Are You Ready For The 2017 Season


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Presentation transcript:

Are You Ready For The 2017 Season Licenses and Permits Captain Dave Waldrip

Discussion Subjects Merchant Mariner Credentials Drug Testing Requirements Vessel Documentation (Coastwise Trade) Federal Fishery Permits (Northeast Multi Species and Endorsements) Letters of Authorizations HMS Permits for Charter Headboat Dolphin Wahoo Permits Commonwealth of Massachusetts Charter Boat Endorsement Commonwealth of Massachusetts Commercial Vessel Permits Commonwealth of Massachusetts Endorsements (Comm Bass, Sea Bass etc) Commercial Fishing Vessel Inspections Vessel Trip Reporting Requirements

Merchant Mariner Credentials

Merchant Mariner Credentials Operators of Uninspected Passenger Vessels OPUV (aka Six Pack), must be carried on board Credential often referred to as Captain’s License is issued for a five year period. Grace Period For One Year after Expiration CAN NOT OPERATE DURING THE GRACE PERIOD

Drug Testing Applies to Coast Guard licensed UPV crewmembers operators and/or masters acting under the authority of a license/MMC UPV crewmembers who do not hold a MMC but whose duties directly effect the safe operation of the vessel (such as those who assist passengers in emergency evolutions. Crewmember includes all individuals above that perform safety sensitive duties aboard

Vessel Registration and Documentation Certificate of Documentation for a UPV of at least 5 net tons that engages in domestic or coastwide trade must have a Certificate of Documentation on board. If documented and conducting charters your documentation must be endorsed for “Coastwide Trade”. If you are not documented and state registered, there are no endorsements for Coastwide Trade on state registered vessels. These need to be on board at all times

Federal Vessel Operator Permits Operator cards are required for any operator of a charter/party boat and or a commercial vessel (including carrier and processor vessels) issued a vessel permit from the Greater Atlantic Region and possessing or fishing for Atlantic Sea Scallops, Northeast Multispecies, Spiny Dogfish, Monkfish, American Lobster, Atlantic Herring, Atlantic Surf clam, Ocean Quahog, Maine Mahogany Quahog, Atlantic Mackerel, Summer Flounder, Loligo Squid, Illex Squid, Butterfish, Scup, Black Sea Bass, Golden Tilefish, Skates, Atlantic Deep-Sea Red Crab, or Atlantic Bluefish, in or from the EEZ.

Federal Vessel Operator Permits It is the responsibility of the vessel owner to ensure that his/her vessels issued Greater Atlantic Region permits are operated by an individual with a valid Federal Vessel Operator Permit The Federal Vessel Operator Permit is a photo ID that must be carried by the operator of the vessel, and issued for three years Vessel operators are required to report their operator permit number when completing their VTRs

Federal Fishery Permits Northeast Multispecies “Regulated” species (NE multispecies requiring regulated mesh): Cod, haddock, yellowtail flounder, pollock, redfish (ocean perch), winter flounder (blackback), American plaice (dab), witch flounder (grey sole), windowpane flounder (sand dab), white hake, Atlantic halibut, and Atlantic wolffish. Other NE multispecies: Silver hake (whiting), red hake (ling), offshore hake, and ocean pout

Federal Fishery Permits Northeast Multispecies Charter/Party: The vessel may possess and land multispecies in the EEZ when carrying passengers for hire. This category is limited to rod and reel and hand line gear only

Federal Fishery Permits Summer Flounder (Fluke) Charter/Party: May fish for or possess summer flounder in the EEZ while carrying passengers for hire. This category includes all gear types

Federal Fishery Permits Scup (Porgy) Charter/Party: May fish for or possess scup in the EEZ while carrying passengers for hire. This category includes all gear types

Federal Fishery Permits Black Sea Bass Charter/Party: May fish for or possess black sea bass in the EEZ north of 35º 15.3´while carrying passengers for hire. This category includes all gear types.

Federal Fishery Permits Squid/Mackerel/Butterfish Charter/Party: May fish for or possess unlimited amounts of Longfin or Illex squid, mackerel or butterfish in the EEZ while carrying passengers for hire. This category includes all gear types.

