Sharing an ERMS: a project from Couperin Emilie Barthet, Consortium COUPERIN, Paris Kareen Louembé, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon
A project from Couperin consortium A project enabling members to manage e-resources life-cycle and metadata analyze overlapping collections gather e-resources usage statistics A project to deal with the needs of Couperin for: managing its negotiations storing and sharing e-resources and negotiations metadata with its members better identifying its members’ collections
ERMS Partagé, Emilie Barthet & Kareen Louembé Key issues in 2009-2010 Last technical issues Deal with legal issues Address last technical issues Organizing the workflows among interested members L’année été marquée par le recours à un consultant pour définir la procédure de marché la plus adaptée et le périmètre du projet a été revu. ERMS Partagé, Emilie Barthet & Kareen Louembé
Book of specifications During summer 2009, the book of specifications for a shared ERMS has been completed. Thank to : Kareen Louembé (Université Lyon 2), Emilie Barthet (Couperin E&P), Mariette Naud (Couperin CND), Marlène Delhaye (Université Aix-Marseille 3), Céline Dubois (Université Paris Descartes), Tanguy Laurent (Université Paris-Est), Pierre Naegelen (Université Toulouse 3), Claire Nguyen (Bibliothèque interuniversitaire de Médecine et d’Odontologie), Marie-Laure Bretin (INRIA). ERMS Partagé, Emilie Barthet & Kareen Louembé
Expertise of consultant Submission of our requirements and specifications book to a consultant Outcomes : A good expression of needs and a precise book of specifications Effectiveness of being in partnership with the French Bibliographical National Agency for Higher Education (ABES) The need of reducing the number of institutions taking part in the project to 5 pilot institutions Choose a competing procedure for the call for tender ERMS Partagé, Emilie Barthet & Kareen Louembé
ERMS Partagé, Emilie Barthet & Kareen Louembé 5 pilots and a « MAPA » 5 pilot institutions INRIA (French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control) University Lumière - Lyon 2, University of Technology and Sciences - Bordeaux 1, University Paris Descartes, Pole of Research in Higher Education from Toulouse - PRES de Toulouse MAPA : tender with an adapted procedure (marché à procédure adaptée) : shorter and easier to apply than a competing procedure ERMS Partagé, Emilie Barthet & Kareen Louembé
ERMS Partagé, Emilie Barthet & Kareen Louembé Calendar Launching of the call for tender on 30 April 2010. PCSLID=CSL_2010_cc3G4w5aFY Answers from the providers should be received on the 25 June 2010. The legal process ended on September 2010. From October 2010 one person will be hired to manage implementation of the ERMS with the colleagues of the 5 pilots and Couperin. ERMS Partagé, Emilie Barthet & Kareen Louembé
Involvement of the ABES Both steering committees of Couperin and the ABES have validated the consultant proposition and the calendar of the working group ABES will launch a study on the interaction between the knowledgebase of Couperin’s ERMS and the national catalog (SUDOC) ERMS Partagé, Emilie Barthet & Kareen Louembé