SC ATE Center of Excellence National Resource Center for Expanding Excellence in Technician Education Partially funded by the National Science Foundation
SC ATE Mission To increase the quality, quantity, and diversity of Engineering Technology graduates in support of economic development
Link to EEDA Links career choice to personal success Provides clear pathways to technology-based careers Fosters better preparation of students with pre-requisite skills/knowledge Promotes on-time graduation to increase retention and success
Initial Steps: Darlington County High Schools Address non-academic barriers Increase # matriculating to technical/community college Increase use of career planning assessment
Results: Darlington County 19% increase in number of high school graduates graduating in May 2005 and entering technical college in September 2006 (89 to 106 for Darlington School District) Highest % increase of postsecondary options. Too many proved not ready for college courses.
Sharing information to increase awareness Three high schools in Florence District 1 Overall: 86% not ready “Not ready” students require pre-requisite or remedial courses to enter the college program of their choice High school teachers and administrators were shocked!
New Activities: Florence District 1 High Schools Academic skills testing in high school Work Keys Contextual remediation (Tech Start) Curriculum and course alignment Career awareness: videos for outreach to parents, teachers/counselors, and students
Contact information Elaine L. Craft, Director SC ATE Center of Excellence & President, SCATE Inc. Florence-Darlington Technical College 843-661-8126