Primary Cause of Kidney Failure in new ESRD patients at initiation, by ethnicity figure 2.1, 1997-2000 combined.


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Presentation transcript:

Primary Cause of Kidney Failure in new ESRD patients at initiation, by ethnicity figure 2.1, 1997-2000 combined

Percent of new patients with diabetes as the primary cause of renal failure figure 2.2, 1999-2000 combined, by HSA, unadjusted Percent of patients 47.8+ (52.0) 45.5 to <47.8 43.9 to <45.5 42.2 to <43.9 below 42.2 (40.5)

Cardiovascular comorbidity at initiation: diabetics figure 2 Cardiovascular comorbidity at initiation: diabetics figure 2.3, 2000, by HSA, unadjusted Percent of patients 43.8+ (48.7) 39.7 to <43.8 36.8 to <39.7 33.5 to <36.8 below 33.5 (29.8)

Cardiovascular comorbidity at initiation: non-diabetics figure 2 Cardiovascular comorbidity at initiation: non-diabetics figure 2.3, 2000, by HSA, unadjusted Percent of patients 34.0+ (37.2) 30.1 to <34.0 26.2 to <30.1 24.0 to <26.2 below 24.0 (21.8)

Trends in cardiovascular comorb Trends in cardiovascular comorb. from inpatient hospitalization diagnosis codes, in patients surviving one-year after ESRD figure 2.4, incident ESRD patients

Trends in cardiovascular comorb Trends in cardiovascular comorb. developed in the two years prior to dialysis, patients 67 years & older figure 2.5, incident ESRD patients

Trends in the number of comorbid conditions at initiation figure 2 Trends in the number of comorbid conditions at initiation figure 2.6, incident ESRD patients

Trends in the occurrence of diabetes as a primary or secondary complication, by race/ethnicity figure 2.7, incident ESRD patients All White Black Percent of patients

Trends in the occurrence of diabetes as a primary or secondary complication, by race/ethnicity figure 2.7, incident ESRD patients Native American Asian Hispanic Percent of patients

% of pts at initiation with serum albumin < test’s lower limit, by age& gender figure 2.8, incident ESRD patients Age Gender

% of pts at initiation with serum albumin < test’s lower limit, by race, & primary diagnosis figure 2.8, incident ESRD patients (cont.) Race Primary diagnosis Percent of patients

Geographic variations in the % of patients at initiation with albumin levels below the test’s lower limit: 1995 figure 2.9, incident ESRD patients, by HSA, unadjusted Percent of patients 64.3+ (66.1) 62.9 to <64.3 58.5 to 62.9 56.8 to <58.5 below 56.8 (55.7)

Geographic variations in the % of patients at initiation with albumin levels below the test’s lower limit: 2000 figure 2.9, incident ESRD patients, by HSA, unadjusted Percent of patients 64.3+ (65.2) 62.9 to <64.3 58.5 to <62.9 56.8 to <58.5 below 56.8 (NA)

Geographic variations in the % of pts at initiation with allbumin levels < the test’s lower limit: % change 1995-2000 figure 2.9, incident ESRD patients, by HSA, unadjusted Percent change 14.2+ (16.2) 11.9 to <14.2 10.2 to 11.9 9.0 to <10.2 below 9.0 (7.8)

Trends in EPO use prior to initiation, by age & gender figure 2 Trends in EPO use prior to initiation, by age & gender figure 2.10, incident ESRD patients

Trends in EPO use prior to initiation, by race/ethnicity & gender figure 2.11, incident ESRD patients

Trends in mean hemoglobin at initiation, by EPO treatment figure 2 Trends in mean hemoglobin at initiation, by EPO treatment figure 2.12, incident ESRD patients

Geographic variations in the percent of patients receiving EPO prior to initiation, by race: all figure 2.13, 1999-2000 combined, incident ESRD patients, by HSA, unadjusted Percent of patients 34.7+ (41.8) 28.8 to <34.7 24.2 to <28.8 19.6 to <24.2 below 19.6 (16.4)

Geographic variations in the percent of patients receiving EPO prior to initiation, by race: white figure 2.13, 1999-2000 combined, incident ESRD patients, by HSA, unadjusted Percent of patients 34.7+ (41.3) 28.8 to <34.7 24.2 to <28.8 19.6 to <24.2 below 19.6 (17.1)

Geographic variations in the % of pts receiving EPO prior to initiation, by race: non-white figure 2.13, 1999-2000 combined, incident ESRD patients, by HSA, unadjusted Percent of patients 34.7+ (41.2) 28.8 to <34.7 24.2 to <28.8 19.6 to <24.2 below 19.6 (16.4)

Trends in hemoglobin level from the Medical Evidence Form 2728 at initiation figure 2.14, incident ESRD patients

Trends in mean hemoglobin at initiation, by age & gender figure 2 Trends in mean hemoglobin at initiation, by age & gender figure 2.15, incident ESRD patients

