Accountability & Quality Update All ACCESS 2.0 Test Results- June 8th Online and Printed Disclaimer Statement-Data is NOT official until printed on NCDPI ISR paper OR an email certification from DPI. Spring/EOY Roster Verification- Teacher Verification- April 22-May 19; School Verification- May 20-June 2; District Verification-June 3-30 Homebound Students When a teacher of record (PowerSchool) is NOT the homebound teacher, the Teacher of Record claims 50% of instruction and Homebound Teacher claims 0%. The student is under claimed. If the homebound teacher is the teacher of record, the teacher should claim 100% of instruction or per PowerSchool enrollment. OCS/NCVPS course taught jointly require the OCS teacher to claim 50% of the instructional assignment. Courses via Grad-point for full credit- teacher of record claim 50% Discipline- Copies of Guide here (pgs 20-32) : 504/IEP/TI/ELL Guiding Questions Do the student have any other type of plan? Do the student need classroom accommodations different from testing accommodations? Do the selected accommodations align with the student need? Data? Evidence? Meeting Notes? Review of Testing Accommodations Sheets? Note: The team may come to a consensus and all do not have to agree. A parent may recommend options only and can appeal if they disagree with the team decision. Elementary/Middle Test Plans Due- May 11th, at noon Testing Window-May 25-June 9 High EOC/NCFE/CTE/Extend I Grade 10 Test Plans Due-May 18th, at noon Testing Window- June 2-June 9 Cohort Graduation Rate, WorkKeys, EXPTEST and HIST Audits. Transfer and Drops (Documentation)