GCSE ART & DESIGN EXAM CHECKLIST Annotate ( make written notes) to show your responses to artist’s work to show you understand their work to show how it helps YOU develop your ideas on the theme Experiment with a range of materials draw with pencil, pen, coloured pencil, use collage, oil pastels and different paints . Show all experiments even if you think they are not successful and explain why Drawings and Paintings are high quality and show a good range of tones Written work is easy to read and uses good English. Show your plan for your final piece and explain how it has developed from your research including artists work and your experiments . Explain the meaning and aim of your work and how you plan to make it. If you are planning a painting, practice painting in your sketch book especially of any tricky areas like faces or trees etc. If you are working in 3D practice modelling, if you are printing practice that etc. Make sure you have all the visual research you need for your final idea e.g. photos of people in poses or buildings to work from. You can and must bring your sketchbook into the exam to work from. It is the key to the success of your exam. GCSE ART & DESIGN EXAM CHECKLIST Present all work in a beautifully or creative way that shows your best skills. Title Page Visual Brainstorm of Theme Photos taken by you on the theme including people, places and objects Drawings made by you on the theme Visit Gallery or place of interest e.g. riverside, park or theatre building and collect resources by photography, drawing & notes. Review – explain your thoughts so far and your ideas for further exploration so the story of your work is clear. Find magazine, newspaper or internet information that helps you generate ideas in your area of interest. Find at least 3 artists related to the theme and respond to their work by copying all or part of it and/or making your own work in response in a similar way.
Assessment Objectives AO1 Develop ideas through investigations, demonstrating critical understanding of sources. Developing Ideas and Researching Artists. This assessment objective looks at how you develop your ideas based on the information you have gathered from looking at the work of others (different artists etc.) as well as primary research (first hand objects, visits, drawings, photographs etc.) and secondary research (magazines, internet books etc.) ‘contextual’ sources (related materials and areas of research to help you to generate ideas for your own work.) Top tip for achieving a high mark for this objective... Make your work tell a visual story and allow your ideas, drawings and practical work to fully explain to the moderator about your journey through your project. Your annotations and written comments should support your practical work – not be used to fill gaps on the page or make up for underdeveloped practical work!
Assessment Objectives AO2 Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting and experimenting with appropriate media. Materials, techniques and processes. Experimentation and Improvement. This assessment objective looks at how well you have used the art materials and equipment to generate ideas, as well as your ability to evaluate the processes to inform your further development towards your final outcome. Top tip for achieving a high mark for this objective... make sure that you keep ALL of your experiments, even if something doesn’t go to plan still keep it. As long as you discuss why it didn’t work and what you have learnt from the process, this will show that you understand the limitations of the materials.
Assessment Objectives AO3 ‘Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to their intentions in visual and/or other forms’ Visual Work and Writing. This assessment objective looks at how you document and record your ideas as well as the way you present your findings from research and related sources. Top tip for achieving a high mark for this objective... think carefully about how you communicate your visual work – if drawing with a pencil isn’t your strongest skill, try using more expressive materials like oil pastels. Remember that this section also assesses how well you write.
Assessment Objectives AO4 ‘Present a personal, informed and meaningful response demonstrating critical understanding, realising intentions and, where appropriate, making connections between visual, oral or other elements’ Final Piece and how it links to your Sketchbook. This assessment objective looks at how you use the information gathered from your research and development work to create a final piece. So as much as it’s a mark for the piece you make in the exam, it also takes into account how it’s been planned out and how it links to your artist/s. Top tip for achieving a high mark for this objective... think carefully about how you will make your work, you are marked on the quality of your final piece as well as how well your final piece/s show links with your research and development work – Have a design in sketchbook and annotate to show you will go about making it in the exam. Also say how it shows influences from your research, both artists you’ve looked at and how it’s developed from previous compositions. Explain the meaning behind your imagery (what does it show or mean).
