Chris Zielinski – What’s new in Phi? Chris Zielinski – Visiting Fellow, University of Winchester, UK Director, Partnerships in Health Information AHILA 15th Biennial Congress 2016
Overview Partnerships in Health Information – a background Principles Phi, AHILA and other work in Africa Changes and key recent activities The Future Conclusions Overview
Phi 1992-2015 Early 1990s – SatelLife USA and UK Directors: Jean Shaw, then Shane Godbolt Trustees; health professionals including librarians, academics & other NGO colleagues Programmes Officer 2006; full time grant funded post Enabled expansion of activities & alignment with government level emphasis on partnerships Phi 1992-2015
Capacity building for health information professionals & librarians Facilitating health information partnerships & development projects Networking & collaborating with others to underpin good quality healthcare with reliable health information Objectives
Principles 1. Promoting African leadership in health information 2. Supporting evidence-based practice and improving public access to health information 3. Working directly with African organizations and networks to further these aims Principles
Action Country focus Ethiopia Uganda Sierra Leone Tanzania Kenya Zambia Nigeria Strategic collaborations THET (MoU) INASP HIFA2015 AHILA ITOCA IFLA CILIP esp. HLG & ILIG Action
Case Study - Uganda Phi activity: Facilitated Health Library Partnership since 1994 Working with health library network in Uganda 2010 engaging with Gulu Health Link Health Link partners identified need to develop library services at Gulu University July -UK Link coordinator approached Phi at Wales for Africa meeting July -Phi supported meeting at University Hospital of South Manchester; discussed library development November - Librarian in party visiting Gulu University to carry out needs assessment of library services Case Study - Uganda
Strengthening the health library network in Uganda Representatives from Uganda Nurses and Midwives Union, African Prisons Project, Mulago General Hospital and Uganda Chapter of the Association for Health Information and Libraries in Africa, discussing health information issues in Uganda with Maria Cotera
Case Study - Ethiopia Phi activity Support the development and strengthen activities of health library network in Ethiopia Established strong links with Librarians in Ethiopia Training of Trainers workshop on Health Information Literacy at Jimma University Facilitated continuing professional development programmes for Ethiopian librarians to the UK Engaging with Leicester/Gondar Health Link Senior Librarian attend Health Links meeting in Addis 2009 Development of a Library Skills module within a new MSc in Advanced Clinical & Laboratory Subjects at Gondar University in, led by the THET supported Leicester /Gondar link.
Development of a Library Skills module Phi facilitated involvement of 2 visiting Ethiopian librarians to the UK in early discussions on module development at Leicester University Phi supported the involvement of 2 additional trainers (1 from UK and 1 from Ethiopia) to support Leicester Module lead in curriculum development and training Module launched September for 45 students ‘The first module of the new MSc programme in Gondar… was a great success. I have had nothing but praise from all quarters. ’ Professor Mike Silverman, October 2010
Launch of Library Skills Module
Changes 1 The change process started in October 2015 No significant new funding, proposal by Board Executive Director: Chris Zielinski succeeded Shane Godbolt Continued major activities: House of Lords Reception Launch of Dr Musoke’s book Informed and Healthy: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives on The Value of Information to Health Care Commonwealth Fellowships Changes 1
Changes 2 Approaches by the University of Winchester The Phi Board decided that, effective 30 September, Phi would cease to be an independent charity/NGO and merge with the University of Winchester Phi is now a lead programme at the new Centre for Global Health, in the Health and Wellbeing Group of the Research and Knowledge Exchange, University of Winchester Changes 2
Phi will continue its current activities and embody the same principles and vision Phi will continue to work closely with AHILA and ITOCA Phi will also look for new, larger-scale activities in health information and new funding Phi will build a team of Phi Associates to help carry out projects The Future
The objective is to develop a team of individuals with a wide range of expert skills who would be ready to consider paid short- term assignments helping Phi to bid for and execute larger projects. We will be working to identify persons with the skills, expertise and willingness to act in this capacity when relevant project activities are identified. Phi Associates
Knowledge management in the broadest sense – planning/strategy Education/training in respect of health information and literature Networking – development and management of online networks Health information policy and planning Health documentation and library services (policies and practice) Other health literature actors – authors, editors, publishers Assessing impact, evaluating information activities and strategies Knowledge translation: research to policy and practice eHealth and mHealth applications National and district health observatories Information input to different services Copyright, plagiarism, ethics Medical and hospital records A broader vision
Thanks for your attention! Chris Zielinski Visiting Fellow, University of Winchester, UK Director, Partnerships in Health Information