The Roman World.


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Presentation transcript:

The Roman World

Roman Republic A. Geography The geography of Italy had a great deal to do with the rise of Roman power. at north there is the Alps and the south is Mediterranean Sea, to the east Adriatic Sea with this the Romans could control the area B. Rome and the Beginning of Empire people live in Italy as early Paleolithic period

2000 B.C there were waves of invaders swept through the mountain passes and overran the peninsula Sometime before the mid-700’s, a group of people called Latin's moved into west-central Italy the Latin's built villages along the Tiber River in there late 600s BC Rome came under the rule of Etruscan kens from northern Italy. Romans adapted the Etruscan language, jewelry, clothing, metal, pottery, and wood

ernment These people also knew how to pave roads, drain marshes, and consruct sewers. Under the Etruscans, Rome grew into large and prosperous city. The Etruscans blended in with the Romans general population. Some Greeks settled in southern Italy the Greeks had colonies in the south in Sicily and these places became city-states The Greek culture influenced the Romans II. Early Roman Republic Republic- a form of government in which voters elect officials to run the state cici

ato in the Roman republic only adult male citizens were entitled to vote and to take part in government three important groups of citizens helped govern the republic the Senate, the magistrates and a variety of popular assemblies A. Senate the senate is the most influential and powerful of the three governing bodies because it controls the public funds Dictator- absolute rule

in emergency the senators could propose that citizen be named dictator, the dictator can rule up to 6 months the dictator has complete control over the army and the courts Over time , the size of the Senate changed dramatically B. Magistrates this group was made up of elected officials this group was made up of consuls, praetors, and censors

- Consuls- chief executives after the monarchy ended in 509 B.C. , 2 individuals were elected for one term, these two ran the government, commanded the army and could appoint dictators the consul had veto power Veto- refuse to approve these consul governed with the Senate Checks and Balances- prevents one part of the government from becoming too powerful Praetors- elected officials that helped consuls

in times of war the praetors commanded armies in peace times the praetors oversaw the Roman legal system these interpretations of legal questions made by praetors formed much of the civil Roman law Censors- registered citizens according to their wealth censors were appointed candidates to the Senate and over saw the moral conduct of all citizens these censors became powerful in the Roman

Republic C. Assemblies There were several assemblies in the Roman Republic. Citizens in these assemblies voted on laws and elected officials, including consuls. There some assemblies voted to make war or peace, while others served as courts. The assemblies elected 10 officials called tribunes. Tribunes- who had some power over actions by the Senate and other public officials

If the tribunes believed actions were not in the public interest, they could refuse to approve them. D. Conflict of the Orders changes over time an for the common people to win more rights The struggle became known as the Conflict of the Orders. The early Republic was divided into two classes of people: patricians and plebeians.

Patricians- powerful landowners who controlled the government these were nobles who inherited their power Plebeians- made up most of the population and were mainly farmers and workers these for years had few rights these people could vote, but they were barred from holding most public offices these people did not know Roman laws because the laws were not written down

Over time the plebeians increased their power through demands and strike own assembly, They gained the right to join the army, hold government office, form their own assembly, and elect tribunes. In one of their greatest victories, they forced the government to write down the laws of the Roman Republic. About 450 B.C. the Romans engraved their laws on tablets called the Twelve Tables.

The laws were placed in the Forum, the chief public square, for all to view. E. Republic Grows the republic grew with their well-organized, impressive army and wise political policies Role of Roman Army- Every adult male citizen who owned land was required by law to serve in the Roman army. The main unit was the legion and it consisted of 4,500 to 6,000 citizens called legionnaires. The Romans later established the auxilia, which were units made of noncitizens.

Role of wise policies- The Romans had a talent for ruling other people Role of wise policies- The Romans had a talent for ruling other people. Because they wanted people to be loyal to Rants of near Rome. The Romans would grant full citizenship to the inhabitants of Italian cities. People that were far away were granted partial citizenship. The partial can own property ans get married but can't vote. The conquered peoples had to provide land for Roman farmers. This land policy helped the Romans to maintain control over conquered areas.

II. Rome Expands Its Borders A II. Rome Expands Its Borders A. Rome fights Carthage Rome controlled most of Italian Peninsula, but Carthage was becoming a powerful city on the coast of North Africa. Control of the Mediterranean was coming to head between the two. This started three costly conflicts that are called Punic Wars the first started in 264 B.C., Romans did not have a navy and after 23 years of war

Carthage asked for peace, the Romans made they pay a large sum money for damages it had caused. 2nd Punic War began in 218 B.C, Hannibal is one of the greatest of all time, assembled a huge Carthaginian army that included foot soldiers, horse soldiers, and elephants the Romans were no match for Hannibal, but Romans counterattacked, the Romans ending up wining

After the second war Carthage lost its power the third was basically because Romans hated the city B. Problems of Expansion Rome controlled a vast area, the republic and government had to change Romans governed the new territories called them provinces, and governed them loosely new class of business people called equites these had wealth and political influence