Kenyan potato industry-Constraints Weak Seed systems, inadequate production of certified seed: less than 2% of the annual requirement of about 200,000 tonnes Pests and diseases Seasonality in production due to reliance on rain-fed production Soil fertility Degradation Low mechanization hence potential land for potato production is not utilized.
Kenyan potato industry-Constraints lack of appropriate storage facilities High Post-harvest losses (12%), losses due to other factors (7%) Non-adherence to packaging/measurement standards Limited value addition hence loss in value Missing produce aggregation systems Limited financial services geared to potato production due to high risk and market unreliability
Introduction to PIA PIA supports linkages between Kenyan and German institutions and companies to promote the potato sector in various levels of the value chain to benefit small scale farmers. Objective is to Develop an integrated approach for modernization of the Kenyan potato sector. Business model is centered around potato processing.
German Partners Solana and Europlant – Seed K+S Kali – Soil Fertility Bayer and Syngenta – Crop protection & management Grimme – Mechanization
Kenyan Partners National Potato Council of Kenya (NPCK) Syngenta & Bayer Crop Science MEA Limited- Fertilizer FMD - Machinery Agent International Potato Centre (CIP)- Demo management Kenya Plant Heath Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS) State Department of Agriculture Crop Directorate. Nyandarua County (Agricultural Mechanization Station, Agricultural Training Centre) Processors (PROPACK, NORDA, SERENI FRIES). Farmers - Lowland Farm (Large scale) Nyandarua, Meru, Bungoma county (small scale). Equity bank.
PIA Achievements Coordination and networking of key partners and information exchange between PIA partners. Testing of performance 3 new potato varieties: Jelly ,Caruso and Connect. Demonstration of mechanization: showcasing mechanization on potato production. Nyandarua county has bought a set that is being used by farmers. Soil Fertility: Fertilizer blend that is specific to potato production (N: P: K 16:8:22+2MgO+2S) is already available in the market.
More PIA Achievements Demonstration of Crop Protection: Integrated pest management programme. Processing: Engagement with processors NORDA and SERENI Fries. Financial services: Engagement with financial institutions mainly Equity bank for credit. Over 2000 farmers reached during field days.
Challenges faced in PIA implementation Cumbersome seed import procedures (under open quarantine- procedures) Synchronization of operations, especially mechanization High expectations from farmers High expectations by the processors for commercial volumes of varieties New varieties not easily acceptable in the market
Strategic areas of intervention Institutional Strengthening and intergration of stakeholder networks –into existing institutions at different levels of governance and within the subsector (NPCK,Counties, AFFA, MoALF, KEPHIS, KALRO, Universities, Private sector, ADC) Promote and empower farmers’ organizations to articulate concerns in production and marketing Strengthen research-extension linkages Review, harmonize and enforce existing potato standards for both local and export markets Strenghtening of seed systems (research, breeding, multiplication, storage, marketing) Ware potato storage