Federal Fishery Permits Atlantic Bluefish Charter/Party: May fish for or possess Atlantic bluefish from the EEZ while carrying passengers for hire. This category includes all gear types

Vessel Trip Reports (VTR’s) Your Vessel Trip Reporting and Logbook Requirements Reporting regulations require that the owner or operator of any vessel issued a Federal fishing permit by the Greater Atlantic Region must submit an accurate and timely VTR for each trip, regardless of area fished, species targeted or permit used. These requirements also pertain to trips made in State waters fishing with State permits.

Letters of Authorization Three Most Popular for Charter/Party Nantucket Lightship Closed Area Western GOM and Cashes Ledge CA GOM Rolling CA Charter/Party

Letters of Authorization To participate in the exempted fishery program, vessels are required to carry the LOA on board for the entire participation period specified on the LOA In order to be exempted from the closed areas for charter/party fishing, a charter/party vessel must have an LOA issued by the Regional Administrator. Fish managed by either the NEFMC or the MAFMC that are harvested or possessed by the vessel may not be sold, bartered or traded or intended for sale, barter or trade, regardless of where caught. Species such as tuna and striped bass may be landed for sale provided the vessel has the proper permits; and the vessel may have no gear other than rod and reel or hand line gear on board.

Western Gulf of Maine Closed Area

HMS Charter Headboat Permits Issued by National Marine Fisheries Service and Valid Through the Current Calendar Year Owners/operators of charter/headboat vessels fishing for and/or retaining regulated Atlantic Highly Migratory Species (Atlantic tunas, sharks, swordfish and billfish) in the Atlantic Ocean, including the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea, must obtain an Atlantic Highly Migratory Species (HMS) permit. To be eligible for this permit category there MUST be a licensed Coast Guard Captain onboard the vessel during ALL HMS Fishing activities regardless if they are commercial, recreational, or fee based in nature.

HMS Charter Headboat Permits This permit allows a vessel to fish both commercially for tunas and recreationally for HMS, although not on the same day. Only the sale of tuna catch is permitted with this permit. This permit is required if fishing in Federal or State waters and because it is a commercial permit the U.S. Coast Guard Safety Gear Regulations may apply. This permit will also allow a vessel to fish in registered recreational HMS fishing tournaments.

NMFS Dolphin/Wahoo Permits Atlantic Charter/Headboat For Dolphin Wahoo Issued By NMFS Southeast Regional Office, Saint Petersburg, FL Good for 365 Days, $25.00 Annual Fee

Massachusetts Charter Boat Permits and Endorsements

Massachusetts Charter Boat Permits Massachusetts Charter Boat Permit issued for vessels carrying six or less passengers for hire. Issued by Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries Annual Fee of $65.00 To obtain original or if CG MMD has changed, must submit a current copy with application Covers all passengers and crew on board for a fishing license when a CG Licensed Captain is aboard

Massachusetts Commercial Fishing Permits Permit is for vessel, most will be for a 0-59 ft vessel, allows you to sell your commercial catch including Bluefin Tuna Annual Fee Resident $130 Other Endorsements Striped Bass $30 Surface Gillnet $30 Scup $30 Dogfish $30 And Others

Commercial Fishing Vessel Safety Exams Established by the Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2010 Mandatory examination requirement if you operate beyond 3 Nautical Miles of the baseline (3 mile limit) Dockside Examination is good for five years Requirements Found in 46 CFR 28 section or you can go to Stellwagen Bank Charter Boat Assoc links to see requirements

Commercial Fishing Vessel Safety Exams Contacts For additional information contact Mr. Ted Harrington, First Coast Guard District (617) 223-8440 Mr. Paul Bassick, First Coast Guard District (617) 223-8315 Mr. Kevin Coyle, U.S.C.G. Sector Southeast New England (508) 991-6812

Requirements For Uninspected Passenger Vessels Numerous requirements, touched on licensing and drug testing Others requirements can be found on line 46 CFR 15 Handouts , Requirements For Uninspected Passenger Vessels

Best Practices Carry all licenses, permits etc in a Binder with page protectors. Flares, use a sharpie and write down the expiration date on the flares and again on the outside of the flare box. Check all required safety equipment and permits at the beginning of each season, check vessel and test bilge pumps Conduct a radio check with friend, Sea Tow, or Towboat U.S.

Questions Any Questions