Prescribing antipsychotics for children and adolescents Topic 10a Prescribing antipsychotics for children and adolescents September 2010
Outline Summary of the baseline findings of POMH Topic 10a audit – Prescribing antipsychotics for children and adolescents. Clinical Background Audit standards Method National findings Trust level findings Ward level findings This presentation gives a summary of the baseline findings from the POMH Topic 10a audit – “Prescribing antipsychotics for children and adolescents”. The slides that follow cover the clinical background, audit standards and method, followed by the main national and Trust level findings. Finally practice in each of the Trust’s wards is shown.
Clinical background A recent survey of antipsychotic prescribing practice among child and adolescent psychiatrists in the UK found over 95% had prescribed antipsychotics in a 12 month period (Otasowie et al. 2010). Almost all antipsychotics are unlicensed for use in children and adolescents, with a limited evidence-base of randomised clinical trials to support antipsychotic prescribing. Children and adolescents appear to show greater sensitivity to a range of antipsychotic-related adverse events than adults, including extrapyramidal side effects (EPS), weight gain, obesity, and metabolic syndrome. The full clinical background can be found in the baseline report, or in the POMH members area:
Audit standards 1: For all children and adolescents prescribed antipsychotic medication the indication(s) for treatment with antipsychotic(s) should be documented in the clinical records. (good clinical practice point) 2: For all children and adolescents prescribed antipsychotic medication, the side effects of antipsychotics should be reviewed at least once every six months. This review should include, as appropriate, the assessment of body weight, blood pressure, blood glucose, plasma lipids and raised plasma prolactin, and examination for the presence of extrapyramidal side effects (EPS). (extrapolated from relevant recommendations in the NICE schizophrenia guideline CG82; 2009) The audit has two standards: 1: For all children and adolescents prescribed antipsychotic medication the indication(s) for treatment with antipsychotic(s) should be documented in the clinical records. (given that the use antipsychotic medication in children and adolescents is mostly outside of licence, the POMH Topic 10 expert advisory board felt it to be important that the indication(s) for treatment are clearly documented.) 2: For all children and adolescents prescribed antipsychotic medication, the side effects of antipsychotics should be reviewed at least once every six months. This review should include, as appropriate, the assessment of body weight, blood pressure, blood glucose, plasma lipids and raised plasma prolactin, and examination for the presence of extrapyramidal side effects (EPS).
Method Participants: Data collected: 42 Mental Health Trusts participated 194 clinical teams 1,575 children and adolescents Data collected: Demographic, diagnosis, type of service Antipsychotic(s) prescribed, dosage Clinical indications Other medicines prescribed Duration of current antipsychotic prescription less than three months: baseline monitoring three months or longer: physical health screening and side effect monitoring Information about medication review Forty-two specialist mental health Trusts participated in the audit, submitting data from 194 clinical teams for 1,575 children and adolescents who were prescribed one or more antipsychotics. Antipsychotic treatment had been initiated within the past three months in 380 patients; and initiated more than three months ago in 1,195 patients The following data were collected: Demographic variables Psychiatric diagnoses Type of service providing care Information about antipsychotic(s) currently prescribed and the clinical indications Other medicines prescribed Duration of current antipsychotic prescription For children and adolescents who had been prescribed the current antipsychotic for less than three months, information about baseline monitoring was collected For children and adolescents who had been prescribed the current antipsychotic for three months or longer, information about physical health screening and side effect monitoring was collected Information about medication review