AO1 Target AO3 AO4 GCSE ART & DESIGN Name Grade AO2 Develop ideas through investigations, demonstrating critical understanding of sources. Marks for Showing the story of your developing work & ideas, your drawings, photos, artist investigations, ideas etc. use annotation to make your thinking clear to the examiner. Copies of sculptors drawings and LTL annotated notes. Portrait drawing. Wire sculpture photo. Frida Khalo painting and LTL annotated notes. Visual research for Self Portrait in style of Frida. Grade Target AO2 Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting and experimenting with appropriate media. Materials, techniques and processes. Marks for how well you have used a range of art materials (media)and equipment to experiment & generate ideas. Show you evaluate your work as it progresses to help it develop further towards your final outcome. Annotations to show that you reflect on your learning and experimentation in your sketchbook. Use a range of media, wire, pencil, chalk, paint AO3 Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions as work progresses. Marks the skill of your drawing, painting , modelling, graphic presentation and use of English language and vocabulary. Work should also be meaningful and related to your investigations. Skill of your drawing, wire modelling, painting and chalk and charcoal work. Sketchbook should make sense and work should be labelled. AO4 Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and demonstrates understanding of visual language. You are marked on the quality of your final piece and your planning e.g. you need to show that it has developed from your sketchbook investigations and is personal and meaningful to you showing your visual language skills to the best of your ability. Chalk drawing and wire sculpture, including planning. GCSE ART & DESIGN Name
AO1 Marks for Showing the story of your developing work & ideas, your drawings, photos, artist investigations, ideas etc. use annotation to make your thinking clear to the examiner. Copies of sculptors drawings and LTL annotated notes. Portrait drawing. Wire sculpture photo. Frida Khalo painting and LTL annotated notes. Visual research for Self Portrait in style of Frida. Grade Comments/Targets AO2 Marks for how well you have used a range of art materials (media)and equipment to experiment & generate ideas. Show you evaluate your work as it progresses to help it develop further towards your final outcome. Annotations to show that you reflect on your learning and experimentation in your sketchbook. Use a range of media, wire, pencil, chalk, paint. Visual Brainstorm AO3 Marks the skill of your drawing, painting , modelling, graphic presentation and use of English language and vocabulary. Work should also be meaningful and related to your investigations. Skill of your drawing, wire modelling, painting and chalk and charcoal work. Sketchbook should make sense and work should be labelled. Observational drawings and Ekaterina Panikanova h/l AO4 You are marked on the quality of your final piece and your planning e.g. you need to show that it has developed from your sketchbook investigations and is personal and meaningful to you showing your visual language skills to the best of your ability. Chalk drawing and wire sculpture, including planning. Self Portrait in charcoal and chalk Comments/Target GCSE ART & DESIGN Jan 2017 Name
AO1 Marks for Showing the story of your developing work & ideas, your drawings, photos, artist investigations, ideas etc. use annotation to make your thinking clear to the examiner. Copies of sculptors drawings and LTL annotated notes. Portrait drawing. Wire sculpture photo. Frida Khalo painting and LTL annotated notes. Visual research for Self Portrait in style of Frida. Grade Comments/Targets AO2 Marks for how well you have used a range of art materials (media)and equipment to experiment & generate ideas. Show you evaluate your work as it progresses to help it develop further towards your final outcome. Annotations to show that you reflect on your learning and experimentation in your sketchbook. Use a range of media, wire, pencil, chalk, paint. Visual Brainstorm AO3 Marks the skill of your drawing, painting , modelling, graphic presentation and use of English language and vocabulary. Work should also be meaningful and related to your investigations. Skill of your drawing, wire modelling, painting and chalk and charcoal work. Sketchbook should make sense and work should be labelled. Observational drawings and Ekaterina Panikanova h/l AO4 You are marked on the quality of your final piece and your planning e.g. you need to show that it has developed from your sketchbook investigations and is personal and meaningful to you showing your visual language skills to the best of your ability. Chalk drawing and wire sculpture, including planning. Self Portrait in charcoal and chalk Comments/Target GCSE ART & DESIGN Jan 2017 Hand in Sketchbook Today Make sure all work is complete If you have done everything make more observational drawings today. You will need a small paintbrush and paints for the homework over the next few weeks. Name