Combined Arms C2 Training Upgrade System (CACCTUS) AMSC Conference 17 January 2008 Bryan Cole
CACCTUS Program Description REQUIRED OPERATIONAL CAPABILITY FOR THE COMBINED ARMS STAFF TRAINER (CAST); CHANGE 2 (NO. TNG 491.4.1) STATEMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT: The Marine Corps requires a Combined Arms Staff Trainer (CAST) capable of providing realistic fire support training for Marine Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF) elements up to and including the Marine Corps Expeditionary Brigade (MEB) level. The trainer will exercise various MAGTF staff elements in fire support employment, coordination, and integration. It will visually display the impact of supporting arms fire and the target engagement battlespace geometry in relation to maneuver forces. In addition, the CAST upgrade will continue to support training the terminal controller to acquire the target, fire agencies to prosecute the target, and observers reporting the effects of fires. The CAST facility will be able to utilize current and pending MAGTF tactical data systems used in the coordination and clearance of fires for MAGTF forces. The CAST is required at the Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command (MAGTFTC), Twenty-nine Palms, California, the Marine Corps. Air Station (MCAS) Kaneohe Bay, Camp LeJeune, Camp Pendleton, and Camp Butler. The CAST will be used to prepare for live-fire and to provide essential fire support training throughout the Operating Forces. Provides the live, virtual and constructive training system architecture.
Combined Arms C2 Training Upgrade System (CACCTUS) C4I Systems Integrated High-Res Combat Simulation w/AAR
CACCTUS Program (OneSAF related) OneSAF is the selected entity simulation engine C4I Adapter is selected OneSAF Interface Co-developer Relationship FDC Agent Integration of Contractor Controller Simulation Manager Tools Interface Visualization 3D Models and Terrain User Interfaces Development Intelligent After Action Enhancements Marine Corps Centric Functionality Flyout artillery Hellfire effects Mortar fire rates
CACCTUS Build 4.0 Capability OneSAF Version 1.0 C4I Adapter C2PC PLI AFTADS Call For Fire CARD (CACCTUS AAIRS Runtime Database) Repository for runtime data collected to support after action review Visualization SOFviz Virtual Communications Marine Corps Digital Voice (MDV) Training Application 29 Palms: Deliberate Assault Course and Practical Applications FiST Camp Pendleton: CAS and FO/FAC Marines train with OneSAF today (CACCTUS Build 4.0)
Deliberate Assault Course (Motorized/Mechanized) Participants GCE: Infantry Bn COC consisting of S-3, S-2, and FSCC Mechanized or motorized infantry company (Tm Mech option) Tank platoon (Tm Tank option) Organic weapons platoon TOW/HMG section Obstacle Clearing Detachment 81mm mortar section Recon Team. Artillery battery ACE: FW and RW CAS Purpose: The DAC is a reinforced infantry battalion, single maneuver element deliberate attack in sector requiring decision-based tactics. Description: Isolate and cordon an urban area, using combined arms, and attack and support by fire positions. Once the cordon is established, breach likely IED areas along avenues of approach. HIGH INTENSITY COMBINED ARMS MISSION REHEARSAL
FiST Prac App Training Objectives Terminal Learning Objective(s): With the aid of references and a tactical scenario, plan for and execute hasty and planned fires in offensive and defensive scenarios using Fixed and Rotary Wing Aviation with Artillery and mortars, and select triggers that support fire plans in a defensive scenario.
Close Air Support (CAS) FO/FAC Suppression of Enemy Air Defense Target marking (3D) Terminal Control COMMS C2
CCSM: simplified interfaces… Control Workstation Purpose Master Control Workstation (MCW) Consolidates and centralizes essential simulation-wide assignment and control functions. Provides access to all other CCSM Workstations. Ground Unit Control Workstation (GUCW) Enables an operator to manually control maneuver of one or more ground units/entities and to direct-fire weapons under unit/entity control. Air Unit Control Workstation (AUCW) Enables an operator to pass 9-Line Brief information to a virtual pilot during Close Air Support (CAS) operations. Indirect Fire Workstation (IFW) Provides comprehensive planning and execution control over all fire missions required to support Combined Arms operations, including Indirect Fire Series, Fire Groups, and Fire Missions. Ability to task unit/entity types include Artillery, Mortars, Naval Surface Fire Support (NSFS), Close Air Support (RWA, FWA), and direct fire assets as needed to provide Support By Fire operations.
CACCTUS Intelligent AAR Tools: Debrief Constructor Main screen Detail screen Detail screen, preview mode Debrief Presentation tool Similar to preview mode of Debrief Constructor Goal: quick review of “what happened”: 3D vignette playback with audio from comms Causal explanations Descriptive information (eg, about a conflict) Clear picture of coordination and timing
Debrief Constructor, Preview Mode Preview mode with 3D visualization Event Timeline provides context for visual view Tasks: Preview playback of from the Marine Corps Digital Voice virtual comms system and SofVIZ visual Review and adjust saved settings for camera positions and angles Review events to place vignette start time
Debrief Presentation Tool
CACCTUS Way Ahead… Continue OneSAF Co-Developer Relationship Collaboration on related development Handovers: early and often CACCTUS User Workshops – incorporate feedback Research and Development of advanced concepts LVC IOC – September 2008 Field Simulation Baseline to remaining four CASTS FOC – September 2011
FY08 Development Plan Dynamic Tasking Allow system users to change parameters of executing orders within the CAST system Task Organization and Structure Tool (TOAST) Enable the CAST staff to combine artillery, fixed wing aircraft, rotary wing aircraft, ground vehicles, infantry and unmanned aircraft into Off The Shelf (OTF) units Integrate rules of engagement (ROE), formations, reactions, movement, engagement, calls for fire and communication relationships within the OTS unit Environment Protocol Data Unit (PDU) Enable objects (such as obstacles) to be shown in the 3D display Aggregate PDU Allow multiple entities in a unit to be aggregated for 3D representation as a Mil-Std-2525B unit symbol.