Chapter 27 Athens & Sparta.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 27 Athens & Sparta

Comparing Two City-States Athens is located in central Greece near Aegean Sea They liked to travel and encouraged visitors & trade Also had great naval fleet Sparta was isolated – located on a plain in between sea & mountains They were suspicious of outsiders Grew most of their food

Map of Ancient Greece

Known for great art, architecture, & culture Athens Known for great art, architecture, & culture Sparta Valued strength & simplicity Produced soldiers, not artists

Athenian Government Became a democracy - only free men over age of 18 born in Athens were citizens Council of 500 met every day to discuss gov. & new laws Proposed laws had to be approved by The Assembly  debated & voted on new laws with every citizen getting the chance to speak

Athenian men gather to debate and vote on new laws

Athenian Economy Economy – way a community organizes the manufacture & exchange of money, food, products, & services Economy was based on trade because of land shortage & their distance from sea - Received wood from Italy, grain from Egypt - Traded honey, olive oil, silver, & pottery Bought & sold goods at huge market place called an agora Athenians created coins to make trade easier

Education in Athens Education centered around developing good citizens Believed in strong mind & healthy body Until age 6/7, boys were home schooled From 6-14, they learned reading, writing, arithmetic, & literature – also coached in wrestling & gymnastics At 18, men began military training – after this wealthy young men studied debate & public speaking

Education - continued Most girls did not learn to read or write Girls were taught to cook, clean, spin thread, & weave cloth Also, learned ancient songs & dances for religious festivals Most girls married around age of 15

Women in Athens Women could not inherit or own much property Could not vote or attend the Assembly Few had jobs – some were priestesses but most managed household & children

Slaves in Athens Slaves were abundant in Athens - had various jobs like: running households tutoring children craftsmen city clerks silver miners

People were bought by rich people as their slaves People were bought by rich people as their slaves. Some very rich men owned hundreds of slaves. All slaves had to go to the market and buy all the food and get it ready to eat it.

Spartan Government Was an oligarchy – had an assembly but most decisions were made by the Council of Elders This group consisted of 2 kings and 28 other men Kings inherited power Elders were elected by assembly The Council had real power  they prepared laws for assembly to vote on & had power to veto any laws by assembly that they did not like.

Spartan Economy Depended on farming & conquering other people Spartans turned neighbors into slaves called helots – these new slaves had to give most of their food to Sparta Spartans also used non-citizens called perioikoi – they were free men who could serve in army – also made necessary items like shoes, iron tools, & pottery

Economy - continued Discouraged trade – did not want ideas from other city-states to weaken their government Used iron bars as money

Education in Sparta Purpose was to produce men & women who could protect city-state From age of 7, all children were trained to fight – learned wrestling, boxing, foot racing, & gymnastics Spartan boys lived & trained in barracks

Education - continued Reading & writing were taught but not considered important. Important to be a brave soldier  trained to suffer any amount of pain. At age of 20, Spartan men were given a difficult test of fitness, military ability, & leadership skills - passing test = soldier & full citizenship Men could not live at home until age of 30

Spartan fighting position

“I tan i epit tas” Either come back with your shield or on it.

Women in Sparta Were expected to be strong & healthy & ready to fight Looked after husband’s property in times of war – also guarded against invaders & revolts from slaves Had many rights that other Greek women did not Could own & control their own property Could marry another man if their first husband had been away at war too long

Slaves in Sparta Were people who had been conquered by Spartans – many more helots than citizens Spartans were afraid helots would revolt so they treated them harshly Government sometimes declared war on helots so they could legally kill any slaves that might rebel

Slaves - continued Sometimes Spartans would kill best helot fighters to eliminate any future helot leaders Despite this treatment, they did have some rights Could marry whoever they wanted Could sell extra crops Could even buy freedom if they saved enough money