Jamestown 1607.


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Presentation transcript:

Jamestown 1607

Beginning of Jamestown The Virginia Company of London financed 100 colonists on an expedition to the Chesapeake Bay. They landed near the James River. They named the first permanent English settlement Jamestown in 1607 honor of King James.

Hardtimes in Jamestown The colony was on swampland and full of mosquitoes Bad drinking water and poor farmland Climate was harsh, cold winters-warm summers Settlers wasted time looking for gold instead of hunting or farming Many died the first year from disease and starvation

RWSL The biggest difficulty facing Jamestown was ____________________________ because _____________________________________________________________________________________________.

VIDEO http://www.history.com/shows/america-the-story-of-us/videos/life-in-jamestown

John Smith Fiction Fact

Jamestown Grows In 1608 John Smith takes control of colony Smith says “He that will not work, shall not eat” Smith traded with Powhatan Indians for corn. Another 800 English settlers arrive in 1609 Smith is injured and goes back to England

John Smith and Pocahontas Pocahontas is said to have saved John Smith’s life….twice….

RWSL I believe John Smith was a great leader of Jamestown because _________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

VIDEO http://www.history.com/videos/pocahontas

Starving Time The Powhatan stopped trading food and attacked in the winter of 1609 Food became so scarce…people ate rats, mice, snakes, and even their shoes to survive. Only 60 colonists were alive by 1610

Tobacco Saves Jamestown In 1612 John Rolfe developed a high grade sweet tobacco that colonists could grow. The tobacco became popular in England

The population increased from 600 in 1619 to 2000 in 1621 In 1619 African slaves arrived in Jamestown Indentured servants also arrived…men and women who sold their labor for passage to the new world. 5-7 year contract

VIDEO http://www.history.com/shows/america-the-story-of-us/videos/the-value-of-tobacco

House of Burgesses 1619 The House of Burgesses became the first representative assembly in the American Colonies Was created to provide more local control in Virginia

RWSL Jamestown increased in population because ______________________________________________________________________.This resulted in the formation of ________ ___________________ which was _______ ___________________________________.