Serge Diaghilev’s “Ballet Russe” 1909-1929 Diaghilev & Serge Lifar
The Diaghilev Ballet The Early Stars Karsavina << Fokine Giselle The Early Stars Karsavina << Fokine Nijinsky Le Carnaval
Polovtsian Dances from “Prince Igor” Paris 1909
Tamara Karsavina Les Sylphides Fokine/Chopin Paris 1909
THE NEED FOR REFORM INCLUDED COSTUMES Imperial Ballet tutus 1880-1912 [all the same except the overskirt] << La Fille du Pharon [modern production] note classic tutu/ ”local dress” contrast. A costume for a Fokine ballet >>
Firebird Fokine/Stravinsky Paris 1910 Karsavina’s costume – Bakst’s design
Firebird Karsavina/Fokine
Schéhérazade – 1910 Fokine/Rimsky-Korsakov/Bakst Nijinsky Fokine/Fokina
Le Dieu Bleu: 1911 Vaslav Nijinsky
Petrushka 1911 Fokine/Stravinsky/Benois
Le Spectre de la Rose: 1911 Nijinsky/Karsavina
Vaslav Nijinsky Le Spectre de la Rose Le Dieu Bleu Jeux 1911 1911 1913
Leon Bakst designs Daphnis & Chloe Afternoon of the Faun Schéhérazade 1912 1912 1910
L’Après-Midi d’un Faun 1912 Nijinski/Debussy
Nijinsky LE SACRE DU PRINTEMPS 1913 Stravinsky/Roerich
Massine/de Falla/Picasso Le Tricorne Massine/de Falla/Picasso 1919
Bronislava Nijinska’s LES NOCES – 1923 Music: Stravinsky
Nijinska & the Diaghilev Ballet in 1924 Le Train Bleu >> Les Biches
1927 Two of Diahilev’s experiments with modern themes Le Pas d‘Acier << La Chatte
Balanchine APOLLO MUSAGETE 1928 Music: Stravinsky
Balanchine – PRODIGAL SON 1929 Prokofiev / Rouault
Balanchine – PRODIGAL SON 1929