SCOOP Training -- April 2014 10/10/2017 SCOOP for the department business manager Session 1. Intro to Scoop Basics
Agenda Getting ready for SCOOP What is SCOOP and why would I use it? Getting around in SCOOP Hands-on Exercises 1 & 2– basic navigation warm-up Hints for customizing Excel Hands-on Exercises 3 & 4– refining queries Hands-on Exercises 5 & 6 – lists of Banner funds Hands-on Exercise 7 – Use Scoop to match a Banner report
Getting ready for SCOOP Install SCOOP on your computer Scoop only runs in Microsoft Excel on Windows (if you have a Mac you must run a Windows app inside it) You must have read access to Banner Finance at minimum; Banner HR & Payroll are helpful too. (If you can run standard Banner reports, you can run SCOOP queries) You must have basic understanding of Banner Finance concepts (fund, account, available balance, direct vs. indirect etc.) You must have reasonable proficiency in Excel No previous experience with SCOOP or other data query tools is necessary for this training course
How do I get Scoop? Install the Oracle client Install Scoop Problems? Call Chris Sherman 1-8778
What is SCOOP? Quick demo Developed at Virginia Tech in 2002; hosted and maintained in the Budget Office Sits inside Excel and allows you to pull data from the Banner data warehouse Provides an alternative to manually copying numbers from a Banner report Scoop is a data-getter, NOT a report writer Allows you to ask YOUR question, such as…
SCOOP Training -- April 2014 10/10/2017 Typical questions… FINANCE SUMMARY Show a list of all my department’s funds with the current direct balance FINANCE TRANSACTIONS Show all budget actions on any state fund in FY15. PAYROLL EARNINGS Show all earnings on fund 417282 since it began, by person & pay period. FUTURE SALARY COMMITMENTS Show all salary commitments on Dr. Ekkad’s funds for this semester, including fringe commitments; include name, fiscal period, begin and end date of future funding period. FUND DIMENSION Show a list of all active Banner funds in my college (not just my department) These were actual questions I had to ask on a particular workday. Each has these characteristics: I want specific columns, or pieces of information I have very narrow selection criteria or filtering Most involve summarizing numeric data at some level All data resides in the Data Warehouse Collecting from Banner screens or canned reports would be manual, slow and tedious
SCOOP Training -- April 2014 10/10/2017 More questions… CURRENT JOBS Show all the GRAs in my department and how they are funded Show everybody currently being charged to any returned overhead fund in my department; include name, per-pay salary, filled FTE, funding percentage. CURRENT EMPLOYEES Show list of faculty and staff in my department with salary, rank and tenure codes. FINANCE SUMMARY Show my department’s expenses for telecommunications charges for each fiscal period in the current fiscal year. These were actual questions I had to ask on a particular workday. Each has these characteristics: I want specific columns, or pieces of information I have very narrow selection criteria or filtering Most involve summarizing numeric data at some level All data resides in the Data Warehouse Collecting from Banner screens or canned reports would be manual, slow and tedious
Why use SCOOP? Makes the simple questions easier and quicker to answer Makes the complicated questions POSSIBLE to answer Gives you data-gathering super power (you can design your OWN reports) Puts data right into Excel where you want it It’s YOUR data – you should be able to get it
Everybody else Scoop user “Hey! Look what Zog do!”
Getting around in SCOOP Everything happens inside Excel A “query” is a single question that you ask You can have one query per tab (or sheet) All the queries get saved along with the Excel workbook. The query returns data to Excel in “list” format
SCOOP Training -- April 2014 10/10/2017 Excel “list” data A B C D E 1 FUND CODE FUND DESC ACCOUNT CODE ACCOUNT DESC ACTUAL AMT 2 121030 M E Salary 1110 Employee Fringe Benefits Bgt 0.00 3 11110 Employer Retirement Contributions 92,578.56 4 11120 FICA for Salaried Employees 181,616.98 5 11130 FICA for Wage Employees 2,575.48 6 11150 Medical/Hospitalization Insurance 299,291.00 7 11153 Medical/Hosp. Ins. - Grad Std 13,369.69 8 11160 Retiree Health Ins. Benefits 31,190.38 9 11170 Long-Term Disability Insurance 17,144.21 10 11180 Employer Retir. Contri - ORP 203,843.28 To qualify as an Excel “List”: First line contains text headers, preferably bold Remaining lines hold only data No white space No subtotals Data values appear on every line
Put Excel data in a “list” and you can… Rearrange rows (SORT) Rearrange columns Sum values Compute new values Hide columns Augment the data
Get a little fancier and you can… Subtotal Hide rows (with filters) Sum values by groups (with pivot tables) Make it presentation-quality
Get really fancy and you can… Getpivot Reference other sheets Vlookup and Hlookup
Hands-on Exercise 1: Basic Navigation Open the Business Managers Portal: Click on SCOOP and find the sample workbook and open it Scoop Session 1. xlsx Save to the desktop for the duration of this class. If prompted, agree to “Check Out” and then “Discard Checkout”. Get on tab 1-Warmup. Click Add-Ins, then click the ice cream cone to open Scoop (use your BANNER password). For now ignore the Scoop icon with the ‘X’ in front of it.
Basic Navigation (continued) Hands-on Exercise 1: Basic Navigation (continued) This is the SCOOP interface. In this first exercise, don’t do anything to it. Just click on the Export to Excel icon to run the query.
