Did life in Germany improve for all the people? Economic and Social Policy Unemployed- National labour corp, Invisible unemployment, Rearmament TU is his German Labour Front- Volkswagen scheme Women- Nazi ideal Marriage 12 August 3 K Kinder Kuche Kirche loans to set up home Youth- Education, Hitler Youth Racial and religious policy Policy- Master race (Aryan) Subhumans, selective breeding, removal of Jews- schools (star of David) text books, 1935 Nuremberg laws- citizenship marrying 1938 banned from schools Kristallnacht Nov 1938 10000 shops destroyed, 100 Jewish people killed- fined 1 billion marks to clear it up. 1939 April evicted from homes- ghettos Did life in Germany improve for all the people? Political policy Police state- SS 1934 Himmler and 50000 Gestapo- Secret state police Heydrich 160000 arrested Legal system- Nazified courts, Concentration work camps Government- Fuhrer, Reichstag cabinet- led by Hitler Propaganda and censorship- Goebbels radio, books, papers films Arts- music theatre, architecture Art- simple peasant lives, Grand buildings emphasise power and strength Religious groups- Catholic church- 1933 concordat broke it Sent to conc camps 400 priests to Dachau Protestant church- Pastors emergency league Confessional church Niemoller, Bonhoeffer Reich church- swastika Mein Kampff