Страноведение the great bRitain the anglo-saxons
The Invasion of Anglo-Saxons Towards the end of the 4th century Europe was invaded by barbaric tribes. The Romans had to leave Britain because they needed to defend their own country. The Britons were left to themselves, but they had very little peace. Very soon sea-robbers came sailing in ships from the continent. These invaders were Germanic tribes called Angles, Saxons and Jutes.
For a long time the tribes of Angles, Saxons and Jutes fought with one another for supreme power. The Britons fought many battles. But at last they were forced to retreat to the west of Britain. Those who stayed became the slaves of the Anglo-Saxons. Britain split up into seven kingdoms: KENT, SUSEX, ESSEX, WESSEX, MERCIA, EAST ANGLIA, and NORTHUMBRIA.
The Anglo-Saxon village
The Anglo-Saxons lived in small villages The Anglo-Saxons lived in small villages. Round each village there was a ditch and an earthen wall with a wooden fence on top. The earthen wall and the fence served to defend the village against robbers and wild beasts. In their villages the Anglo-Saxons bred cows, sheep and pigs. They ploughed the fields and grew wheat, rye or oats for bread and barley for beer..
The Anglo-Saxon warrior The Anglo-Saxon warrior was dressed in a tunic and a cloak which was fastened with a brooch above the right shoulder. Their usual weapons were a spear and a shield. Some rich men had iron swords, Which they carried at their left side.
The Anglo-Saxons were tall, strong men, with blue eyes and long blond hair. On their feet they wore rough leather shoes. The women wore long dresses with wide sleeves. Their heads were covered with a hood.
Round each village there was a ditch and an earthen wall with a wooden fence on top.
TEST YOURSELF: QUESTIONS: 1. What tribes was Europe invaded by towards the end of the 4th century? Why did the Romans leave Britain? What tribes invaded Britain after the Romans left? What parts of Britain did the Angles, Saxons and Jutes settle in? What did the Britains do? What happened to those who remained? Why did the tribes fight with one another?
Which seven kingdoms were finally formed in Britain? Name them. Where did the Anglo-Saxons live? Describe the places where they lived. What did the Anglo-Saxons look like? What weapons did the Anglo-Saxons have? What domestic animals did they breed? What did they grow on their fields?
Презентация создана Корчемкиной Е. Е Презентация создана Корчемкиной Е.Е., учителем английского языка ГБОУ школы 489, г.Санкт-Петербург. Использованные материалы: Проектные работы учеников 7 класса Пособие по страноведению для старших классов. Составитель Ю.Голицынский. Великобритания.