What was life like on plantations?


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Title: What was life like on the Plantations?
Presentation transcript:

What was life like on plantations? Starter- Assessing the image then watch the video clips to create a detailed mind-map on life on the plantations

Key words….. Plantations- an estate on which crops such as coffee, sugar, and tobacco are grown.

Questions:-Look at this photograph Who are the people in the photograph? Do you think this is a natural photograph or has it been set up? What do you think the purpose of taking this picture may be?

What hours did field slaves work? Were women treated any differently? Being a field slave was not at all easy. A field slave worked from sunrise to sunset, but during harvest, they worked an eighteen-hour day. A field worker was out in the field when the first sign of light shone until it was too dark to see. Women field workers worked the same hours as men. Pregnant women were expected to work until the child was born, and after the child's birth the woman worked in the field with the child on her back. At about the age of twelve a child's work became almost the same as an adult's. Children as young as 6 worked in the fields! Questions: What hours did field slaves work? Were women treated any differently? What about the children? Cotton Cultivation, U.S. South, 1875

This engraving shows a man brutally hung up, while still alive, by a hook through his body. In this way a major rebellion by slaves against inhumane conditions was brutally repressed. This graphic depiction of a slave hanging by a single rib while still alive illustrates the extreme cruelty of Europeans in dealing with enslaved Africans in the Americas. Questions: Why has this man been killed? Why do you think plantation owners inflicted such harsh punishments on those who rebelled? The title of the picture uses the word ‘negro’. Why was it used and why is the term offensive today?

Slave Punishment: According to his testimony, the injuries sustained from a whipping by his overseer kept Peter, a slave, bedridden for two months. Questions: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS FOR THESE ON YOUR OWN IN YOUR BOOKS. What does this photograph show? Why do you think slaves were punished so harshly? What does this tell us about attitudes towards slaves?

Can you put yourself in their shoes Can you put yourself in their shoes? Mind map ideas of thought, feelings, key words, things that shock you.

Most slave owners punished slaves-even nicer ones whipped them. In picking season slaves worked many hours a day. This could sometimes be into the night in order to reach their sometimes very high daily targets. Most slave owners punished slaves-even nicer ones whipped them. GIVE EXAMPLES FROM THE SOURCES TO SUPPORT THIS ADD DESCRIPTIONS OF HOW IT WOULD MAKE YOU FEEL COPY THIS SPIDER DIAGRAM What were the plantations like? Slaves were punished if they did not reach their daily targets. Worked from sunrise to sunset in fields

What is your life like as a slave? GOLD: EXPLAIN the links between the different parts of plantation life SILVER: DESCRIBE how it felt using source evidence BRONZE: IDENTIFY facts about how it may have felt Dear Diary, I hate being here! Every day we have to….. Sometimes we even….. I don’t even get to…. I feel so….. The other slaves… I have seen….

True or false? Slaves were beaten if they didn’t produce enough goods on the plantations Slaves worked 12 hours a day Women had to return to work days after having children TRUE FALSE TRUE

What was life like on the plantations? Write a tweet as if you have visited a plantation Can you summarise your day in 30 words? What has shocked you?