Staff survey: Your SAY 2016 Managers’– Presentation for Staff July 2016
Agenda Why are we doing a staff survey? Who is invited to participate? Why should I complete the survey? Who conducts the survey? When will it take place? How do I access the survey and how long does it take? What will happen to the results Who can I ask for help? Where can I find more information? What happens next?
Why are we doing a staff survey? Why do you think a staff survey is important ? Ask your staff to share why they think a staff survey is important?
Why are we doing a staff survey? A staff survey gives all of us an opportunity to express our views about our organisation – how it is doing and how we can improve. It will indicate whether our efforts to change have had the desired impact … and will identify where we should best focus our efforts to have a positive impact on our future. At a University level it will help us understand and take action on: branding and culture change and innovation strategic projects job satisfaction career development leadership teamwork communication.
Why are we doing a staff survey? Our survey objectives for this year are: To obtain feedback from as many staff as possible and to use this feedback as a new baseline against which goals will be set for improvements and to measure our effectiveness as an organisation going forward. To establish benchmarks so that the University is able to compare how it is tracking over time (staff surveys take place every 2-3 years and this will be our fifth staff survey). To identify ways to improve the working environment for all employees. To help us align our people strategies with the University’s vision and goals.
WIIFM – why should I complete the survey? WIIFM - What is in it for me? We all have a voice and this is your opportunity to say what you think in order to effect change. Your feedback will not only make a difference at your work unit level but also at the University level. Your responses ARE CONFIDENTIAL and anonymous (managed by a third party, secure website. We cannot identify who has or has not completed the survey, ie, we cannot link responses to individuals).
Who is invited to participate in the survey We encourage all staff to participate in the survey. This include continuing (part-time and full-time), fixed term and casual/sessional staff. The survey will take about 20 to 30 minutes to complete and you will have a two week time frame to complete the survey.
Who conducts the Survey We utilise the services of a third party research and consulting company called the Voice Project. This will be the fifth survey conducted for Macquarie by Voice Project which has advantages for us: We can directly measure improvements or declines from the last survey (historical benchmarking) We can use a survey that has been tailored for the higher education sector. It is a unique opportunity to benchmark directly against the sector.
When will it take place? The survey will GO LIVE on 8 August and staff will be given two weeks to complete the survey. ( the survey closes on 19 August) This is what you can expect… Pre Survey: prepare and design Jan - Jul Survey - Go live ! 8 - 19 Aug Result analysis SEP Feed back results Oct/Nov Action planning and monitoring Dec - Jan + Communication : Plan, follow up, inform, involve. Project management : Planning , resources, budget, monitoring OFFICE I FACULTY I DEPARTMENT
Who can I ask for help… Line manager Survey champions Each faculty/office has also appointed survey champions who will support managers to: Encourage participation and assist with staff queries Follow up on response rates Assist managers in the localised interpretation of results Encourage/advise/coach managers and teams on action planning Foster ongoing momentum with action planning. As your line manager, my role is to : Encourage you to complete the survey Feed back results of the survey Develop action plans post survey around areas we need to change and focus on. Can you think of other things you can do to support the process in your local team? What will work /won’t work in your area?
Where can I find more information? Website Ask your line manager Local survey champion HR Managers Ask the Project team Ask Voice Project
What happens next? ALL staff to complete the survey on or before 19 August (GO LIVE – 8 August) Remember it will take approximately 20 to 30mins to complete Survey : University level results will be made available in October/November I plan to discuss our areas results with you later in November We can then identify : what this means for our work environment how we can draft a meaningful action plan to address those things we need to improve on and to build on our strengths.