Macroeconomics IB 2.1
2 sector Circular Flow of Income
2 sector Circular Flow of Income
2 sector Circular Flow of Income
Factors Provided by Households Provided by firms(business) Capital Entrepreneurship Land Labor Provided by firms(business) Interest Profits Rent Wages
2 sector model Too simplistic Injections Leakages Transfer payments Foreign investment Return on investment (stocks etc) Leakages Imports Saving Taxes
3 Sector Circular Flow
3 sector Circular Flow (b)
4 Sector Circular Flow Transfer payments Build model out from 2-5
4 sector, less complicated
4 sectors… Households Firms Government Financial Markets… BUT WAIT…
5 sector Circular Flow
6 Sector Circular Flow JUST KIDDING
Moniac Machine
4 Sector Circular Flow Model ECONOMY SEEKS EQUILIBRIUM
Measurement of National Income Income Method Output Method Expenditure Method PROBLEMS Year to year - informal sector Flawed data - masks health of country
GNI GDP v GNP v GNI Using numbers, “objectively” applied Most common - Gross Domestic Product or Gross National Product Difference: GDP - sum total of everything bought or sold in borders GNP - sum total of national industries’ products bought or sold wherever in the world… GNP = GDP + net property income from abroad NOW we use GNI. (Gross National Income) (basically GNP with sales tax/VAT taken off the total) GNI
GDP math C + G + I + (X-M) C= Consumption G = Government Spending I= Business Investment (X-M) = Exports - Imports
Parts to GDP
What is counted and not Counted Not Counted New services & goods Finished products Real things and real service Not Counted Used goods Primary goods used to manufacture finished goods Purely Financial Transactions
Richest countries
US States GDP as compared to nations
Net National Product Assets lose value over time So. NNP = GNP- depreciation
Other Measurements NI PI DPI
GDP/GNI can be expressed in different ways Nominal GDP/GNI Real GDP/GNI Per capita GDP/GNI Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)
Nominal v Real Prices go up most years so how to compare year to year? Real GDP = GDP expressed in “chained” dollars for inflation GDP Deflator and the Inflation Calculator
China GDP Growth since 1998
Growth in real GDP
Per Capita GDP GDP divided by population China – 7.3 Trillion (#2) US -15 Trillion (#1) China – 8,400 (#94) US – 48,100 (#8)
Per Capita GDP GDP divided by population US 14.2 T Eurozone 12.4 T Japan 5 T* China 4.9 T* France 2.6 T UK 2.1 T Canada 1.3 T India 1.2 T Phillipines 160 B Morocco 90 B
Original World Mapper
Per Capita GDP 2000 years ago
Nominal GDP in 2015
Countries experiencing GDP decline - %
Growth in GDP
Stocks and GDP Per cap
Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) Per capita still doesn’t give a clear picture One US Dollar buys one tomato in US In Morocco .07 cents buys one tomato So adjust the per capita (in dollars) to account for how far one dollar goes Zimbabwe, Morocco, Luxemburg
Percent living on $1 a day
The Wretched Dollar
PPP <$10 a day
PPP per capita
Big Mac Index
So…… GDP Per Capita PPP Nationmaster says GDP (per cap) PPP
The G’s G7 (8) G20 G77
G 77 (actually 132 countries)
GDP measures what? GDP can grow due to bad events: Natural disasters War Crime Health epidemics And misses informal sector So we have another measurement GPI (Genuine Progress Indicator)
Genuine Progress Indicator
The Hidden Economy % of GDP hidden Greece -28.2% Italy - 25.7% Norway -18.4% Canada - 15.2% USA -8.4%
Next slide stolen from
U.S. Underground Economy What doesn’t get reported Illegal $300 B Legal $600 B Drugs $120 Bribery $35 Self Employed $255 Gambling and Loan Sharking $10 Other Legal $25 Rents & Royalties $30 Pornography $20 Fraud $30 Corporate Profits $50 Other Illegal $20 Prostitution $30 Interest $55 Stolen Goods $35 Wages and Salaries $185 What gets reported is the “Above Ground” What doesn’t get reported is the “Underground”
Drawbacks to using GDP Accuracy Informal Sector Hidden Economy “I’m getting $1,000 to kill you, Ziggy, but unfortunately it will not count in GDP.” Accuracy Informal Sector Hidden Economy Does not count unpaid work Neglects externalities aka The Green GDP High GDP does not equal good times
Pick an OECD Country
Measuring Development Big Picture: Ranking of several areas and averaging Most common Human Development Index Education Health Income OLD Adult Literacy rate NEW: School Years Life expectancy GDP per capita on PPP basis
HDI Top score = 10 High = over 8.0 Middle = 5.0 -7.99 Low = under 4.99
Human Development Index
Faults of HDI Accuracy (again) Misses gap between rich and poor Ignores discrepancy between men and women Creation of Gender-related Development Index (GDI) And Human Poverty Index -1 and HPI-2
HDI(Bono flv) Country Rank of HDI HDI can differ from GDP stats Remember high GDP does not always equal “livability” and HDI measures more than just income.
Other ways to measure Bhutan Happiness Index Other maps
Sidebar: Does HDI=Happiness?
Happiness scores
Definitions Downturn Recession Depression
Unemployment US 9.9% now 7.9 EU now 11.7% Morocco 8.7% Panama 4.00% Spain 26% France 10% Netherlands 7% Morocco 8.7% Panama 4.00%