Theme 6a – Emerging Asia – China Key Question 1.1 What are the main physical and demographic characteristics of the country of China? * A brief overview at the national scale of patterns of (i) climate; (ii) relief, drainage and water availability; (iii) natural resources; (iv) population distribution; (v) regional differences in levels of development. Key Question 1.2 Why and how is the economy changing? * Changes in economic policies. * New industries in the changing economy. * Factors affecting the growth of new industries and the contrast between coastal areas and the interior. * Impact of the changing age structure on the economy. Key Question 1.3 What are the economic and social challenges facing rural communities? * Changes in the organisation of agriculture and rural economic communities. * The effects of population policies in rural areas. * The impacts and challenges for rural areas of migration. * Social welfare services such as health and education. * Sustainable development.
Key Question 1.4 What are the economic and social challenges facing urban communities? * Changes in the organisation of economic activities in urban areas. * Migration to urban areas and increasing social inequality. * Social welfare services such as health, education and housing. * Increasing rural-urban inequalities. * Sustainable development in towns and cities. Key Question 1.5 What are the effects of globalisation on China? * The role of foreign firms in changing and developing the economy. * The importance of exports and the role of the WTO. * The economic and political impacts of China’s trade with the rest of the world. Key Question 1.6 What are the environmental challenges and solutions facing China? * The cause and consequences of (i) soil erosion; (ii) industrial pollution; (iii) sustainable use of water resources; (iv) the need for energy supplies. * The balance between economic growth and sustainable development.
Where is China? Ask a volunteer to show where China is.
Comparing China [1] China United States Size 3.7 million square miles 3.6 million square miles Main physical barrier Himalayas Rockies Main River Yangtze / East - West Mississippi / North – South Population East Coast Connectivity problems North - South East - West
= 1 40 UK China 60 million people 1.3 billion people Comparing China [2] 40 = 1 Emphasise how much bigger China is. Biggest population in the world. Almost 1 in 4 people in the world lives in China. As such a large country, it is extremely varied (as we’ve already seen) with a large number of ethnic minorities and regional cultural differences. However, what is striking about China is its longevity as an enormous political unit (compare with Roman Empire, British Empire etc…) UK China 60 million people 1.3 billion people 0.24 million square km 9.6 million square km UK China 60 million people 1.3 billion people 0.24 million square km 9.6 million square km
Comparing China [3] Ranking of World countries by area Country Area (in square kilometres) Rank Russia 17,075,200 1 Canada 9,976,140 2 USA 9,629,091 3 China 9,596,960 4 Brazil 8,511,965 5 Australia 7,686,850 6 India 3,287,590 7 Argentina 2,766,890 8 Kazakhstan 2,717,300 9 Sudan 2,505,810 10 Comparing China [3] Ranking of World countries by population Country Population (2001) Rank China 1,273,111,290 1 India 1,029,991,145 2 USA 278,058,881 3 Indonesia 228,437,870 4 Brazil 174,468,575 5 Russia 145,470,197 6 Pakistan 144,616,639 7 Bangladesh 131,269,860 8 Japan 126,771,662 9 Nigeria 126,635,626 10 Ranking of World countries by GDP (wealth) (in US $) (2004) Rank Country GDP (million $) 1 USA $10,112,246 2 China $6,716,200 3 Japan $3,408,533 4 India $2,808,832 5 Germany $2,126,601 6 France $1,531,020 7 UK $1,519,740 8 Italy $1,421,139 9 Brazil $1,346,317 10 Russia $1,342,292
Comparing China [3] Ranking of world countries by oil production 2004 Country Production (million tonnes) 1 Saudi Arabia 470 2 Russia 419 3 USA 348 4 Iran 194 5 Mexico 189 6 China 165 7 Norway 151 8 Venezuela 149 9 Canada 138 10 United Arab Emirates 120 Ranking of world countries by coal production Rank Country Production (million tonnes) 1 China 1502 2 USA 970 3 India 365 4 Australia 339 5 Russia 266 6 South Africa 239 7 Poland 161 8 Indonesia 120 9 Kazakhstan 79 10 Ukraine 56 Comparing China [3] Spending on armed forces Rank Country Military spending (million $) 1 USA 322 000 2 Russia 64 000 3 China 46 000 4 Japan 39 000 5 UK 35 000 6 France 33 000 7 Germany 27 000 8 Saudi Arabia 24 000 9 Italy 21 000 10 India 14 000
Comparing China [3] Number of rocket launches into space 1957 - 2003 Rank Country / Organisation Number of successful launches 1 Russia (+ ) USSR 2643 2 USA 1261 3 France 161 4 China 68 5 Japan 57 6 India 11 7 European Space Agency 8 Israel 9 UK Rank Country Number of University Students 1 USA 14,261,778 2 India 6,060,418 3 Japan 3,917,709 4 China 3,350,715 5 Russia 2,587,510 6 France 2,062,495 7 Philippines 2,017,972 8 Italy 1,892,542 9 Indonesia 1,889,408 10 Brazil 1,868,529 Rank Country Telephones - main lines in use 1 China 263,000,000 2 United States 181,599,900 3 Japan 71,149,000 4 Germany 54,350,000 5 India 48,917,000 6 Brazil 38,810,000 7 Russia 35,500,000 8 United Kingdom 34,898,000 9 France 33,905,400 10 Italy 26,596,000
(i) Climate
(i) Climate
(i) Climate
(i) Climate
Monsoon Precipitation Patterns (i) Climate
Winter Monsoons (i) Climate
Summer Monsoons (i) Climate
(ii) Relief, drainage and water availability
(ii) Relief, drainage and water availability Gobi Desert Hwang He River Taklamakan Desert Yangtze River Tibetan Plateau Himalayas Red Basin South China hill region North China Plain Some major physical features [1] Si Kiang or Pearl River
(ii) Relief, drainage and water availability Some major physical features [2]
(ii) Relief, drainage and water availability
(ii) Relief, drainage and water availability
(ii) Relief, drainage and water availability Tectonic situation and hazards
(ii) Relief, drainage and water availability Water availability
80.5 80.4 120.1 119.9 27.1 455.9 448.0 (ii) Relief, drainage and water availability Province Water supply quantity/108 m3/a Surface Underground Others Total Water use quantity/108m3/a Agriculture Industry Daily life Total Shaanxi 44.9 35.4 0.2 80.5 57.8 13.2 9.4 80.4 Gansu 95.2 24.7 120.1 96.5 16.7 6.7 119.9 Qinghai 23.2 3.9 0.0 27.1 21.5 3.5 2.1 Xinjiang 410.7 45.1 455.9 429.5 10.2 8.3 448.0
Water availability
(ii) Relief, drainage and water availability Water quality
(iii) Natural resources
(iii) Natural resources
“Brown” China vs. “Green” China (iii) Natural resources “Brown” China vs. “Green” China Wheat Dominant Pasture and Oasis Rice Dominant Double-crop rice SOURCE: Topic 5: “The Awakening Giant” by Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue, Dept. of Economics & Geography, Hofstra University.
(iv) Population distribution A map showing the distribution and density of China's population. One tiny dot indicates 50,000 people.
(iv) Population distribution Population pyramid showing the age groups in China
Population Projections (iv) Population distribution Population Projections
Male/Female Birth Population (iv) Population distribution Male/Female Birth Population
Life Expectancy at Birth by Sex (iv) Population distribution Life Expectancy at Birth by Sex
(iv) Population distribution Infant Mortality Rate