YOUNG LIFE Introducing adolescents to Jesus Christ and helping them to grow in their faith
What Staff Wish Committees Knew About Them Staff are the least trained and least confident in dealing with you. We have an unusual relationship – You are our boss/peer/parent/mentor We’re tremendously insecure about what we do vs. what the world does. We wonder about our value because only a minority in the community see our work as truly important. This may be true of our families and friends as well.
We’re insecure about really earning our pay and wonder if we work hard enough to deserve it. We don’t know much at all about money. We know we need more of your time to help you to be effective (be guests at camp, visit club, etc.) but we don’t want to ask. Sometimes there is a leadership vacuum with our young staff. We are not experienced to lead adults, and Committee people are not experienced to lead YL in a community.
Our schedule is impossible to understand and difficult to manage Our schedule is impossible to understand and difficult to manage. We never “turn off and check out”. This causes us family problems, guilt, insecurity, and frustration. Our younger staff often need serious help with elementary life skills. Taxes, understanding student loans, professionalism, mortgages and financing, retirement and investing, etc. are issues that many of us are unprepared to deal with as adults. Most of our staff see you as older, more experienced and therefore more capable leaders than ourselves. This makes it nearly impossible for us to create accountability for Committee people, and we tend to simply do the undone tasks and then either be discouraged, burned out, or complain.
We are accustomed to using language that often does not resonate with adults on Committee. “Throw your life in with us”, “Sold out to ministry”, “Dream with us”, etc. In other words, we major on relational and visionary concepts and are sometimes deficient on details on how to accomplish a task. We really do know a lot about how ministry should be done. We’re well trained and well supervised by senior staff. But it’s very tough for us to tell you that your well-intentioned idea is out of sync with the fundamentals of Young Life’s mission.
CHARACTERISTICS OF EFFECTIVE COMMITTEES 1. Are built on the right foundation 2. Have goals and action plans for success 3. Are structured to accomplish goals and plans 4. Understand authority and decision making in YL 5. Plan and hold effective meetings 6. Appreciate, celebrate, and say thanks 7. Evaluate themselves 8. Ensure adequate financial support #1-1
COMMITTEE STRUCTURE How a local Young Life committee organizes itself to accomplish the goals and action plans of the ministry. #3-1
DETERMINING STRUCTURE FACTORS TO CONSIDER Does an urban ministry have different committee structural needs? What type of committee structure is needed in a rural or suburban area? How many staff and how many Committee members? Does the area have one high school or more than one high school? Are there special programs or program needs? #3-2
TRADITIONAL STRUCTURE “The 2nd Grade Soccer Team” Model COMMITTEE Tasks #3-3
Use to attract new committee Use for long term or “retired” committee TIERED STRUCTURE CORE COMMITTEE Decision-Making Administration Event Driven Prayer/$ Use to attract new committee CENTRAL COMMITTEE Event Driven Prayer/$ FRIENDS OF YL Prayer/$ Minimal Events Use for long term or “retired” committee #3-5
ADULT COMMITTEE SIZE & COMPOSITION Size: The ideal number of committee members is between ten and twenty-four. Composition: The committee should reflect the composition of the community. Consider: Gifts/talents, age, race, gender, church/school affiliation, motivation to serve, qualifications #3-6
COMMITTEE MEMBER CHARACTERISTICS Walking faithfully with Christ Confident that God has called him or her to this role Interested in YL, YL leaders, and students Willing to share time, talents, and resources Involved and respected in the community #3-7
COMMITTEE MEMBER RESPONSIBILITIES Attend committee meetings Support local staff and volunteer leaders Take a leadership role in activities that support the local area Financially support Young Life Pray for the ministry Attend one YL activity-club/camp/other each year Make a two to three-year commitment #3-8
MEMBER RECRUITMENT DEVELOP AN INTENTIONAL PROCESS Pray for potential new committee members who possess certain characteristics Look for prospective members at YL activities Members/leaders brainstorm potential members Have staff approval prior to approaching prospective members Make sure prospective members understand their responsibilities #3-9
MEMBER SELECTION DEVELOP AN INTENTIONAL PROCESS (Con’t) Make personal contact to see if prospective members are interested Invite prospective members to a meeting to discuss expectations Make sure they go to camp! Also visit club. Solicit a two to three-year commitment after they have had time to pray about their response #3-10
COMMITTEE CHAIR CHARACTERISTICS Walking faithfully with Christ (Eph. 5:14-16) Confident that God has called him or her to this role (1 Tim. 3:1) A leader and a motivator Known and respected in the community (1 Tim. 3:10) 100 percent sold on YL, totally convinced of what we do and how we do it Experienced enough in YL to appreciate our strengths and understand our weaknesses Able to lead and facilitate meetings effectively In agreement with Young Life’s faith and conduct policies #3-13
COMMITTEE CHAIR FUNCTIONS Represents the committee to Young Life regional/national Stand alongside the staff and brings the rest of the committee along Maintain close relationships with the staff so staff can communicate needs and problems, as well as successes Act as a liaison and advocate between staff and committee Communicate issues of accountability from the committee’s perspective Build trust in the ministry Provide leadership in the recruitment, selection, retention and retirement of committee members Places committee members in positions to utilize their talents Lead in developing a vision for Young Life’s potential in the community #3-14
CHAIRPERSON RECRUITMENT & SELECTION DEVELOP AN INTENTIONAL PROCESS Identified/approved by Area Director Approached by Area Director/key committee member(s) Gain committee support for candidate If you have more than one good candidate, let committee select #3-15
PLANNING EFFECTIVE MEETINGS Monthly meetings best Set day, date, time well in advance 90-minute meeting Plan with A.D. Develop agenda and send out ahead of meeting Think about flow of meeting: spiritual or devotional time, ministry update, old business, new business. Make it more than business. Fun is OK! Take minutes and send them out Special meetings may be necessary #5-1
HOLDING EFFECTIVE MEETINGS Guidelines Start and end meetings on time Set goals and work in teams Let members talk and share ideas Allow members time to develop relationships Keep the meeting moving Utilize process strategies #5-2
COMMITTEE DISCIPLINE Action Steps Committee chair & area director work together on difficult committee member issues Meet with committee member(s) Express concern Listen to response carefully Determine appropriate action #5-3
Event Based Fundraising Banquets may be imperative in a new area to expose people to the vision and scope of the ministry Very useful for celebrating the work and appreciating donors Can be an efficient way to reach lot of people with comparatively little effort Our least effective means of fundraising – impersonal! Requires strong leadership and a total team effort Must be made relational by committed hosts and personal invitations Requires follow-up! Both attendees and non-attendees #5-3
Relational fundraising Examples TDS Coffees, businessperson breakfasts, small dinner parties and desserts Invitations to YL events #5-3
Relational fundraising Requires a lot of initiative and personal ownership by Committee Our most effective means of fundraising Most consistent with our ministry style Builds relationships and fosters deeper involvement, perhaps Committee or other ministry functions Particularly effective in new/old areas Must be made relational by committed hosts and personal invitations #5-3