3. Who Needs a Doctor? Mark 1:40 – 2:17 p. 923-4
An Enigma Kingdom counter to human intuition & expectation Turn towards centre of the story: Jesus (an enigma) Know almost nothing about him personally Who establishes a Kingdom by being killed? A clash of Kingdoms & A devastating weapon
1. A Clash of Kingdoms Demon: “Have you come to destroy us? (1:24) Have limited knowledge and power “Yes. I have come to destroy the principalities The story of the Leper If you are willing, you can make me clean”
1. A Clash of Kingdoms . . . Jesus’ response: “Fury” Scribes soon changed it to “had compassion” Jesus was flaming mad. He was livid. ... at the Leper’s suffering !!! Lepers were driven out. (Lev 13:45-46) They were unclean. (Lev 13 – 14) They could make others unclean (Num 19:22)
1. A Clash of Kingdoms . . . Jesus’ response: A major reversal: Jesus touched the man “I am willing. Be clean” (v 41) A major reversal: The touch of the King works the opposite way He spreads cleanness. “Have you come to destroy us?” YES !
2. The Secret Anti-Weapon The paralytic: lowered through the roof Jesus says, “Your sins are forgiven” (2:5) ONLY GOD CAN FORGIVE SINS ! Which is easier to say ... You’re forgiven” , or, “Walk” “You’re forgiven” because no-one can tell if it’s true BUT so that you know I have authority to forgive sins – WALK !
2. The Secret Anti-Weapon… Authority over demons Authority over disease and disability Authority to forgive sins A triple barreled, rocket-launching, anti-weapon ! “Have you come to destroy us?” YES !!!
3. Sinner at the Centre Levi (Matthew) the tax-collector. Awful, sinful, heartless “Follow me” “Your sins are forgiven” Why does he eat with tax-collectors & sinners? Because they are sinners.
3. Sinner at the Centre . . . God is Holy, Good, Righteous He is also a Seeking, Saving, Forgiving God. Jesus is the doctor (Healer). We are the patients.
Who Needs a Doctor? We need his touch to spread his cleanness to us. Jesus can set us free: “I am willing. Be clean” My child, your sins are forgiven” “I have come to rescue you” “Follow me”