Key demographic characteristics Patient demographic and clinical characteristics Key demographic characteristics Total sample n % Service Inpatient CAMHS Inpatient Paediatrics Outpatient CAMHS Outpatient Paediatrics 275 16 1138 146 18% 1% 72% 9% Who is currently prescribing the antipsychotic? Adult psychiatrist CAMHS psychiatrist Learning disability psychiatrist GP Paediatrician 35 975 9 369 152 2% 62% <1% 23% 10% Age Mean age in years (SD) Min – max 10 years or under 11-15 years 16-18 years 19-21 years 15 years (2.8) 4-21 years 119 618 763 75 8% 39% 48% 5% Documented psychiatric diagnoses: ICD-10* F20-F29 (schizophrenia spectrum disorder) F30-F39 (mood disorder - bipolar) F30-F39 (mood disorder - other) F70-F79 (learning disability) F80-F89 (autistic spectrum disorder) F90 (hyperkinetic incl ADHD) 301 101 150 259 475 443 19% 6% 16% 30% 28%
National level results Audit standard 1: For all children and adolescents prescribed antipsychotic medication the indication(s) for treatment with antipsychotic(s) should be documented in the clinical records. The most common clinical indications for antipsychotic prescribing Treatment initiated within the past three months (n=380): Treatment initiated more than three months ago (n=1,194): 43% Psychotic symptoms (61% of these patients have an F20-29 diagnosis) 34% Agitation/anxiety 22% Acute behavioural disturbance 19% Chronic behavioural disturbance with aggression 36% Chronic behavioural disturbance with aggression 33% Agitation/anxiety 26% Psychotic symptoms (62% of these patients have an F20-29 diagnosis) 18% Overactivity/hyperactivity 14% Acute behavioural disturbance 10% Chronic behavioural disturbance without aggression 10% Tics and related motor disturbance Note that individual patients may have been prescribed antipsychotic medication for more than one indication. Prescription initiated within the past 3 months For four children and adolescents the indication for prescribing the antipsychotic medication was unclear. In relation to audit standard 1, this means that in 376 (99%) cases the rationale for initiating treatment with an antipsychotic within the past three months was clearly documented in the clinical records. Prescription initiated more than 3 months ago For 18 children and adolescents the indication for prescribing the antipsychotic medication was unclear. In relation to audit standard 1, this means that in 1176 (99%) cases the rationale for initiating treatment with an antipsychotic more than three months ago was clearly documented in the clinical records, which must be seen as a high standard of practice.
Patients prescribed drug in total national sample National findings Dosing details for the most five most commonly prescribed antipsychotics Drug Use n (%) Patients prescribed drug in total national sample Monotherapy Combination PRN Risperidone n=970 (62%) 941 (97%) 29 (3%) 37 (4%) Olanzapine n=206 (13%) 174 (85%) 32 (15%) 41 (20%) Aripiprazole n=187 (12%) 169 (90%) 18 (10%) 5 (3%) Quetiapine n=128 (8%) 124 (97%) 4 (3%) 8 (6%) Haloperidol n=77 (5%) 41 (53%) 36 (47%) 60 (78%) The majority of antipsychotic prescribing was regular monotherapy, however haloperidol is more commonly used as part of a combination of antipsychotics, reflecting its use as PRN medication.
National findings Dosing details for the most five most commonly prescribed antipsychotics Drug Dose: median (range) Oral Oral PRN IM IM PRN Risperidone 1mg (0.125-8mg) 0.5mg (0.125-2mg) n/a Olanzapine 10mg (2.5-25mg) 10 mg (5-20mg) 10 mg (10-10mg) 15 mg (5-20mg) Aripiprazole 5mg (0.5-30mg) 2.5mg (0.25-10mg) - Quetiapine 200mg (25-1000mg) 75mg (50-100mg) Haloperidol 2mg (0.3-15mg) 15mg (2-30mg) 15 mg (2-30mg) The median doses prescribed seem to be in keeping with the age of the clinical population and indications for use.
National findings Indication profile for risperidone With respect to risperidone, the main indication for prescribing is chronic behavioural disturbance with persistent aggression. Please note that indications are not mutually exclusive; i.e. one drug may be prescribed for more than one indication; and similarly, more than one drug may be prescribed to target a particular indication.
National findings Indication profile olanzapine Note that olanzapine has a different indication profile to risperidone, for olanzapine the main indication is psychotic symptoms. Please note that indications are not mutually exclusive; i.e. one drug may be prescribed for more than one indication; and similarly, more than one drug may be prescribed to target a particular indication.
National findings Indication profile for aripiprazole Please note that indications are not mutually exclusive; i.e. one drug may be prescribed for more than one indication; and similarly, more than one drug may be prescribed to target a particular indication.
