CALPADS Information Meeting Preferred: Audio default - Computer speakers or headphones. Other: Toll call - click icon at bottom right hand corner 1
CALPADS Information Meeting April 18, 2017 This presentation may be downloaded from:,-2017---CALPADS-Information-Meeting-(CIM).aspx April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide 2
Agenda Agenda Review CDE Update CALPADS Support Update Next Meeting 3 April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide 3
Procedures for Asking Questions To ask a question: Click on the “Q&A” icon to open the Q&A box. In the “Send to” dropdown, select “Presenter” Type your question in the Q&A box and press “Send” We will: Respond to questions during the meeting as time permits Address unanswered questions via an upcoming Flash or in additions to FAQs as appropriate If your question is not answered, please submit a service ticket April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide 4 4 4
CDE Update Karen Almquist, Administrator CALPADS/CBEDS/CDS Operations Office, CDE Paula Mishima, Administrator Educational Data Management Division April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide 5
CDE Update - AGENDA 2016-17 End-of-Year Submission Deadlines General Updates Assessment Reminders Accountability Update April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide 6 6 6
2016-17 Fall Submissions The CDE would like to congratulate 100% of LEAs for certifying Fall 1! 99% of LEAs for certifying Fall 2! The CDE recognizes that the data LEAs submit to CALPADS have become key to many critical functions, putting more responsibility and workload on those who work on CALPADS We recognize your work and will continue to convey its critical importance to your superintendents April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
The 2016-17 End of Year Submission: 2016-17 EOY Submissions The 2016-17 End of Year Submission: Opens: May 15 Certification Deadline: July 31 End of Amendment Window: August 11 April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
System Updates CDE is continuing to work on stabilizing the system to improve performance and user experience Specifically, during 2017-18 the CDE has prioritized working on the following for implementation in the fall of 2018 Enhancing the security model to enable CALPADS to more flexibly rollup data to meet accountability requirements and to provide for “view only” functionality Updating the CALPADS user interface, streamlining screens Improving post performance April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Administrative Updates CALPADS LEA Administrator Authorization Process Change To implement best practices and enhance overall security the process for authorizing CALPADS administrators is being modified Interim Process: Today – August 11, 2017: If a CALPADS administrator application is over one-year old, a new application is required upon the LEA ADMINSTRATOR account password reset or expiration. This change will continue until the EOY amendment window closes (August 11, 2017). After August 11, 2017: Any LEA Administrator account not renewed (missing a 2017 application) will be disabled. The LEA will be required to submit a new application. April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Administrative Updates New Process in 2018-19 following the close of the 2018 EOY submission: The CALPADS LEA Administrator account must be renewed annually. The CALPADS LEA Administrator application must be signed by the LEA Administrator and Superintendent/Charter School Administrator and submitted each year following the close of the EOY submission Upon receipt of new applications, accounts will be re-enabled Change in Superintendents/Charter School Administrators and/or LEA administrators that occur during the school year: Accounts for new LEA administrators will be provided when requested and will be valid until the close of the EOY submission New applications will be required when there is a change in Superintendent/Charter School administrator, but this will not impact the LEA Administrator’s login credentials April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Administrative Updates Additional Security and Privacy Measures Beginning in 2017-18, all users must accept an initial security and privacy user agreement upon login to the CALPADS system The user agreement has standard privacy and security language that stipulate users will not use CALPADS data inappropriately The “click here to accept confidentiality and security agreement” occurs only once per year. Users will not be allowed into the system until they “accept.” Reminder: All LEAs and LEA Admins should have in place appropriate security and privacy policies for ALL local CALPADS users. April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Programmatic Updates 2017-18 Direct certification results for all LEAs will include Reduced Priced Meals starting