Trends in mean hemoglobin at initiation, by race/ethnicity & gender figure 2.16, incident ESRD patients

Trends in mean hemoglobin at initiation, by modality figure 2 Trends in mean hemoglobin at initiation, by modality figure 2.17, incident ESRD patients

Geographic variations in mean hemoglobin at initiation: all figure 2 Geographic variations in mean hemoglobin at initiation: all figure 2.18, 1999-2000 combined, incident ESRD patients, by HSA, unadjusted Mean hemoglobin (g/dl) 10.0+ (10.1) 9.8 to <10.0 9.7 to <9.8 9.6 to <9.7 below 9.6 (9.5)

Geographic variations in mean hemoglobin at initiation: white figure 2 Geographic variations in mean hemoglobin at initiation: white figure 2.18, 1999-2000 combined, incident ESRD patients, by HSA, unadjusted Mean hemoglobin (g/dl) 10.0+ (10.2) 9.8 to <10.0 9.7 to <9.8 9.6 to <9.7 below 9.6 (9.4)

Geographic variations in mean hemoglobin at initiation: non-white figure 2.18, 1999-2000 combined, incident ESRD patients, by HSA, unadjusted Mean hemoglobin (g/dl) 10.0+ (10.3) 9.8 to <10.0 9.7 to <9.8 9.6 to <9.7 below 9.6 (9.5)

Geographic variations in mean BUN at initiation: 2000 figure 2 Geographic variations in mean BUN at initiation: 2000 figure 2.19, incident ESRD patients, by HSA, unadjusted Mean BUN (mg/dl) 89.1+ (92.0) 87.4 to <89.1 85.9 to <87.4 84.4 to <85.9 below 84.4 (81.5)

Geographic variations in mean BUN at initiation, percent change : 1995-2000 figure 2.19, incident ESRD patients, by HSA, unadjusted Percent change -5.3+ (-3.2) -6.5 to <-5.3 -7.9 to <-6.5 -9.7 to <-7.9 below -9.7 (-13.0)

Trends in mean BUN at initiation, by age & race/ethnicity figure 2 Trends in mean BUN at initiation, by age & race/ethnicity figure 2.20, incident ESRD patients

Geographic variations in mean serum creatinine at initiation figure 2 Geographic variations in mean serum creatinine at initiation figure 2.21, incident ESRD patients, by HSA, unadjusted Serum creatinine (mg/dl) 7.59+ (7.94) 7.31 to <7.59 7.00 to <7.31 6.72 to <7.00 below 6.72 (6.49)

Geographic variations in mean serum creatinine at initiation, % change: 1995-2000 figure 2.21, incident ESRD patients, by HSA, unadjusted Percent change -11.3+ (-8.5) -14.3 to <-11.3 -16.7 to <-14.3 -19.5 to <-16.7 below -19.5 (-21.9)

Trends in mean serum creatinine at initiation, by age & race/ethnicity figure 2.22, incident ESRD patients

Geographic variations in mean eGFR at initiation: 2000 figure 2 Geographic variations in mean eGFR at initiation: 2000 figure 2.23, incident ESRD patients, by HSA, unadjusted eGFR (ml/min) 8.91+ (9.25) 8.57 to <8.91 8.38 to <8.57 8.22 to <8.38 below 8.22 (8.03))

Geographic variations in mean eGFR at initiation, % change: 1995-2000 figure 2.23, incident ESRD patients, by HSA, unadjusted Percent change 22.8+ (27.4) 20.0 to <22.8 18.0 to <20.0 15.9 to <18.0 below 15.9 (13.5)

Trends in mean eGFR at initiation, by age & race/ethnicity figure 2.24

Geographic variations in mean BMI at initiation: 2000 figure 2 Geographic variations in mean BMI at initiation: 2000 figure 2.25, incident ESRD patients, by HSA, unadjusted BMI (kg/m2) 27.0+ (27.2) 26.9 to <27.0 26.8 to <26.9 26.7 to <26.8 below 26.7 (26.5)

Geographic variations in mean BMI at initiation, % change: 1995-2000 figure 2.25, incident ESRD patients, by HSA, unadjusted Percent change 7.15+ (9.69) 5.73 to <7.15 4.57 to <5.73 3.05 to <4.57 below 3.05 (0.53)

Trends in mean BMI at initiation, by age & race/ethnicity figure 2 Trends in mean BMI at initiation, by age & race/ethnicity figure 2.26, incident ESRD patients

BMI distribution in Patients with a history of cardiovascular disease & stroke figure 2.27 by age, race and ethnicity

BMI distribution in Patients with a history of cardiovascular disease & stroke figure 2.28 by age, race and ethnicity

Differences in eGFR at initiation, by age, race/ethnicity, diabetic status, & gender figure 2.29

Differences in eGFR at initiation, by age, race/ethnicity, diabetic status, & gender figure 2.29 (con.t) Non-diabetics

Differences in eGFR at initiation, by pre-ESRD hospital days, age, & gender, patients 67 & older figure 2.30

Differences in eGFR at initiation, by Charlson score, & age, patients 67 & older figure 2.31

Differences in eGFR at initiation, by Charlson score, & gender, patients 67 & older figure 2.31 (cont.)

