1.PROJECT OVERVIEW EVS Tips! CASTRES is a medium-sized town (46000 habitants) in the department of Tarn in the South of France, approximately 1 hour from Toulouse. What to expect in Castres ? -Train and bus station -Airport between Castres and Mazamet -Some bars and a nice Irish Pub -Some small shops and boutiques -Big cultural offer (theatre, cinema…) -Different leisure activities (golf, horse riding…) -Lovely parks -Savoir –vivre of a cosy town in South of France -Free busses What NOT to expect in Castres? -Huge clubs and big city nightlife -Shopping malls -A lot of students -Busses on Sunday EVS Tips! Not far from student city Toulouse , where you can find a lot of bars, clubs, shops… In the irish Pub in Castres you can meet a lot of international people from other countries Ask the responsible of the association where you will have French lesson , there are always other people from abroad who are learning French
2.LA LUDOTHÈQUE CASTRAISE Ludothèque Castraise is situated next to the town centre. The Ludothèque is a non-profit association (Law 1901), approved by the Ministry of Sport as an association for youth education. Its zone of intervention is in Castres but also in the south of Tarn. As it´s located close to the town centre, it welcomes mainly children whose parents work nearby. The public is very heterogeneous and mixed from different levels of society and nacionalities. The main objetive -Allow children and youth peopleto discover and to explore other way of life, thinking, to open other cultures, to develop meetings spaces in accordance with the principles of tolerance, laicism and citizenship Other objectives -Make accessible to all a large number of games and toys -To stimulate the sense of responsability and the inter-age and the inter-district dialogue with the game or the toy as the support of relationships -To make better known to all, games and toys of the part as well as those of nowadays, those of France and the foreign countries
3. BEING A VOLUNTEER IN LUDOTÈQUE Our association, the Ludotèque Castraise, proposes animation about game and toys and organises a youth center on Wednesdays and during school holidays. During school period we offer every evening homework help and during the day our association is welcoming families and all public to play games. The project scheduled the full time presence of the volunteer, about 35 h a week (2hours for french lessons with the association Ensemble). The MJC de Graulhet will do the coordination and follow the project through (financial and administrative)
4. THE ROLE OF THE VOLUNTEER Cité de Jeux -Reception and animation of groups -To develop the service game on the spot and loan of Maintenance -To repair and organnise games and toys -To spread information on the web(blog, facebook) -Helping children to do their homework -Meetings wit the super visory staff The European volunteer will make the children of the center (CLSH) discover the culture of his or her country through manual activities, music, songs and games in link with the animation team. We want to develop an European conciousness and active citizenship towards by the pratice of concrete leisure activities; that’s why we think it’s important to host and EVS. He will have to animate and put European dynamics into the “Cité du Jeux” (loan of game, and game of the spot) by suggesting new activities, to advise the public and the broadcast information on the net Centre de Loisirs -Reception of parents and children -Taking into account the wishes of the children -Organisation and planning of activities for the kids -Animation using games and toys of the Ludotèque -Being with the children during excursions, management of thr groups of children animation outside
5. THE CANDIDATES PROFILE No special qualifications are needed to participate in the different activities of our project: -The wish to work in the team together with children to be already and motivated for the various activities that our structure could propose to the volunteer -The volunteer is sharing a flat with the other volunteers, so he or she must respect and be tolerant with the others and be responsible and autonom for the common duties. The recruitment will be made in cooperation with the coordinating organization MJC de Graulhet,who will be the contact point on the data basis. The MJC de Graulhet will use its partners network to inform them about this project and will treat the applications. All the candidates are asked to send complete application forms and motivation letter The future volunteer have the possibility to contact directly our volunteer who is during his EVS at the moment in our association to have more information
6. ACCOMMODATION AND LOGISTICS Our volunteers are sharing a flat with another volunteers .The flat is located near the city and the work place.It’s composed of three single rooms , kitchen and a living room and fully equipped -bed sheets andblankets -towels -washing maching -oven,microwave… Food, transport and pocket money The volunteer is monthly receiving pocket money (115euros) for food they willl get 180 apprximately. The volunteers are preparing their dishes themselves, except Wednesday when they will have lunch together with the kids. The public transport in town (bus) is free and every volunteer will have his own bicycle Organization of the working time: Working from Monday to Friday. The planning will be different in accordance with the periods of the year . During school holidays the volunteer will do more than 35h a week and during school period less than 35h. The volunteers have 2 weeks of holidays in the end of December and 3 weeks in August.