Presented by the OTHS Counselors Naviance Training Presented by the OTHS Counselors
Agenda What is Naviance and family connection? Log-On Procedures Proposed list of activities by grade level Home page and About Me Careers College Question and Answer time
What is Naviance? Naviance/Family Connection is a comprehensive and widely used college and career planning software program that will assist our students, parents, and counselors in various areas of their education and post-high school planning process.
WHAT CAN STUDENTS AND PARENTS DO USING FAMILY CONNECTION? View guidance news bulletins Create a résumé View college visits and sign up Complete a college search Develop a prospective college list Provide access to scholarship search engines; over a hundred national scholarships are available Maintain journal entries Game Plan Survey Complete school developed surveys Compare colleges Links to selected third party resources (i.e. College Board, Financial Aid, NCAA, Careers, College searches, etc.) Track deadlines View scattergrams
How is it accessed? Family Connection is web-based Parents/Guardians will be provided login information by December 9, 2016. Students can access via My Katy Cloud. Login using your Katy ISD login and password. Type Naviance into the search area
Naviance Tile
After You Sign in Updates from the Guidance Office Click on the Tabs Important Messages Updates from the Guidance Office
Colleges Page Use these links to do a college search
See what College visits are scheduled and sign up to attend!
College Profile Visit College Website
Colleges I’m Thinking About Click Here to add colleges to your prospective college list
About Me – Resume and Surveys Click here to fill out important surveys, tell us your Game Plan and create your resume
Search for and Explore Careers
Activities Take Career Interest Profiler Things to Do ” Take Career Interest Profiler Take Learning Styles Inventory Take Strength’s Explorer Start your resume
My favorite careers and clusters
colleges Will probably be the most used tab at chs! Includes college rep visits to chs, supermatch college search, scholarship search, request transcripts for applications, and ability to link to college websites.
*Students can add schools to Colleges I’m thinking about SuperMatch: Narrow down the list of schools your student is interested in using the categories… you do not need to complete every step unless you want to ! *Students can add schools to Colleges I’m thinking about
Upcoming Dates Feb 7 9th Grade Parent Night Feb 8 10th and 11th Parent Night 6:30pm in the PAC January 30 -Mar 3 Course Selection Meetings with counselors