Agriculture & Horticulture Commissioner Kharif Campaign 2016 Group No. 7 on Technology led growth in Horticulture for increased production and productivity Presented by: Dr . S. K. Malhotra, Agriculture & Horticulture Commissioner
Production Related Issues Inadequate availability of planting material. High prevalence of senile orchards. Rain fed horticulture. Lower productivity. Insufficient trained manpower.
Way Forward Emphasis on establishment of mother blocks/ rootstock blocks with hi-tech nurseries & tissue culture units. Accreditation of nurseries. Area expansion linked to availability of quality planting material. Covering more areas under F1 vegetable hybrids. Cultivation of vegetables for round the year production. Establishment of crop based centre of excellence.
Way Forward Promotion of high density/ ultra high density planting systems in potential crops. Tree canopy management right from establishment stage. Integrated approach on micro irrigation & mulching. Rejuvenation of old, senile & unproductive orchards. Protected cultivation of high value crops. Promotion of mechanization in horticulture. Capacity building through training & demonstration of improved technologies.
Researchable Issues Making available nucleus seeds and planting material of new improved varieties . Evolve varieties/ rootstocks which are tolerant to drought, frost, pest & diseases. Assess water/ nutrient requirement of different plant densities for varied agro climatic zones. Develop models for tree canopy architecture for important fruit crops. Develop efficient system to identify and monitor pests & diseases of important crops.
Nursery raising using protray method with single bud rhizomes Screening of diseased seed/seedling possible. Reduced seed rate requirement. Low cost of cultivation
Rootstocks Block
Aeroponics- Potato Seed Production Plants are grown in troughs, tubes or other type of chambers Roots are hanged in space and are periodically bathed in nutrient mist Easily absorb nutrients Easily absorb oxygen Less chance of root zone diseases
Long day Onion varieties Uttarakhand, HP, J&K. 500 ha each state Sown : October-November Transplanting: February Harvesting: July Production: 20000 metric ton Sufficient seed not available Brown Spanish and VL 3 Storage structures not available
Protected structures Net-houses: Other Temporary structures Greenhouses a) Climate controlled b) Semi-climate controlled c) Naturally ventilated d) Raised arch Net-houses: a) Insect-proof nets b) Shade nets Other Temporary structures a) Walk-in-tunnels b) Plastic Low tunnels c) Plastic mulches