Monochromatic Painting Painting with one color plus black and white
Vocabulary For This Lesson Hue = A color’s name. Monochromatic= of only one color. A monochromatic painting uses a single hue plus black to shade and white to tint. Shade = to add black to a color to achieve darker hues. Tint = to add white to a color to achieve lighter hues.
Recall Prior Learning Value Scale Done in black and White showing all of the middle grays in between. This will be applied to your Monochromatic painting to achieve as many hues of one color as possible.
Value scale in pencil applied to a sphere Notice the direction of the implied light source
This how the value scale that you created last week applies to this project. The achievement and technique are the same only in color.
Possible color choices with Value scale applied monochromatically.
This how the monochromatic color scale can be applied to a painting This how the monochromatic color scale can be applied to a painting. Notice all of the values that were pulled from that 1 shade of green.
What is tinting in art? What is shading in art? Here it is in red. The artist used more white and tinted rather than shaded this chart. What is tinting in art? What is shading in art?
Here are some paintings done with a red monochromatic color scheme. This one is abstract. What does abstract mean?
Still life. What is still life? This is a portrait. What is a portrait? Who is the artist this portrait? Still life. What is still life?
Blue color scheme Landscape with 1 point perspective. Things get ______as they go back into space?
Is this painting abstract or still life? What is a painting of a person called?
Project Agenda/ Directions 1. Decide if you want to create a still life, portrait, landscape or abstract painting. Challenge yourself. You may surprise yourself! 2. Practice sketching your idea on notebook paper if needed. Then begin your drawing onto large paper. Sketch lightly. Why? 3. Once your pencil drawing is complete then you must choose a color to use. Choose a hue from which you can easily achieve many values by tinting and shading. Here’s a tip: yellows and oranges do not turn out as well as reds and cool colors.
Raise your hand if you have any questions? 4. Practice pulling the values from your paint color on scratch paper. Make yourself a value chart in your color choice as a guide if you need. 5. Plan out your values before you start applying paint to your finished drawing. It is easier to start with your darkest values and work your way towards the lighter ones in still life, portraits and landscapes. 6. Take your time. Be neat. Be quiet and productive daily. Behave as an artist. Clean up behind yourself daily. Raise your hand if you have any questions?