Historic People #3 Hitler and Nazi Germany World History Unit 6
Essential Question What led to Adolf Hitler's rise to power and the Nazis ruling Germany? Consider this in your answer: Realizing that his book with his views had been written and published – do you think the German people knew what kind of person he was or do you think they were just blinded by his many promises?
Hitler in WWI Hitler fought for Germany in the Western Front during WW I He was a runner, bringing messages through the trenches He was wounded twice and was hospitalized after being temporarily blinded by mustard gas
Nazism Adolf Hitler was an early recruit to the Nazi party. The party tried to take over Germany in 1923 but failed. Hitler was imprisoned for trying to seize power with other Nazis’ and was arrested While in prison he wrote about his vision for Germany. The book Mein Kampf means “My Struggle”
Mein Kampf Hitler wrote his views in his book in 1923. They included: Extreme German nationalism Strong anti-Semitism Anticommunism Superior nation (like Germany) has right to expand to other countries Superior individuals (like him) should have absolute power
After reading these quotes from his book, would you have elected him leader of your country?
Adolph Hitler Hitler was an anti-communist, and was a fan of Italy’s Mussolini He was a skilled and persuasive speaker who rose to power in Germany by legal means
Rise to Power Hitler gained control over Germany through lawful means He was appointed chancellor by then German President Hindenburg and allowed to create a new government He got the Reichstag (parliament) to pass The Enabling Act which gave him power to ignore the Constitution in order to solve German problems
Chancellor, then Fuhrer Chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945 Führer (Leader) of Nazi Germany from 1934 to 1945. Extremely anti-Semitic -Stripped Jews of German citizenship and property (and all dignity) -Had millions of Jews killed in concentration camps He created the SS to eliminate anyone who opposed him
Why Germans Supported Hitler Germany had very high unemployment during the Great Depression, and Hitler promised jobs Reparations from WWI had been VERY harsh. Hitler promised to bring back dignity to the “superior race” (Germans) He promised to create a new Germany and appealed to German national pride and honor and traditional militarism Hitler promised to protect Germany against a Communist takeover
What Hitler Did with his Power Civil service (government jobs) was purged of Jews and any democratic element Concentration camps (prisons) were set up for opponents of Nazis Trade unions were abolished All political parties except Nazis were abolished Public officials and soldiers had to swear loyalty to the Fuhrer (Leader).
The Nazi State, 1933-1939 Hitler wanted to develop Germany into an Aryan racial state to dominate Europe (and possibly the world) for generations His empire of Nazi Germany would be the Third Reich (Holy Roman Empire and German Empire from 1871-1918 were considered First and Second)
How Hitler Built His Power He put people back to work through public works projects, but mainly through rearmament program (building up of the military) Controlled opposition with SS Held mass demonstrations, like Nuremberg party rallies, to get people excited
How Hitler Maintained Power He set up youth groups for ages 10-18 All youth were expected to join. Nazi values were taught and reinforced with the youth
Nazi Youth Propaganda 1934 Hitler propaganda
Hitler initiated Anti-Semitic Policies Nuremberg laws Kristallnacht (night of shattered glass)
World War II and the Holocaust Hitler leads Germany into WW II Hitler’s “Final Solution” (extermination of the Jewish people) …..to be continued in Unit 7
Essential Question What led to Adolf Hitler's rise to power and the Nazis ruling Germany? Consider this in your answer: Realizing that his book with his views had been written and published – do you think the German people knew what kind of person he was or do you think they were just blinded by his many promises?