Types of Somatic and Special Senses Create a new folder in your Google Drive “Senses” From Google Classroom open Intro to Senses and Somatic sense notes In the last unit you learned how impulses are transmitted throughout the body. In this unit we will study how the stimulus is received.
Senses Somatic Special Receptors found in the Receptors found in the head Skin Joints Muscles Viscera Eyes Nose Taste Buds Ears
Senses Somatic Special Sensitive to Sensitive to Light Odor Taste Sound Touch Pain Temperature Pressure
Sensory Receptors Definition Types Stimulated by Structures of the nervous system that gather information about the environment. Chemoreceptor Pain receptor Thermoreceptor Mechanoreceptor Photoreceptor Changes in chemical concentrations Tissue damage Changes in temperature Changes in pressure Changes in light Link to Biofreeze
Focus on the Somatic Sense Recall The sense organs are: -skin -muscles -joints -viscera
Receptors and their function Physiology Mechanorecepors -Free nerve endings -Meissner’s corpuscles -Pacinian corpuscles -sense touch and pressure in epithelial tissue -respond to the motion of objects that barely touch the skin -respond to heavy pressure
Physiology Receptor Thermoreceptors Free nerve endings -sensitive to temperatures above 77 F -most sensitive to temperatures between 50and 68 F Thermoreceptors Free nerve endings -warm receptors -cold receptors Thermoreceptors role in maintaining homeostasis
Receptor Physiology Pain receptor Free nerve endings protect the body from further injury, sometimes trigger mechanoreceptors
You Try It! Obtain 2 different colored markers for each group of 2 students. With your eyes closed, have the person next to you touch the palm of your hand with a colored marker. Try and point to the same spot with a different colored marker. Did you locate the spot? Let each person in the group give it a try. Answer the questions in your notes.
What sense were you using? Somatic What sensory receptor were you using? Mechanoreceptor What sensory nerve ending was used? Free Nerve Ending How do you know the palm has been touched? -Sensory neuron sends a message to the CNS "integration" -Brain interprets the "sensation" -Message is "projected" back to the spot via the motor neuron
Imagine a world without senses visual/auditory/tactile hallucinations incoherent thoughts deterioration of intellectual performance morbid fear and panic