The result should look like this…
Build the query yourself Hands-on Exercise 2: Build the query yourself Get on tab 2-Acct List (which is empty) Open SCOOP In the Choose Model screen, click on the Plus sign next to Finance Select Account Dimension This is a “data model”, which allows you to ask questions along a particular line of inquiry, in this case getting lists of account codes and descriptions. Double-click on Account Dimension
Select Account Dimension and click OK
4. Click here to return the data to Excel 2. The “GET” box – drag the columns here that you want in your spreadsheet 1. These are the columns you can return to your spreadsheet 3. The “CHECK” box – specify exactly what rows you want
Drag these two columns to the “GET” box
Same result as before…
Warehouse Authorization Where does the data come from? BANNER database Banner Authorization Extracted nightly Banner reports Warehouse Authorization Data Warehouse (WHDB) SCOOP + Excel
Excel Quick Access Toolbar HINT: some handy commands to put on the Excel Quick Access Toolbar Sum Sort descending Right-click in this white space to customize the Quick Access Toolbar Sort ascending Filter Go straight to the Ice Cream Cone
Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar Move these to here
Get a list of Labor account codes Hands-on Exercise 3: Get a list of Labor account codes The Question: Show me a list of Banner account codes for labor only (salary & fringe); also include Account Subgroup and Object Code Create a new tab and call it 3-Labor. Open Scoop and select the Account Dimension. Get these columns: Account_Subgroup_Code Account_Subgroup_Desc Object_Code Object_Desc Account_Code Account_Desc Drag Account_Group_Code to the CHECK box. Click Values and select LD- Labor & Benefits etc.. Run it.
This is what you’re trying to produce…
1. Drag these six columns to the “GET” box 2. Then drag Account Group Code to the “CHECK” box
Click Values
Select the value LD and click OK
The CHECK box should look like this; now run the query
The result should look like this… Try sorting the results by Account Code. Turn on Data.. Filter and display only the Fringe codes HINT: Turn OFF Filtering before re-running your query
How Scoop behaves… 1. It returns the columns in the order you put them 2. It also sorts the rows by the column values in order
Some things you can do… Search for a column by name Change the column order with the UP and DOWN buttons Remove a column from the list
Some no-no’s Scoop doesn’t like FILTERS. Turn them off before re-running your query Don’t switch tabs while Scoop is open. It will lose track of which tab is asking the question. Here’s the error message: Open Excel only ONCE. Scoop doesn’t like it when you open multiple instances of Excel. You’ll have to close down the extra one, and possibly close Excel completely and open it fresh.
Refine your list of account codes Hands-on Exercise 4: Refine your list of account codes The Question: Notice how many rows are in the 3-Labor list. Also notice how many account codes are in object code 1142; then create another list with only the columns Account Subgroup and Object. Count the rows that were returned in the 3-Labor query. Filter the Labor results to display only the rows with Object Code 1142. How many are there? Create a new tab and call it 4-Labor Refined. Open Scoop and copy the query from the 3-Labor tab. Remove these columns: Account_Code Account_Desc Run the query. How many rows are there now, for 1142 and altogether? Run the query again adding the Count Records feature.
To copy a query… 1. Create a new tab 2. Start Scoop and click on the Copy tab instead of selecting a data model 3. Select the tab name that holds the query you want to copy
The results…
To use the Count Records feature… Check this box
Scoop counted all the rows it found, then removed any duplicates. Record Count tells you how many rows it found before collapsing the results.
While we’re in the Account Dimension, some handy columns: REVENUES : Dept Acct Category Code = ‘R’ DIRECT: Dept Acct Category Code = ‘D’ INDIRECT: Dept Acct Category Code = ‘I’ Use Account Subgroup to match the OSP budget categories:
The query to show the OSP budget categories…
Show the fringe account codes and percentages associated with each Labor account code
The query to show the fringe accounts and percentages…
Run a list of Banner funds in your department Hands-on Exercise 5: Run a list of Banner funds in your department The Question: Show all active Banner funds in my department with the available balance. Include the following: Start & End date Fund Class (shows federal vs. commercial) Fund Source (more categories of federal vs. commercial and others) Financial Manager (PI) Agency (Sponsor) OSP post-award admin Organization code Direct / Indirect / Total balance Get on the 5-Direct Bal tab and open Scoop. In the CHECK box, change ‘0103’ to your department number. Run it. Create a tab called 5-Indirect Bal and create a query for just indirect. Create a tab called 5-Total Bal and create a query for Direct + Indirect.
Change to your department number
The result…
The three tabs (Direct, Indirect, Total)…
Customize your own list of funds Hands-on Exercise 6: Customize your own list of funds The Question: Add or remove columns as you like to the established list of Banner funds & balances Create a new tab called 6-My Bal and open Scoop. Copy the query from 5-Direct Bal (just like in exercise 4). Add or remove the columns you like. Run it.
Use Scoop to match a Banner report Hands-on Exercise 7: Use Scoop to match a Banner report The question – Show me the travel and supplies expenses during August 2014 in each of the funds 121970, 233826, 450179 Run the Banner Account by Fund report for account 128 & 130 for the three funds…
Hands-on Exercise 7 continued Run the Banner Account by Fund report for account predecessors 128 & 130 for the three funds…
Returns the same numbers… The Scoop query… Returns the same numbers…