SCC P2P – Collaboration Made Easy Contract Management training Tina Jerzyk - Ariba Welcome everyone to Contract Management training. Note that everyone should have completed Procurement Workspace training before attending this course.
Search Before we leave today, let’s take a look at Ariba’s search and reporting capabilities. In general, you will want to conduct a search before you ever create a contract workspace, Procurement Workspace, or sourcing project to make sure there is not already an existing contract that meets your needs. You will also likely need to use search to find a contract before you amend it. Module 7
Access Search In the Search bar, click the drop down and select the type of document you’re seeking. You can access the Search interface from any Ariba dashboard. [Read the slide.] In the Search bar, Enter Search Criteria (Title, ID or any other term). Click the magnifying glass to start the search.
Enter Criteria and Click Search Enter criteria into the Search field. [Read the slide.] To search by multiple criteria, click the plus sign. Then, select the second criteria field. Click Search.
Work with the Results To narrow results, enter more criteria and click Search. Click Reset to clear the criteria and start a new search. To save the criteria for future use, click Save Search. [Read the slide.] If you save a search, a link to your search will appear in the left navigation area under My Saved Searches. Ariba saves the search criteria. Each time you click the link, Ariba will search the current database for all items that match your criteria. Note: Ariba’s default is to search within the results of your current search if you enter new criteria and click Search again. This is true even if the original search yielded no results. You will always need to click Reset to clear the original criteria and start a new search. Click the Title to open the Contract Workspace. Click the table icon to export results to Excel.
System Demonstration In this demonstration, you will see how to Search for a Contract Workspace [Read the slide.] URL–
Lab Activity Objective: Conduct a search Length: 10 minutes Refer to the Student Activity Guide for instructions [Read the slide to introduce the exercise. Show the participants which page to go to in the Student Activity Guide. Help students if they have questions during the activity.]
Reporting Ariba contains a number of reports that can help you track key metrics. Module 8
Access a Report Click Manage and select Prepackaged Reports. Click the type of report you want and select Open. Click the name of the report you want and select Open. You can access Ariba’s reports from any dashboard. In addition to Prepackaged Reports, you will see Public Reports and Personal Workspace. Here is what you will find under each: Prepackaged reports come standard with the Ariba application. Public Reports are any reports that the County’s Ariba team develops for use specifically for the County. There may not be any Public Reports created. The Personal Workspace allows you to save reports for personal use. For example, you can edit a prepackaged report to better meet your needs and then save your edited version to your Personal Workspace. All the reports use the same interface, so we will look just at the prepackage reports. [Read the slide.]
Refine the Data (Optional) Refine the report dates and other filters, and then click View Report. Some reports will offer you the option to filter the data included. If this option is available, you will always be able to specify the time range parameters. The other fields available for filtering will depend on the report you selected. You do not have to set any filters. [Read the slide.]
Customize the Report View Switch to Chart view. Add the report to the dashboard. Switch between Aggregate and Detail views. Export the report to Excel. All reports open in Pivot Table View, which works like a pivot table in Excel. [Read the slide.] Charts are not available for all reports, because some report structures are too complex to neatly fit into a bar chart or a pie chart. In addition, for reports that do have charts, the chart may only be available in some formats (ex. Bar chart but not pie chart). Switching to aggregate view makes it more likely that a chart will be available. Adding a report to your dashboard makes is available to you every time you access Ariba. The data will be refreshed daily. The data contained in the reports is refreshed daily, so items you created today may not appear yet. Drag fields here to add them to the pivot table. Filter the report. Drag or drop fields to the pivot table.
System Demonstration In this demonstration, you will see how to Run, edit and save a prepackaged report [Read the slide.] URL–
Lab Activity Objective: Run and edit a pre-packaged report Length: 10 minutes Refer to the Student Activity Guide for instructions [Read the slide to introduce the exercise. Show the participants which page to go to in the Student Activity Guide. Help students if they have questions during the activity.]