National findings: < 3 months Baseline physical health monitoring for patients prescribed antipsychotic medication for less than three months (n=380) Evidence in the clinical records of physical health checks in the three months prior to antipsychotic treatment No evidence of screening found Some reference, but no result or value recorded Test result or measurement is recorded Full blood count 35% 15% 50% Renal function tests 36% 49% Liver function tests 38% 14% 48% Thyroid function tests 44% 11% 43% Baseline physical health monitoring may inform drug choice and allow clinicians to assess the impact of treatment emergent side effects. The tables below look at patients prescribed antipsychotic medication for less than three months (n=380), and show the proportion of patients who had no documented evidence of screening, some reference to screening, or a test result or measurement in the clinical records. Suitable tests to be performed depend on the antipsychotic to be prescribed and its potential side effects; not all tests should be done on all patients.
National findings: < 3 months Baseline monitoring for patients prescribed antipsychotic medication for less than three months (n=380) Evidence in the clinical records of screening in the three months prior to antipsychotic treatment No evidence of screening found Some reference, but no result or value recorded Test result or measurement is recorded Body weight 32% 10% 59% Blood pressure Pulse 35% 8% 57% Blood glucose 48% 13% 38% Lipid profile 51% 12% 37% ECG 54% 36% Plasma prolactin 63% 25% Baseline physical health monitoring may inform drug choice and allow clinicians to assess the impact of treatment emergent side effects. The tables below look at patients prescribed antipsychotic medication for less than three months (n=380), and show the proportion of patients who had no documented evidence of screening, some reference to screening, or a test result or measurement in the clinical records. Suitable tests to be performed depend on the antipsychotic to be prescribed and its potential side effects; not all tests should be done on all patients.
National findings: Review Review of medicines and side effects for patients prescribed antipsychotic medication for more than three months (n=1,194) Documentation of decision at medication review conducted within the past 6 months. The proportion of patients for whom a clinical medication review had been documented in the previous year is very close to the standard, and higher than that seen in general adult psychiatry (POMH 2008a).
National findings : ≥ 3 months Evidence in the clinical records of physical health checks in the past six months No evidence of screening found Some reference, but no result or value recorded Test result or measurement is recorded Full blood count 54% 16% 30% Renal function tests 56% 15% 29% Liver function tests 57% 28% Thyroid function tests 64% 13% 23% In relation to audit standard 2, this section gives details about the prevalence of documented side-effect monitoring in the subgroup of patients who had been prescribed antipsychotic treatment for over three months. Suitable tests to be performed depend on the antipsychotic prescribed and its potential side effects; not all tests are relevant for all patients. All patients should be monitored for metabolic side effects.
National findings : ≥ 3 months Evidence in the clinical records of screening* in the three months prior to antipsychotic treatment No evidence of screening found Some reference, but no result or value recorded Test result or measurement is recorded Body weight 26% 9% 65% Blood pressure 34% 7% 59% Pulse 42% 51% Blood glucose 62% 14% 24% Lipid profile 63% 13% ECG 68% 12% 20% Plasma prolactin 73% 11% 16% In the sample of children and adolescents prescribed antipsychotic medication for over three months, 4% (n=68) had evidence of a test result or measurement documented for all of the above assessments. All patients had some reference to or evidence of at least one physical health monitoring or side effect screening in the past six months. The proportions of children and adolescents with documented physical health and side effect assessments in the past six months diminishes the longer the antipsychotic has been prescribed. For example, there was no evidence of blood glucose assessment in 56% of children and adolescents prescribed an antipsychotic for 4-6 months. This proportion rose to 59% when the antipsychotic had been initiated 7-12 months ago, and 65% where the antipsychotic had been initiated over a year ago. It may therefore be that clinicians are missing the chance to detect potentially harmful or distressing side effects.
Data from each Trust are presented by code. Trust level findings Analyses presented in this section were conducted for each Trust individually and for the total sample to allow benchmarking. Data from each Trust are presented by code. Your Trust code is 40.
Trust level findings Distribution of age groups by Trust and in the total national sample The Trusts with the highest proportion of patients aged 15 years and under are on the left hand side of the Figure and the Trust with the lowest proportion on the right. This Figure allows Trusts to compare the demographic characteristics of their sample of patients against the total national sample.
Trust level findings Proportion of patients in each Trust for whom the indication for antipsychotic prescribing is clearly documented In this graph, and all subsequent graphs, the Trust(s) on the left hand side are closest to standard compliance, and the Trust(s) on the left are furthest. The bar on the extreme right shows the total national sample (TNS) This Figure relates to audit standard 1: For all children and adolescents prescribed antipsychotic medication the indication(s) for treatment with antipsychotic(s) should be documented in the clinical records.