Event curves for first hospitalization in the first year of ESRD, by eGFR at initiation figure 2.32, incident dialysis patients, 1998-1999 combined

Event curves for survival in the first year of ESRD, by eGFR at initiation figure 2.33, incident dialysis patients, 1998-1999 combined

Percent survival, by eGFR at initiation & race figure 2 Percent survival, by eGFR at initiation & race figure 2.34, incident dialysis patients, 1998-1999 combined

Percents receiving EPO before initiation, by race/ethnicity & insurance coverage figure 2.35, incident ESRD patients, 2000 Percent of patients All W B NA A H All W B NA A H All W B NA A H All W B NA A H

Percents receiving EPO before initiation, by race/ethnicity & insurance coverage figure 2.35, incident ESRD patients, 2000 (cont.) Percent of patients

Mean hemoglobin at initiation, by race/ethnicity & insurance coverage figure 2.36, incident ESRD patients, 2000 Hemoglobin g/dl All W B NA A H All W B NA A H All W B NA A H All W B NA A H

Mean hemoglobin at initiation, by race/ethnicity & insurance coverage figure 2.36, incident ESRD patients, 2000 (cont.) Hemoglobin g/dl

Patients with cardiovascular disease at initiation, by race/ethnicity & insurance coverage figure 2.37, incident ESRD patients, 2000 Percent of patients All W B NA A H All W B NA A H All W B NA A H All W B NA A H

Patients with cardiovascular disease at initiation, by race/ethnicity & insurance coverage figure 2.37, incident ESRD patients, 2000 (cont.) Percent of patients

Racial & ethnic distribution, by insurance type at initiation figure 2 Racial & ethnic distribution, by insurance type at initiation figure 2.38, incident ESRD patients, 2000 Percent of patients Insurance groups M/caid-Medicaid only M/care-Medicare only M w/oth-Medicare with other M & M-Medicare & Medicaid M + EGHP-Medicare with EGHP DVA/oth-DVA or other EGHP-EGHP only None-no insurance M/caid M/care M w/oth M & M M + EGHP DVA/oth EHGP None Insurance type (see table above for codes)

Racial & ethnic distribution, by insurance type at initiation figure 2 Racial & ethnic distribution, by insurance type at initiation figure 2.38, incident ESRD patients, 2000 (cont.) Hispanic ethnicity Percent of patients Insurance groups M/caid-Medicaid only M/care-Medicare only M w/oth-Medicare with other M & M-Medicare & Medicaid M + EGHP-Medicare with EGHP DVA/oth-DVA or other EGHP-EGHP only None-no insurance Insurance type (see table above for codes)

Geographic variations in the percent of patients with insurance at initiation: Medicaid only figure 2.39, incident ESRD patients, 2000, by HSA, unadjusted Percent of patients 11.04+ (12.79) 9.32 to <11.04 7.82 to <9.32 7.00 to <7.82 below 7.00 (6.49)

Geographic variations in the percent of patients with insurance at initiation: Medicare only figure 2.39, incident ESRD patients, 2000, by HSA, unadjusted Percent of patients 16.9+ (19.3) 14.7 to <16.9 12.7 to <14.7 10.4 to <12.7 below 10.4 (9.2)

Geographic variations in the percent of patients with insurance at initiation: Medicare with other figure 2.39, incident ESRD patients, 2000, by HSA, unadjusted Percent of patients 33.2+ (39.6) 26.2 to <33.2 20.7 to <26.2 15.6 to <20.7 below 15.6 (13.0))

Geographic variations in the % of patients with insurance at initiation: Medicare with Medicaid figure 2.39, incident ESRD patients, 2000, by HSA, unadjusted Percent of patients 15.6+ (19.5) 11.9 to <15.6 10.0 to <11.9 8.7 to <10.0 below 8.7 (7.8)

Geographic variations in the percent of patients with insurance at initiation: Medicare with EGHP figure 2.39, incident ESRD patients, 2000, by HSA, unadjusted Percent of patients 8.64+ (13.60) 6.41 to <8.64 5.08 to <6.41 3.79 to <5.08 below 3.79 (3.20)

Geographic variations in the % of patients with insurance at initiation: DVA or other figure 2.39, incident ESRD patients, 2000, by HSA, unadjusted Percent of patients 12.76+ (15.80) 10.13 to <12.76 8.59 to <10.13 7.00 to <8.59 below 7.00 (6.00)