NNOHA Workforce Committee Update Wayne W. Cottam DMD, MS Monday, November 2, 2009
OBJECTIVES Introduce you to NNOHA’s Workforce Committee, Summarize available Health Center dental workforce data, and Remind you of NNOHA’s available resources
Workforce Committee NNOHA’s first HRSA cooperative agreement in 2007 dictated the establishment of a Workforce Committee dedicated to finding ways to fill Health Center vacancies and compile best practices for recruitment and retention. NNOHA is currently in its second collaborative agreement with HRSA; the agreement is active until 2011.
2007 HEALTH CENTER DENTAL DATA 734 Health Centers with dental services Dentists 2,107.50 (FTE) Dent. Encounters 5,623,942 Dental Hygienists 806.01 (FTE) Hyg. Encounters 1,080,580 Dental Assistants, Aides, and Technicians 3,985.70 (FTE) Total Patients 2,808,418 Total Encounters 6,704,522
2007 HEALTH CENTER DENTAL DATA (Cont’d) A recent report by the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) 48% of Health Centers reported at least one dentist vacancy Almost half of all rural Health Centers have had a vacant dentist position for 7 months or more. Nationwide In 2006 there were 169,895 professionally active dentists but only 1% (1,691) dedicated their career to serve Health Center patients. Nationwide there is a growing shortage of dentists, with more dentists retiring or leaving the profession than graduate each year.
NNOHA’S WORKFORCE RESOURCES Job Bank NNOHA hosts a job bank to list Health Center dental vacancies at http://www.nnoha.org/dentalcareers.html. NNOHA members may post openings for free for any dental staff from Dental Directors to Assistants. From our research we estimate there are between 150 to 200 vacancies for Health Center dental positions. Currently, 67 are detailed on NNOHA’s website.
NNOHA’S WORKFORCE RESOURCES (Cont’d) www.nnoha.org also has links to PCA job boards, other career resources like NHSC, 3RNet, and AT Still University. Workforce specific portion of the website: http://www.nnoha.org/workforce.html Employer Compensation Analysis Salary and Employment Statistics State Practice Acts
NNOHA’S WORKFORCE RESOURCES (Cont’d) NNOHA’s Quarterly Newsletter is another forum for sharing recruitment/retention expertise: “The Benefits of Student Rotations” – August 2009 Issue “Dental Hygienists are a Cost-Effective Part of the Solution” – February 2009 Issue 2009 Salary Survey Results
Partnerships Sharing the list of vacancies with our partners Advertising the NNOHA Job Bank through ADA
Thank You to the NNOHA Workforce Committee Mary Altenberg Dr. Pat Mason-Dozier Dr. Buddhi Shrestha, Dr. Steve Geiermann, Terry Hobbs (NNOHA Staff), Mitsuko Ikeda (NNOHA Staff) Dr. Wayne Cottam (Chair) Dr. David Rosenstein Dr. Neil Demby Dr. Rene Rosas Dr. Cecilia Edwards Dr. Larry Hill Dr. Amy Lalick-Tomes Dr. Bob Russell Dr. Jim Sutherland Anna Erikson
THANK YOU Wayne W. Cottam DMD, MS NNOHA Workforce Committee Chair Associate Dean for Community Partnerships Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health AT Still University of Health Sciences wcottam@atsu.edu NNOHA www.nnoha.org 303-957-0635