July 2017 New CTE course codes for all pathways Certification of one-year graduates and drops 2016-17 grads and drops will occur in Fall 2017 2017-18 grads (tentatively drops) will occur as part of EOY 2018 4-year Graduation Cohort report available in CALPADS tentatively for 2016-17 and 2017-18 cohorts April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Programmatic Updates 2019-20 The system changes in 2018-19 help prepare for CASEMIS to CALPADS transition which is targeted for 2019-20 April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Support for Programmatic Changes Direct Certification Workshops Available DC workshop locations and dates (times for all sessions are 9:00 am to 1:00 pm): Fresno Wednesday, April 26 Redding Tuesday, May 2 Alameda Thursday, May 11 Natomas Monday, May 15 Corona-Norco Thurs. and Fri., May 18–19 See CALPADS Flash #124 for registration instructions April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Support for Programmatic Changes CTE Course Mapping Workshops Available June 27th, Orange County Department of Education June 29th, Los Angeles County Office of Education Details to be announced April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Support for Programmatic Changes CASEMIS to CALPADS Transition Workshops Available April 26, 2017, San Pablo, CA, WCC SELPA 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 28, 2017, Oroville, CA, Butte COE 10 2 p.m. May 1, 2017, San Diego, CA, SDCOE 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. You can register for one of the remaining sessions at the following link. Space is LIMITED: April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Assessments and CALPADS April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Assessments and CALPADS Update CELDT Data 2015-16 CELDT data are available in CALPADS However, a defect is preventing LEAs from seeing scores of students tested in other LEAs 2016-17 CELDT data will be available late spring CAASPP Loading CAASPP results into CALPADS is still planned, but a lower priority given the current availability of results in the Test Operations Management System (TOMS), maintained by the assessment vendor, Educational Testing Services (ETS) April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
CAASPP and CALPADS Update What enrollments are sent to TOMS? CDE sends the most current primary or short-term enrollment each Sunday through Thursday night If a student is concurrently enrolled, CALPADS sends the enrollment with the most recent start date Therefore, a Concurrent Enrollment anomaly does not need to be resolved for a student to test UNLESS the latter LEA enrolled the student in error Remember: A student must have a current enrollment in CALPADS to access the interim assessments April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
CAASPP and CALPADS Update What CALPADS student data are sent to TOMS? The most current demographic data from CALPADS are sent daily to ETS for loading into TOMS Remember, a student must have an open special education or 504 Accommodation Plan program record in order to load accommodations All the student data displayed on the TOMS Student Demographics screen come from CALPADS TOMS includes the ability to download the student demographic data that can then be aggregated and used to identify any data issues A summary display of the demographic data within TOMS is planned April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
CAASPP and CALPADS Update When Should LEAs exit students from CALPADS? And, what student data are used in reports? For 2017 summative testing ETS freezes the demographic data it receives from CALPADS at the end of the LEA’s testing window OR when the student exits, whichever comes first, and uses this data for reports in TOMS, the Online Reporting System (ORS), and on the public Website This means… For students who leave during a selected testing window, LEAs can and should exit their students when the student exits—LEAs should not wait until the end of the testing window Students who complete the school year at the school should be exited at the end of the school year April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
CAASPP and CALPADS Update In order to ensure accurate reporting, it is important that LEAs keep CALPADS up-to-date with student demographic and program data During the testing window, LEAs should review subgroup data available in TOMS and correct any data prior to the end of their testing window April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
CAASPP and CALPADS Update Who should I contact for technical questions, such as when a school or student is not in TOMS? California Technical Assistance Center 800-955-2954 Hours of operation: Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. PT April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