Trust level findings Proportion of patients in each Trust for whom the continuing need for antipsychotic medication was reviewed in the past six months
Trust level findings Proportion of patients in each Trust and the total national sample with documented evidence in their clinical records of assessment of EPS in the past six months. This Figure relates to audit standard 2: For all children and adolescents prescribed antipsychotic medication, the side effects of antipsychotics should be reviewed at least once every six months. This review should include, as appropriate, the assessment of body weight, blood pressure, blood glucose, plasma lipids and raised plasma prolactin, and examination for the presence of extrapyramidal side effects (EPS).
Proportion of patients in each Trust with documented measure of: Trust level findings Proportion of patients in each Trust and the total national sample with documented measurement of body weight, blood glucose, plasma lipids and raised plasma prolactin in the past six months Proportion of patients in each Trust with documented measure of: Trust code Body weight Blood glucose Plasma lipids Plasma prolactin Trust 40 79% 6% 3% TNS 74% 38% 37% 32% This Table relates to audit standard 2: For all children and adolescents prescribed antipsychotic medication, the side effects of antipsychotics should be reviewed at least once every six months. This review should include, as appropriate, the assessment of body weight, blood pressure, blood glucose, plasma lipids and raised plasma prolactin, and examination for the presence of extrapyramidal side effects (EPS).
Team level findings Analyses presented in this section were conducted for each clinical team from your Trust individually, for your total Trust sample and for the total national sample to allow benchmarking. Data from each Trust clinical team are presented by code only. Only the Local Project Team Lead (LPTL) for your Trust or organisation has the key to team codes. You should contact this person if you need to identify data for your own particular team
Team level findings Distribution of age groups by team and in the total national sample The team with the highest proportion of patients aged 15 years and under are on the left hand side of the Figure and the team with the lowest proportion on the right. This Figure allows teams to compare the demographic characteristics of their sample of patients against the Trust, and the total national sample.
Team level findings Proportion of patients in each team for whom the indication for antipsychotic prescribing is clearly documented In this graph, and all subsequent graphs, the team(s) on the left hand side are closest to standard compliance, and the team(s) on the left are furthest. The bars on the extreme right show the Trust, and the the total national sample (TNS) This Figure relates to audit standard 1: For all children and adolescents prescribed antipsychotic medication the indication(s) for treatment with antipsychotic(s) should be documented in the clinical records.
Team level findings Proportion of patients in each team for whom the continuing need for antipsychotic medication was reviewed in the past six months
Proportion of patients in each Trust with documented measure of: Team level findings Proportion of patients in each team and the total national sample with documented measurement of body weight, blood glucose, plasma lipids and raised plasma prolactin in the past six months Proportion of patients in each Trust with documented measure of: Trust code Body weight Blood glucose Plasma lipids Plasma prolactin 40.28 67% 0% 40.30 86% 14% 40.31 72% 6% 40.32 100% Trust 40 79% 3% TNS 74% 38% 37% 32% This Table relates to audit standard 2: For all children and adolescents prescribed antipsychotic medication, the side effects of antipsychotics should be reviewed at least once every six months. This review should include, as appropriate, the assessment of body weight, blood pressure, blood glucose, plasma lipids and raised plasma prolactin, and examination for the presence of extrapyramidal side effects (EPS).
Team level findings Proportion of patients in each team and the total national sample with documented evidence in their clinical records of assessment of EPS in the past six months. This Figure relates to audit standard 2: For all children and adolescents prescribed antipsychotic medication, the side effects of antipsychotics should be reviewed at least once every six months. This review should include, as appropriate, the assessment of body weight, blood pressure, blood glucose, plasma lipids and raised plasma prolactin, and examination for the presence of extrapyramidal side effects (EPS).
What happens next... Want to find out more? Discussions within your Trust/team about your own practice. POMH will develop bespoke change interventions including opportunities for sharing good practice between services. A re-audit will be conducted in November 2011. Want to find out more? Ask to see a copy of the baseline report. The POMH lead for your Trust will have a paper and electronic copy of the full report.