The Sinner’s Prayer Acts 2:21
The Danger Of The Sinner’s Prayer Many versions of this prayer Dear Heavenly Father, I know I am a sinner and need your forgiveness. I believe that Jesus died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I now ask Jesus Christ to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior. I am willing, by God’s grace, to follow and obey Christ as the Lord of my heart and life. Amen. ROBISON STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST- EDNACHURCHOFCHRIST.ORG
The Danger Of The Sinner’s Prayer They contain some truths: All have sinned (Rom. 3:23) Jesus died to save (Rom. 5:8; Mt. 26:28) All need to obey Jesus (Heb. 5:8-9) This makes them dangerous! ROBISON STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST- EDNACHURCHOFCHRIST.ORG
The Danger Of The Sinner’s Prayer Satan wraps lies in truths Gen. 3:1-5; Mt. 4:1-10; 2 Cor. 11:12-15 No N.T. examples of “Sinner’s Prayer” Image: By Evan-Amos (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons No N.T. conversions by “Sinner’s Prayer” Some Evangelicals fear false sense of security ROBISON STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST- EDNACHURCHOFCHRIST.ORG
Alleged Proof Texts Simon The Sorcerer (Ac. 8:22) Outside or inside of Christ? Baptized believer (Ac. 8:12-13) ROBISON STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST- EDNACHURCHOFCHRIST.ORG
Alleged Proof Texts Pharisee & Publican (Lk. 18:10-14) In the temple (Lk. 18:10; Ac. 21:28) About humility, not salvation (Lk. 18:9) ROBISON STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST- EDNACHURCHOFCHRIST.ORG
Alleged Proof Texts Church at Laodicea (Rev. 3:20) Letter to lukewarm (Rev. 3:14-16) Christian’s in need of repentance, not unbelievers (Rev. 3:19) ROBISON STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST- EDNACHURCHOFCHRIST.ORG
Alleged Proof Texts Calling On The Name (Rom. 10:9-13) O.T. call (1 Kgs. 18:24) But what is it here? More than words (Mt. 7:21; Lk. 6:46) The Bible explains itself ROBISON STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST- EDNACHURCHOFCHRIST.ORG
Alleged Proof Texts Calling On The Name (Rom. 10:9-13) Peter quotes Joel (Ac. 2:21) Preached Jesus (Ac. 2:23-36) People commanded to repent and be baptized, not pray (Ac. 2:37-38) ROBISON STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST- EDNACHURCHOFCHRIST.ORG
Alleged Proof Texts Calling On The Name (Rom. 10:9-13) Saul told to call (Ac. 22:16) Not by prayer Arise and be baptized ROBISON STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST- EDNACHURCHOFCHRIST.ORG
Alleged Proof Texts Calling On The Name (Rom. 10:9-13) Paul quotes Joel too (Rom. 10:13-17) Messenger preaches gospel Hearer believes and obeys the gospel ROBISON STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST- EDNACHURCHOFCHRIST.ORG
Alleged Proof Texts Jesus Mt. 28:18-20 Mk. 16:15-16 Lk. 24:46-47 Calling On The Name (Rom. 10:9-13) Ac. 2:21-38; 22:16; Rom. 10:9-13 Faith Repentance Confession Baptism Prayer? Jesus Mt. 28:18-20 Mk. 16:15-16 Lk. 24:46-47 ROBISON STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST- EDNACHURCHOFCHRIST.ORG
Two Sinner’s Prayers Saul Of Tarsus Devout Jew/persecutor(1 Tim. 1:13) Heard the Lord’s voice (Ac. 9:5) Told to go, not to pray (Ac. 9:6; 22:10) Fasted, prayed 3 days (Ac. 9:9-11) Told to be baptized, not pray (Ac. 9:18; 22:16) ROBISON STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST- EDNACHURCHOFCHRIST.ORG
Two Sinner’s Prayers Cornelius The Centurion Devout, praying Gentile (Ac. 10:2) Not saved (Ac. 10:4-6) Not told to pray, but send for saving message (Ac. 10:5; 11:13-14) Commanded to be baptized, not pray (Ac. 10:36-43, 47-48) ROBISON STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST- EDNACHURCHOFCHRIST.ORG
The Sinner’s Prayer Acts 2:21