CAASPP and CALPADS Who should I contact for policy or program questions? California Department of Education Accommodations, Test Policy, Testing Irregularities CAASPP Office 916-445-8765 For Security Breaches: 916-319-0969 April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Accountability Update April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Dashboard The purpose of California’s new accountability system is to hold both districts and schools accountable and to foster continuous improvement As such the California School Dashboard or “Dashboard” contains reports that display the performance of districts, schools, and student groups on a set of state measures to assist in identifying strengths, weaknesses, and areas in need of improvement Local indicators are reported at the district and county level only April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Dashboard In March the CDE released the first Dashboard, accessible from CDE’s website This first release is meant to provide local educational agencies and the public an introduction to the new accountability system In the future the Dashboard will be released annually in November beginning in 2017 April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Dashboard The Dashboard will most effectively inform LCAP planning to foster continuous improvement when metrics are based on the most recent data submitted to CALPADS or that is available from other sources Therefore data submission deadlines attempt to balance the practical realities LEAs face of school calendars and availability of staff with the need for timely, quality data April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Performance Indicator Dashboard Performance Indicator Data Source Chronic Absenteeism CALPADS EOY 3 Suspension Rate English Learner Progress Indicator (ELPI) CELDT end of year data file and CALPADS ODS (RFEP cumulative for school year) Graduation Rate Indicator CALPADS ODS Academic Indicator Smarter Balanced Results (3-8) CALPADS Demographics College/Career Indicator (CCI) CALPADS EOY 1 (Course completion, CTE) AP, IB Results Smarter Balanced Results (11) April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Dashboard The Performance Indicators are based on: Status: Where a school is today based on the most recent data Change: Progress a school made from one year to the next THEREFORE, at least two years of data are always needed Both Status and Change have five levels: Status: Very High, High, Medium, Low, Very Low Change: Increase Significantly, Increased, Maintained, Declined, Declined Significantly Status and Change are combined to produce the Performance Category, displayed in colors and pie segments April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Dashboard The performance categories are displayed as a color and in pie segments April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Dashboard April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Dashboard: Chronic Absenteeism Since two years of data are required, the earliest that a performance level will be reported for the Chronic Absenteeism Indicator in the Dashboard is Fall of 2018 based on 2016-17 and 2017-18 data, if data is of quality However, the State Board of Education will decide in September 2017 whether 2016-17 Chronic Absenteeism data will be reported in the Fall of 2017 Dashboard (status only) Starting in 2016-17 Chronic Absenteeism data will be used for federal reporting April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Dashboard: Suspension Rate Suspension Rates are calculated using the following EOY 3 certified data: Count of Suspensions Cumulative Enrollment The Suspension Rate Indicator currently posted on the Dashboard is based on 2013-14 and 2014-15 data The plan is to use 2015-16 and 2016-17 data for Suspension Rates released as part of the Dashboard this November 2017 April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Dashboard: English Learner Progress The English Learner Progress Indicator (ELPI) is based on: CELDT Data from the Test Vendor The ELPI includes all annual CELDT test takers who have two years of CELDT scores CELDT scores from the current come from the test vendor, and scores from the prior year are the scores reported by the LEA to the test vendor (on Pre-ID or answer document), and Annual CELDT scores are attributed to the school where the student took the most recent test April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Dashboard: English Learner Progress RFEP Data from CALPADS: Count of students re-designated Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) in the prior school year from CALPADS The count of RFEP students is based on the number of students reclassified during the school year from July 1 through June 30 Therefore, these counts will be different from the RFEP counts LEAs certify as part of Fall 1, which uses a time period from fall Census Day to fall Census Day The CDE plans to change the