them try each resource or plan out email before writing it on worksheet email template
Year 2 Recap learning from Reception and Year 1 Staying safe online (SQGfL lesson) Following the Digital Trail (SQGfL lesson) Screen out the mean (SQGfL lesson) Using Key words (SQGfL lesson) Make a power point in groups about staying safe online - story about internet safety Year 2 Year 3 Going through school esafety policy Year 3 Cyber bulling lesson (acma lesson – saved on system) Blogged about esafety and commenting safely on the blog Think you know website Powerful passwords (SWGfL lesson) My Online Community (SWGfL lesson) Year 3 Digital citizenship lesson (acma lesson – saved on system) Writing Good Emails (SWGfL lesson) Year 4 Going through school esafety policy Internet Legends lesson 1 (saved on system) Think you know website Internet Legends lesson 2 (saved on system) Blogged about esafety and commenting safely on the blog website Dress up lesson – children to dress up in costumes, hats, masks and pretend that you are someone different – portray your new character to the class or to small groups – are people really who you think they are online? Stop motion video lesson on esafety – Create a stop motion video using ipads – in groups (5 x iPads per class) Take a photo of an object in your classroom (toy or yourself if you don’t mind). Post this on social media and see how fast/far it can travel around the world – make predictions with your class and keep them updated about how far it has gone.
Year 5 Discuss how to stay safe online and recap what we already know. Share information and terms of contract agreements with children. Facebook profile lesson and discuss what you can learn about each pupil. Then google Facebook profiles and see what else we can find out about each person! Safe selfie, safe profile, privacy settings and security esaftey posters and conduct an interview with a parent about e-safety. E-safety video and discussion. Introduce children (or reintroduce) to their class blog. Teach children how to create a name and password that is safe and secure to them and them alone. Teach children to create a safe blog post and talk through the options to have our writing online for the public to see. Ask children to create a safe blog post. Continue on from last lesson and extend children’s blogging ability. Ask children to read blogs and comment on one another’s accounts. Add attachments to blog How to Cite a Site (SWGfL lesson) Cyber bulling lesson Year 5 (saved lesson) Children are encouraged to blog safely Recap learning from year Internet Safety Quiz’s – Social Media quiz Strong Passwords (SWGfL lesson) Picture Perfect (SWGfL lesson) Internet safety discussion cards Year 6 Discuss e-safety. Play e-safety games online. Watch e-safety video and discuss password security and precautions. Talk about online gaming and discuss the risks of being online. Remind children again of the terms and conditions of most social networking sites and that they shouldn’t be using these sites until the ages required. Ask children to fill in a booklet of information and questions about e-safety. Children can work together to answer questions and research the ones they don’t know. Continue from last week’s learning. Children are then invited to create an e-safety video using iPads and will show/assess each other at the end of the lesson – using what they have learnt previously. Introduce children to their class blog. Teach children how to create a name and password that is safe and secure to them and them alone. Teach children to create a safe blog post and talk through the options to have our writing online for the public to see. Ask children to create a safe blog post – make this more advanced than last year and include links and videos for the public to see. Ask children to read blogs and comment on one another’s accounts. Talking Safely Online (SWGfL lesson) Super Digital Citizen (SWGfL lesson) Digital footprint lesson Teach others how to be safe online Privacy rules (SWGfL lesson) Selling Stereotypes (SWGfL lesson) Internet safety for Year 6 and beyond …
Internet safety for children – find out how to keep each profile secure!
What can you tell me about this person?
How to help keep children safe when gaming:
Safety tips: Welcome to the future ….
Helpful websites:
Helpful websites, literature and further research: 7
References: Think you know – CEOP – presentation Did you know – Chris Ben, The Centre Online Safer internet day