Thurston Thrives Community Design Action Team Create safe, convenient abundant opportunities for physical activity, so that… Partnership with local governments and non-profits: Cities Intercity Transit Thurston County Olympia Safe Streets, and Woodland Trail Greenway Association People are physically active in their daily lives.
Community Design – Key Indicators Outcomes: Percent of adults (58%) and youth (35%) meeting physical activity standards Percent of young people walking or bicycling to school = 34% Strategy Measures Proportion of housing located within ½ mile of an activity center (less than half) # of trail miles (56 multiuse path miles) # of new or improved connector paths (1 per year) Proportion of new housing that meets definition of walkable ? ?
2016 - 2017 Action Plan Healthiest Cities & Counties Challenge – Trail Walkshed Project Connector Paths Benches and Wayfinding Signage <Link to Trail Walkshed Story Map> <Link to Benches Inventory> Safe Routes to School, etc.
Trail Walkshed Data Tool (GeoForm) – 2016-2017
Trailside Benches, Thurston Regional Trails – June 2017
From Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (
Objective 3 (Align regulatory framework) - Improve plans and policies, development codes and design standards, and provide tools and learning opportunities, to ensure that new public and private projects result in a community form that supports active transportation (i.e. enables and encourages walking, bicycling and otherwise being active). Key Indicator: Public plans and projects, and private development integrate active transportation measures. Examples include: Plans and Standards Comprehensive plans and zoning (land use) Development and engineering guidelines and standards Transportation plans Parks and recreation plans Capital facility plans and investments (transportation, parks, other public facilities) New school siting criteria Development Short and long plats Public and private buildings 5-Year Target: Because of the subjective nature of this indicator and the lack of resources to conduct a detailed evaluation of plans and resulting development, the focus will be on TRPC or Thurston Thrives staff convening an initial meeting of long-range planning, public works engineering, and development review staff to share information and discuss progress to date and challenges of encouraging exercise through active community design.
Convening of Thurston Region’s Development Review, Long-Range Planning, Parks and Public Works Staff on Active Community Design Topics: Recent plans and policies that establish the regulatory framework encouraging and requiring active community design. (Led by long range planning/engineering staff) Examples of local public and private development projects that successfully incorporated elements of active community design. (Led by development review staff) Publically funded infrastructure projects that incorporated elements of active community design. (Led by parks/public works engineering staff) When: Early 4th Qtr of 2017 Ask: The Thurston Thrives Community Design Action Team requests that the Transportation Policy Board recommend that TRPC allocate staff resources to support the organization and facilitation of this meeting.
Go to Contact: Chris Hawkins, Community Engagement, Evidence and Partnerships Manager Thurston County Public Health and Social Services (360) 867-2513 Commissioners, again, thanks very much for having me here today. May I answer any questions? Q&A For further information, you can go to our website or visit us on social media. Please feel free to contact me, or Chris Hawkins, who is the Public Health lead on this initiative. Good afternoon.