CALPADS RFEP report to be consistent with what is used for accountability RFEP students who move from one school to the next, or one district to the next, are included in the ELPI calculation of the school or district that reclassified the student April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Dashboard: English Learner Progress ELPI Calculation Annual CELDT Test Takers Who Increased at least 1 CELDT Level Plus Annual CELDT Test Takers Who Maintained Early Advanced/Advanced Proficient on CELDT English Learners Who were Reclassified in the Prior year Divided by Total number of Annual CELDT Test Takers in the current year English Learners Who were Reclassified in the Prior Year April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Dashboard: Graduation Rate Status: 4-Year Graduation Cohort Rate of Prior Year Class Change: 4-year Graduation Cohort Rate of Prior Year Class minus Three-Year Weighted Average Example: For Class of 2016 4-Year Graduation Cohort Rate for Class of 2016 minus Three-year Weighted Average for Classes of 2013, 2014, and 2015 April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Dashboard: Graduation Rate The 4-Year Graduation Cohort rate has been calculated using data from the CALPADS ODS, though the pull of this data has coincided with the Fall 1 certification deadlines In order to provide more recent data for the calculation of both the Graduation Rate and College and Career Indicator, beginning with the November 2018 Dashboard release the CDE plans to: Provide a 4-year graduation cohort report in CALPADS for the 2017-18 and 2018-19 cohorts Pull and use data for the 2018 cohort from the CALPADS ODS following the end of the 2017-18 school year This requires all LEAs to exit all students at the end of the school year versus waiting until October when the Fall 1 submission window opens April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Dashboard: Graduation Rate NOTE: To promote consistency, the CDE also plans to move the certification of the one-year graduate (used for federal reporting) and one-year dropout rate to the end-of-year submission, tentatively beginning in 2017-18 April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Dashboard: College and Career Indicator For students in the 4-year graduation cohort (minus students who take the California Alternate Assessment) various data sources will be used to determine the number of students who are, Prepared Approaching Prepared Not Prepared for college or career April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Dashboard: College and Career Indicator Key Non-CALPADS Data used for CCI: Passing AP and IB exams Scores on Smarter Balanced ELA and Math Key CALPADS Data used for CCI: Met UC/CSU a-g (completion indicator) Completion, with a passing grade, of academic or CTE courses that are Dual Enrollment (State Course Codes: 2190, 2290, 2490, 2690, 2890, 6090) or Identified in Course Section Instructional Level (Field 9.19) as “College Credit” (Code: 16) Completion of a CTE pathway State Seal of Biliteracy and Golden State Seal Merit Diploma, are two new completion indicators that have yet to be incorporated April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Dashboard: College and Career Indicator Multiple ways for students to meet criteria FOR EXAMPLE a graduate is considered “Prepared” if he/she meets at least 1 of the following measures: Criteria for being considered “Prepared” for College or Career A CTE Pathway completion plus one of the following: On Smarter Balanced assessment, at least a Level 3 “Standard Met” on ELA or math, and at least a Level 2 “Standard Nearly Met” in the other subject area One semester/two quarters of Dual Enrollment with passing grade (Academic/CTE) B At least a Level 3 “Standard Met” on both Smarter Balanced ELA & Math C Completion of two semesters/three quarters of Dual Enrollment with passing grade (Academic and/or CTE subjects) D Passing Score on two AP Exams or two IB Exams E Completion of courses that meet UC/CSU a-g criteria plus one of the following: CTE Pathway completion At Least a Level 3 on ELA or Math; and at least a Level 2 in the other subject One semester/two quarters of Dual Enrollment with passing grade (academic/CTE) Passing score on one AP Exam or on one IB Exam April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Dashboard: College and Career Indicator The November 2017 release of the California School Dashboard will include the CCI for status only The CALPADS data will be based on: CALPADS EOY 1 certified course completion data (tentatively) CALPADS ODS data for whether students met UC/CSU a-g requirements April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Dashboard: Academic Indicators Academic Indicator for Grades 3 - 8 Key Data: Smarter Balanced English Language Arts and Mathematics scores Key CALPADS Data: Demographic and program data to determine student groups The rules