WHAT IS CITIZENSHIP? When you think about the kind of person you are, do you tend to “think globally and act locally”? If yes, you might also think of yourself as a global citizen. According to Oxfam International, global citizenship is the idea that we are all citizens of the globe, and therefore we are all equally responsible for what happens on, and to our world. Global citizens have a duty to address issues of social injustice, inequality and environmental degradation.
Introduction Why bother with citizenship? Makes you more aware of your community. Gives you an opportunity to ‘give back’ & have valuable work experience. Takes you beyond a world of college, friends, family & computer games! Broadens your horizons & gives you interesting UCAS personal statement material.
Celebrity charity work
Task In small groups brainstorm names of charities. Recognise if they are local, national or international. Do they fall into categories? Feedback to class (collect all ideas on board).
Q&A Why do we need charities? Have the charities fallen into categories? What do the charities mentioned raise money for? Why do charities need employed & volunteer staff? What ways do charities raise money?
Task Do any of you currently do any volunteer work? Are you aware of the local charities around you? Use the internet to find out what kind of events & charitable organisations are on your doorstep. Is there anything you could see yourself getting involved in?
Task In the same small groups design a questionnaire to find out what ways do people get involved in charity work? Do people give to local, national or international charities? Do they organise events? What kind of charity people tend to give to. How much money do people give? Is there a link between the age and amount of money given? Is there a link between the age and kind of charity? Take the questionnaire out to friends & family. Each group member could ask 10 people to complete the questionnaire.
Next week Next week we will collect the data from your questionnaire. This will form part of a small group presentation you will deliver.
PRESENTATION Using the information from last week.... Types of charities, how people donate to charities. Pick a charity, (Possibly something local or close to your heart). Prepare a group presentation (5 minutes). Use PowerPoint or other resources to aid you delivery. Include :- who the charity are; where they are based; are they a local, national or international charity; what do they raise money for; how do they raise money; how long have they been in operation; how big are they in terms of staff and funding; how have they helped people; and much more?
& FINALLY...AS A CLASS Imagine yourself recruited to your charity. You have been asked to raise awareness of the charity & raise funds With your experiences over the past few weeks prepare a charity fund raising event (theoretical or even better an actual one!) How would you put together the event? Would you go out and be an active member of your community?