Out-of-the-Box Day 2017
This is Your Laptop You may install any programs and aps. You may play games. You may save music and pictures. You may personalize your laptop. Please do not remove identifying label.
WHILE AT IHA you May NOT Visit banned sites – (Tumbler, Twitter, Instagram …) Exceed your daily 1 GB traffic limit Watch movies (Netflix, Hulu … Listen to music online iCloud, Dropbox or other online storage Use Messages, Skype, Watsap… You will be BANNED from the network!!
MacBook Pro Compared to Previous Macs All charging, data transfer, connection to display, phone, etc. must be done through one of two USB C ports – NOT a typical USB. Still has headphone port. Hard Drive cannot be removed or swapped.
Included Software All standard MacBook Programs Microsoft Office Photos, iMovie, GarageBand, Photo Booth, etc. iTunes, iBooks, Maps Microsoft Office Google Chrome
Repairs You are covered by the following plans AppleCare (3 years) Any AppleStore will repair components that fail. IHA repair Reimage hard drive – restore to original state Can sometimes retrieve documents, pictures, etc… Accidental Damage IHA will repair 1st instance of major damage Cracked LCD Liquid on Motherboard
Loaners IHA will give you a loaner laptop if the repair is done thru IHA Keep documents backed up on an external Hard Drive, Jump drive or the cloud Moving many files to iCloud or Google Drive at school may put you over your daily limit
8 letter code Your computer must be “shared” as your 8 character code “21” – year of graduation. First 3 letter of last name. (Cap-lower-lower) First 3 letter of first name. (Cap-lower-lower) Thus Mary Smith is 21SmiMar
Accounts and Passwords The password for your laptop is “a”to install devices or change settings. You MAY change the password, BUT make sure your give Mr Hotz the password if left for repair. The account is student. Do not add another account
Connecting to the Internet IHA uses proxy servers for all student internet traffic In the Advanced Network Settings you’ll need to make sure that proxy servers are checked for Web Proxy and Secure Web Proxy WHILE AT IHA. A typical IHA Web Proxy Server is: The last digit may be 3 4 5 6 or 7
Wireless at Home You should be able to find your home wireless connection If it is encrypted you’ll need the password. If you reimage, you’ll need that password again. You need to uncheck the Proxy Server boxes in the System Preferences- Network – Advanced - Proxies You may use Safari or Chrome.
Do It Yourself Repairs Restart the laptop Pop-ups or Virus ? Hold power button down til it turns off. Pop-ups or Virus ? Use Malwarebytes in application folder Not getting to a website ? Use the other browser (Chrome or Safari) Try another Proxy
Cell Phones IHA cell phone policy dictates that phones may not be used from 7:50 – 1:50 except at lunchtime in the cafeteria. Turn you WiFi settings OFF on your phone. Use Airplane mode Your battery will last much longer. If WiFi is left on, phones will eventually be moved to a network which will not get internet. Phone reception is terrible in the school.
Any Questions?