for selection of demographic and program data may differ from the rules used to aggregate and post annual Smarter results For example, for accountability purposes, students are placed in a student group if they were socio-economically disadvantaged, English Learner, migrant, foster, homeless, student with disability at any time during the year, and not what they were at the close of the testing window April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Dashboard: Student Groups All indicators will be reported at the student group level CALPADS data is critical for identifying student groups Student groups include: Race/ethnicity Socio-economically disadvantaged English Learner Migrant Foster Homeless Special Education April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Performance Indicator 2017 Dashboard Performance Indicator Data Source Status Change from… Chronic Absenteeism CALPADS EOY 3 n/a Suspension Rate 2016-17 2015-16 ELPI - RFEP CALPADS ODS 6/30/2016 thru 7/1/2017 6/30/2015 thru 7/1/2016 Graduation Rate Indicator Class of 2016 Class of 2013, 2014, 2015 Academic Indicator CALPADS ODS – Demographic Most recent in 2016-17 CALPADS ODS – Program Data closest to testing window College/Career Indicator CALPADS EOY 1 (Course completion, CTE) April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Dashboard 2017 Performance Indicators: Informs LEA’s development of their annual LCAPs Will be used by the state to identify LEAs requiring technical assistance or intervention April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
CALPADS Support Update Client Services Officer, FCMAT/CSIS Martha Friedrich Client Services Officer, FCMAT/CSIS April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide 50
CALPADS Support Update Topics Fall Submission Statistics EOY Planning EOY Submission – Changes Close Out 2016-17 Enrollments SENR file layout – added two new fields Support Tips April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Fall Submission Statistics Certification Deadline Amendment Deadline Fall 1 99% 100% Fall 2 n/a 99.7% April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Upcoming Important Dates EOY Snapshot Starts May 15 EOY Certification Deadline July 31 EOY Amendment Window Deadline August 11 CALPADS Calendar: April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
EOY 2 EOY 3 EOY 1 EOY Submissions SPRG End of Year File Types Program Priority #1 SDIS STAS Discipline Absenteeism Priority #2 CRSC SCSC SCTE Course Completion Career Tech Ed Priority #3 April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
EOY Submissions 5/15 6/16 6/30 7/14 7/31 Suggested Milestones 18 days Complete SIS Data Population 5/15 Upload files and correct errors or discrepancies as needed 6/16 25 days Review certification reports, correct errors, and fix discrepancies 6/30 10 days Distribute reports for review and approval 7/14 10 days Certify (level 1 and level 2) 7/31 11 days April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Posting Process Backlog EOY Submissions Posting Process Backlog May 15 July 15 July 31 Submission Window April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
1. Set Up 2. Update ODS 3. Review Snapshot 4. Certify EOY Submissions SIS Update EOY Roles Add New STAS roles 1. Set Up Submit records Fix records Post records 2. Update ODS Review and fix certification errors, review warnings Reconcile reports 3. Review Snapshot Level 1 (EOY 1-3 Data Collection Certifier) Level 2 (Superintendent Certifier) 4. Certify April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
EOY Submissions Local Planning Certify each school’s Title 1 status in the Consolidated Application Reporting System (CARS) Meet and work with local staff Identify problems encountered last year and actions needed to eliminate problems this year Communicate to sites what is needed Determine who will review EOY submission data and identify their summer schedule to ensure EOY data are reviewed and certified before staff leave Set timelines Upload Program and Discipline data in May for staff review April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Local Planning, Continued EOY Submission Local Planning, Continued Provide reports so staff can address and correct any issues now Attend EOY training in April and May The EOY training schedule posted EOY Certification expected for all LEAs that have an EOY submission listed Attend Q&A Sessions LEAs with grades K-8 need to certify even if they are not reporting departmentalize course completion records to avoid “Missed Deadline” letter . April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
EOY Submission – Misc. Validations Description SENR0315 (F) This validation requires that a student’s school completion status must be “100” (Graduated, Standard HS Diploma) if the Golden Seal Merit Diploma = Y SENR0316 (F) This validation requires that a student’s school completion status must be “100” (Graduated, Standard HS Diploma) if the Seal of Biliteracy = Y SDIS0312 (F) To prevent Removal to Interim Alternative Setting population for Non-Special Ed Students Discuss the new/updated validations on the slide in detail… Notes: April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
EOY 2 Submission New EOY 2 Certification Validations CERT103 (W) Description CERT103 (W) Invalid Open or Closed Transitional Kindergarten Record CERT111 (W) Homeless Program Eligibility Data expected CERT073 (W) Modified to include Program Code 185 (TK) April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
EOY 3 Submission EOY 3 Change Summary Changed EOY 3 Submission name: Absence Summary/Cumulative Enrollment/Discipline Updated Expected School Report 1.0a Added new data collection, Student Absence Summary Added new file type – STAS Added new security roles for STAS file Added new validations Modified the User Interface Batch Templates, Rejected Records extract, ODS extract, Certification reports, Online Maintenance Added new certification reports, 1.21 and 14.1 April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
EOY 3 Submission – STAS Validations Description GERR, FRMT Generic IVRs for STAS file format STAS0303 (F) Invalid Absence Summary Information when Exemption is Indicated STAS0304 (F) Invalid Absence Summary Information when Exemption is Not Indicated STAS0305 (F) Invalid Expected Attendance Days STAS0306 (F) Invalid Days Attended STAS0307 (F) Invalid Out-of-School Suspension days absent Discuss the new/updated validations on the slide in detail… Notes: April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
EOY 3 Submission – STAS Validations Description STAS0308 (F) Invalid In-School Suspension days attended STAS0309 (F) Invalid Excused Non-Suspension days absent STAS0310 (F) Invalid Unexcused Non-Suspension days absent STAS0311 (F) Invalid Incomplete Independent Study Days STAS0314 (F) Duplicate STAS Records Submitted for the Same Student at the Same School STAS0313 (W) Absence Summary Exemption is only for NPS or Home Schooled Student April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
EOY 3 Submission – Certification Validation Description CERT125 (F) Missing In-School Suspension Data for a student reported as attending in-school suspension CERT126 (F) Missing Primary or Short-term Enrollment record for a student with Absence Summary Data CERT127 (F) Missing Out-of-School Suspension Data for a student reported as Absent Out-of-school suspension CERT128 (F) Missing Absence Summary Data for Student CERT129 (F) Expected Attendance Days is greater than Total Enrollment Days April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
EOY 3 Submission – Certification Validation Number Description CERT001 (F) Enrollment Data Missing for Expected Open School CERT112 (F) Student Enrollment Record in Previous AY Not Exited CERT085 (W) Re-activated – Missing Expulsion or Suspension Disciplinary Record CERT086 (W) Re-activated – Missing Expulsion Disciplinary Record CERT130 (F) Removal to Interim Alt Setting Populated for non-special Education Student April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
EOY 1 Submission Change Summary Modified Glossary definition of CTE course Added new reports 3.17, 3.18 for Non-Concentrators Modified reports 3.14, 3.15 – filters and business rules Added Perkins/CTEIG Fundable filter Replaced Pathway filter with Industry Sector Includes Concentrators and Completers only Uses Pathway identified in SCTE file Course Completion record (CRSC) must map to course code within pathway reported in SCTE file CRSC0298 – Only allow certain courses to use Course Content Code 154 to be populated for certain codes Modified Socio-economically Disadvantaged filter to include new value “Economically Disadvantaged” April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
EOY 1 Submission – Certification Validation Number Description CERT081 (W) Modified – No Student Course Section Data for a Secondarily or Short Term Enrolled Student CERT099 (W) No Student Course Section Data for a Primarily Enrolled Student CERT100 (W) Modified – No Enrollment for Course Section to exclude Independent Study Charters CERT102 (W) No CTE Concentrator or Completer Data CERT116 (F) Missing or invalid record for CTE Concentrator in Industry 'ART' or 'AGR' April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
EOY 1 Submission – Certification Validation EOY 1 Certification Validations (cont.) Number Description CERT117 (F) Disable - Missing or invalid record for CTE Completer in Industry 'ART' or 'AGR' CERT122 (F) Missing or invalid record for CTE Concentrator in Industry 'ART' or 'AGR' CERT123 (F) Missing or invalid record for CTE Completer in Industry 'ART' or 'AGR' CERT124 (F) Missing SCSC record for CTE Completer April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Close Out 2016-17 Enrollments Develop local plan to close out 2016-17 enrollment Use SENR file with new elements for graduates Enrollment exits will auto-close Program records Check with SIS Vendor on impact of enrollment close out to EOY submission extracts Direct Certification Pull includes records with E155 April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Close Out 2016-17 Enrollments Reminder: To confirm that a given student has transferred out, a school or LEA must have “official written documentation” that a student has transferred to another school or to an educational program that culminates in the award of a regular high school diploma (34 C.F.R. §200.19(b)(1)(ii)(B)(1)). Examples of official written documentation include: a request for student records from a receiving public or private high school or an educational program (that culminates in a regular high school diploma) a written record of a response from an official in the receiving school or program acknowledging the student’s enrollment. A conversation with a parent or neighbor of a student, for instance, would not be considered “official written documentation” of a transfer. April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Close Out 2016-17 Enrollments Exit Code Notes T180 TransPrivate: Student withdrew from/left school and the district has received acceptable documentation of enrollment in a private school in California. Do not use this code for transfers to a non-sectarian, non-public certified (NPS) school. Student Exit Category Code T160 (TransCASchlRegular) should be used. This code is also used for students completing the highest grade at a middle/ intermediate/junior high and leaving the school to attend a private high school. T200 TransUS: Student withdrew from/left school and the district has received acceptable documentation of enrollment in another public or private U.S. school outside California. Do not use this code for transfers to a non-sectarian, non-public certified (NPS) school. Student Exit Category Code T160 (TransCASchlRegular) should be used. This code should also be used for students matriculating from middle/intermediate/ junior high to a high school outside of California. Also use this code for students who transfer to U.S. territories. April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Close Out 2016-17 Enrollments Exit Code Notes T240 TransOutUS: Student withdrew from/left school to move to another country. This code should also be used for students matriculating from middle/intermediate/ junior high to a high school in another country. A school or LEA must have written confirmation that a student has emigrated to another country (34 C.F.R. §200.19(b)(1)(ii)(B)) T460 TransHomeSchl: Student withdrew from/left school for a home school setting not affiliated with a private school or independent study program at a public school. LEAs should not use this code for students in private schools (those schools that submit private school affidavits). Also, LEAs should not use this code for students in independent study programs through public school districts. April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
LEA Administrator Responsibility Review Security Report Log in to CALPADS with an LEA Administrator account From the Admin Menu, click “User Security” Click on Security Reports 13.1 – Security – Roles by User 13.2 – Security – Users By Role Review the Account Status column “Active” means the user can log in and perform functions associated with the current roles assigned. “Revoked” means the user can no longer log in with that User ID. Determine whether any user access needs to be revoked Always remove the Anomaly Contact role before revoking a the user account April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Support Tips Expedite Support Response Time Reference Known Issues Advise site users to contact LEA Admin Configure Security Questions Use email or web form Include Job ID, SSID*, SEID, Error Number *Do not include personally identifiable information; the SSID is sufficient April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Training Opportunities Support Tips Training Opportunities Basic courses Advanced courses Self-Paced Training Modules Create a CSIS/FCMAT account to register for training April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Support Tips Resources Valid Code Combinations Release Updates and Known Issues Error List Flash Updates Data Guide Self-Paced Training Modules Glossary (User Guide) FAQs April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Please complete our survey OR!113&authkey=!ANDb00MvNrD9n0Y&ithint=file%2cxlsx April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide
Client Services Officer, FCMAT/CSIS Next Meeting Martha Friedrich Client Services Officer, FCMAT/CSIS April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide 79
Next Meeting October 17, 2017 WebEx from Sacramento 80 April 18, 2017 CIM, Slide 80